Sorry user, I just don't want to throw away my blue eye genes with you...

>Sorry user, I just don't want to throw away my blue eye genes with you. I'm sure you'll find a nice brown eyed girl one day. But really we don't need any more brown eyes in this world so hopefully not.

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muh eyes r green bitch

Its not really your choice

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Who are you quoting? Are you implying girls talk to you?


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My eyes are blue, are you blind or something?



I have Syrian guy in my class at college who lived in Türkey for a couple years so he knows Türkish

he's so fucking based and redpilled in everyway and he's super fucking nice too

Blue eyes are shit anyway


>tfw piss-colored hair and shit-colored eyes

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bad Bs bangıng my brıck phone
same tıme bangıng my ıphone too
sweet 1 answer thıs rıngtone
dıd my tıme and ıll tıme wıth you
thıs ones bad and ıve been told
young one help me come lıne thıs yute
golden phone match your skın tone
come around here thats a stupıd move

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listen you little hick bitch, speak to me that way again and you'll get a smack and I don't care who is looking.

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Did you suck his dick, you fucking brown noser?

actually the wh*Te bitches next to us suck our dicks

mad wh*Tey?
refugees are based and you're SEETHING because your women love them

what ever you say roastie, blue is a fetish, not real good genes

holy shit based

>Miss me with those brown eyes

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would never miss a wh*Te subhuman who looks like a toddler

scholarly and high iq