As someone about to get a bachelors in hospitality management...

As someone about to get a bachelors in hospitality management, restaurants is always an option but I have a bad feeling about the future of restaurants. You look at restaurants like longhorn and all you see are boomers or people 50+ (for the most part). I have a feeling the restaurant business will die or start declining really soon and be pretty close to dead in the next 20 years. Any thoughts on this?

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Is this pasta or are you asking the same question every day

Also nobody cares that's a horrible major, work in the restaurant for 4 years instead and you'll be better off to move up

work in the industry at a lot of different restaurants, can confirm

young people dont go out to eat, its nothing but old fucks. business is way down on average from even a few years ago. the future is bleak

Milllenial trend is for experiental restaurants, nobody likes chains. If it was a boutique redtaurant attached to the cattle farm that ranches its steaks? All about, will pay a premium. Longhorn? Fuck no.

“Experiental economy”

automation is gonna eat ur lunch.

well, i guess it's gonna make ur lunch, then eat it.

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Then why would anyone submit and become a "restaurant manager" in this day and age as someone mid twenties?


a lot of managers at restaurants are people without degrees who just took shitty promotions up from server/cook with the promise of "experience to put on your resume" but many of them just get stuck in the industry

What makes you think restaurant business will die in 20 years?

I hate restarunts. I was a cook for years in college and they're absolutely disgusting. In order to stay competitive most restaruants use pre cooked shit that's made ina factory 1000 miles away, which is why every mozzarella stick you pay $10 for at a restaruant tastes exactly the same. Literally everyone is serving the same fucking overpriced garbage. Then you have to deal with surly, innattentive servers who skim 15% off of every meal. I never have a good time at restaruants (unless it's fine dining and there's noone of that around here because plebians prefer TGI fridays).

I don't see young people ever supporting this bullshit industry until major changes take place.

Young people don't go out to eat at fucking Applebee's or the olive garden. They go to expensive restaurants downtown and drop a couple hundred on a meal. Go walk through a restaurant district in your nearest downtown and look at the clientele.

wonder why this is

I think millennials are 'killing' restaurants for the same reason they're 'killing' all the other consumerist institutions: they have less opportunity, and thus money, as their immediately preceding generations.

By that logic, though, few career paths are safe.

I already explained it. Millenials would rather get take out from fast food places and watch netflix and chill at their houses. They dont want to wait at a restaurant for food for an hour.

Most millenials can’t afford to go out for a good dinner. Look up the stats. So yes unless our economy provides people not to live paycheck to paycheck then as a whole the restaurant biz is fucked.

Well looking at the hospitality industry, other fields are okay like id say hotels are still going to be fine, and casinos of course.

>be raised in special snowflake mode
>glued to electronics that show them new things 24/7
It's pretty obvious. They need some sort of novelty for everything. Except superhero movies. That eat that shit up over and over again.

study business instead of hospitality management.

Nigga, work at a resort or big hotel. After ~5 years, get an MBA.

Its hardly about affording it, they just dont want to. Why would you want to chill at a restaurant for over an hour? A big part is millenials also dont have many close friends to go with

>It's hardly about affording it

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I have a DUI on record though unfortunately

>they have less opportunity
yeah no. just too busy getting worthless liberal arts and gender studies degrees

Millenials are mostly still in college, what do you expect?

>Millenials are mostly still in college, what do you expect?
No, they aren't. Millenials are 1980-mid 90s. The oldest millenials are turning 40 in two years.

that isnt what i have read

this doesnt seem accurate at all.

Invest in home delivery systems powered by AI and drones.

Younger people have never been the primary target clientele for restaurants, not now not in 1950s not in the 18th century. Millenials will get older and will start going to restaurants it’s inevitable

I completely disagree.