If society has the resources and technology to support everyone. Why shouldn't it...

If society has the resources and technology to support everyone. Why shouldn't it? Why do we demand people "work" even when their jobs are unnecessary, environmentally destructive, and add nothing meaningful to anyone's lives? Is it about principles?

Attached: Andrew Yang.jpg (750x375, 41K)

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The people who are against UBI are NEETs or working shit-tier mindless jobs that are brainwashed into voting against their interests. Everyone in silicon valley wants UBI because they feel bad for all the future NEETs that will have no food because of what they are doing.

It's because we live in a society

tell me how $1k a month wouldn't just cause inflation

Bullshit. Most of the world doesn't live in Canada/USA/Western Europe tier countries. Rich countries giving their people UBI fucks up immigration.

What jobs are unnecessary ?

Why are Americans so retarded. This is the same argument you use against health care.

>I don't want health care because niggers will have it too!
Face it. You are poor and fucking pathetic. You make literally nothing. Idc if you are some welder or a plumber what you earn is nothing.

Go to and you'll change your mind
He's not going to just print an additional $1k per person you dumb cretin.

"Middle men".

An alternative scenario would be limiting working hours and days. Twice a week, 5 hours worktime for example. Zero unemployment and the rest of your time to spend on yourself

99% of tech jobs is javascript, make this website look good bullshit.
Then you have all the human resources "diversity" type of jobs. The vast majority of desk jobs are pointless and uneccessary.

I honestly believe all jobs that aren't directly involved in research or services. And by services I mean like nurses that talk to dying people or doctors that also talk to dying people. Their jobs will be made easier by AYEEYE but no one will want an AYEYE doctor over a real doctor.

The trend in manufacturing is to redesign products that are suitable to be manufactured and maintained through AI. So for example when people say plumbing is difficult for AI, that may be true though I don't know because I'm not involved in robotics but a lot of people are looking into designing plumbing systems that are easy to be maintained by AI.

>american education

He's not intending to just print money. The proposal doesn't introduce any additional money into the economy


>The people who are against UBI are NEETs
Why would a NEET be against NEETbux?

Attached: es.png (225x225, 6K)

there is inflation of the type that product prices increase because of the demand increase, and that is different from currency inflation

basically it's just a cost of living increase across the board because vendors of necessities know that people have more money to spend without there being any increased excess of products or services

I mean figuratively. There are lot of poor people that are against UBI for reasons that can only be described by being brainwashed.

Sending $100 billion to Africa, Venezuela, Mexico, Israel, Exxonmobil, BP, Goldman Sachs doesn't cause inflation. But somehow giving everyone $1000 so they don't have to worry about freezing and starving to death will. Weird.

price gouging is illegal

yeah, that is exactly what I was referring to

If you're going to try and shed light on a double standard atleast make sense doing so retard

Well i know americans are brainwashed beyond redemption but some of them are against UBI because they want actual socialism.

No one will pay for UBI, if tax the rich they will just move away and take a lot of the jobs with them.
It's a lose/lose situation.


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You cringelords need to wake up. The whole point of a job is to give the masses something to wile away their time on for 40 years until they die. Even if they save prudently the average working class citizen will never have real money. Billionaires and 100M+ people make 1M a year by buying a stock from their friend and then dumping it, by evading taxes, working the system. The problem is you cant really break into this caste like in the 40's or 50's. Now where you're born is where you'll end up. All the wealthy remain nameless faceless ghosts pulling strings while the politicians play billboard man and take all the shit. You think Trump decides what policy will be? Le mao. It's going to be slowly downhill from here until everyone is completely brainwashed in university to become a good little worker ant...do it too fast and people would notice.

Fucking stupid as fuck. move where? The US has the best engineers in the world. Move to fucking Finland and do what? They already have a shortage of engineers anyways. Most people in Silicon Valley want UBI

1) A lot of the proposed income for UBI is really just a centralization and overall reform of a plethora of other programs which already exist.

2) Inflation doesn't work that simply. For example, historical inflation rates are *not* correlated with government spending (via stimulus packages in times of overall economic downturn). The causes and effects of inflation have much more to do with monetary policy than anything else, and even there it's more complex than just a couple of correlations.

I dunno… China? dumbass

>If you tax the rich they'll move away.

Uhhh most rich people WANT to be taxed but poor American rednecks refuse to because that's "socialism".


The Chinese government has way more of a stranglehold on their companies and rich individuals (especially since Xi is in power) than any Western country does. Also, there's no way the caste of rich Chinese people would just willy-nilly allow Westerners to barge in to an already overcrowded scene like that. Culturally speaking, the Chinese are not at all open to outsiders.

You are fucking stupid. Yeah let's just have a bunch of people with low English literacy rates write programs in English, for English speakers managers and for English speaking customers. Also Amazon failed in China and Google isn't moving to China. Go fuck yourself dumbass. I actually work in Big Five. You don't know what you are talking about.

>Culturally speaking, the Chinese are not at all open to outsiders.
I forgot to add: and politically, they're becoming increasily hostile to outsiders.

False, they'll move to Africa.Bezos told me that himself, he thinks it'll be easy but I'm not so sure.

Why not introduce a way to just donate to the federal gov't as a compromise?
You would be able to donate whatever amount of money and tell the government what can the donated money be spent on.
If the rich are so keen on helping the working class they would use the fuck out of such an option, right?

that's what they would have you believe anyway

West coast tech billionaires are a fairly recent phenomenon and aren't connected to Reagan's people that engineered the wealth disparity we're living with today. And if McConnell's tax cuts are any indication they are still very much in power. The main difference is that some rural Americans have realized that anti-abortion sentiments and tax cuts for the rich aren't necessarily related but as said there are still enough brainwashed assholes that will keep themselves down as long as it hurts minorities too.

Dammit meant to quote the other leaf post


Imagine if america got basic citizen income before us
So much for socialism huh

the first jobs to be automated will be office jobs

Technology melts brains. This man's class is proof of that.

>Silicon Valley feels bad about anyone
This is where you lost all credibility you were paid to display on this website.

>w-we cant tax the rich because then they will move
And take all their nonexistant taxes with them? Oh the horror.