When you're meeting your coworkers at your new job

> So user, what are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?

Attached: sweatingpepe.png (278x260, 146K)

I mostly sleep I'm a neet until I die.

Just say you like to read. If they ask what you like to read, then say almost anything. If they ask for specifics then say you're interested in business and finance.

>I post pictures of frogs on a nazi anime website

Just say something boring like reading or carpentry to avoid further questions.

But I want to give off the impression that I'm a chad so that I could bang girls at my job.

If you were, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

This is why you won’t.

just pull your dick out. it may sound stupid but it works

are you louis CK?

The only way to go from being a virgin neet to a chad is to try.

Got a new hire in January who introduced him self as a crypto investor and gamer.

Life pro tip, don't say that.

I always say music and movies.

Can you elaborate on that? I'm interested.

Why was that a bad decision?

Keep it a secret.

Drugs and porn

You aren't fooling anyone

Attached: Chad.jpg (565x565, 91K)

I have a coworker who uses an anime girl avatar for all of his accounts.

>I sit in front of the computer all day and have no life

Thst's what you're saying

That's cute. I hope he's a cute girl

If you can see this much, you see beyond what any outsider could help you with.

Do you make a good first impression? Do you need to? How do you warm up to people, as fire by spark or more like a conventional oven?

Whatever you say your hobbies are, it doesn't matter.

I can say this much. Talk to everyone, be neutral, and do not put priority on the hottest chicks. That's what everyone else does and they see right through it.

2 examples..

>18 yo
>no experience with women
>tried hard to flirt and compliment and ask out every attractive enough girl my age
>no-go and get rejected by almost every single one of them

>22 yo
>keep to myself at work. people approach. shoot the shit with them.
>continue to do this until the hottest girl there strikes up conversation with me
>keep it light, short. dont stay too long
>gradually build game and flirt. she was pretty into it.
>cuckery kicks in
>go too far and start finding her to talk to her.
>she grows more distant.
>ask her out my last week there
>she told me she "didn't really date"
>quit for a couple months
>all my prospects blew up in my face
>come back to old job in 2016
>co-workers mention her in conversation
>she's still there
>eventually work a shift with her
>she looks surprised to see me back but acts distant
>says hi/talks to everyone except me
important part here
>i said nothing. i tried nothing. i didnt go out of the way (or, try) not to try. i had no agenda.
>talked to her very lightly in passing, wasn't dickish or anything. i just did not go out of the way to talk to her
>this throws her off. she warms up
>one day i come around the bend of a small room to find her effectively cornered and talking to one of her co-workers
>chime in and ask a light question (something about one beach vs another i think)
>her face turns bright red. she looked a little queazy and looks away from me.
>within a minute she's showing me where she got sunburnt..
>stare shamelessly with my eyes, say little

this incident changes everything.
>the sexual tension was the most brutal kind ive ever felt.
>if she had to go near me she was silent and kind of shy. did not fit her personality at all..
>test the waters with light touch. she touches back.
>she starts mirroring what i communicate with body language.
>catch her looking downstairs a lot
>her friend tells me she wants to suck my dick right in front of her
>respond with amused indifference
>ask some other girls what she was about
>find out she's a turbo thot. didn't know all the cues of one back then. very hedonistic, loved BBC.
>quit the job because it was shitty
im telling you these stories to point out the ironic consequences of the hard-working beta and the lazy alpha. also dont be a try hard. youll have better luck as a beta unless maybe you get into crossfit and find a try hard thot

Just show up shitfaced. Apply the prison mentality and bitch slap your boss then make him hold your pocket everywhere you go. If you catch anyone standing up to pee you stomp their shit in right then and there. Change your name to snatch crasher.

Well thats basic psychology. If girls think your coming from scarcity they won't want you.

the best impression you can make on anyone is to not give a fuck about anything but doing your job. But that doesn't mean being a dick be cordial and respectful. Don't let anyone step on you put them in their place as soon as they try.
If people ask about you lie your ass off in a joking way so that they know you're not telling the truth (this comes of as being mysterious) . Tell them that your life is boring and not worth talking about. Be serious about that part so that if they do find that out they'll know that you tell the truth. Always switch up conversations about you to tallk about them. People love to jabber on about their lives and if you listen (or at least pretend to ) they will warm up to you. Also knowing more about them than they know about you gives you leverage. But a word of caution take everything you hear with a grain of salt. People tend to lie or exaggerate a lot especially in the work/corporate environment which tends to be very competitive. Don't trust anyone but don't be distant. Never bring up red pill/pol/biz/crypto/Jow Forums stuff. Keep that shit to yourself. If there's a fellow meme bro you'll find out soon enough. That kind of shit just makes you look weird as fuck to the normies. Laugh at their weak as fb memes. If you aren't into sports find one that gets tallked about at work and get some info so that you can at least pay attention in the conversations.

The accuracy lmao

also don't be afraid to be an asshole at times. I cannot stress this enough. It can be kind of difficult to tell where the line is between being cheeky and being outright disrespectful especially if you're autist but at least always be ready to apologize sincerely and put shit behind you. Never let anybody hold anything over your head. Whenever they try make sure to let them know that you don't take kindly to that shit. For example you fucked up on some work business. Apologize and try to make up for it. If later down it gets brought up for no reason other than to cast a bad light on you then they can fuck off (don't literally tell them that but you know body language and stuff). This kind of stuff can be difficult if you're the introvert type but all it really takes is practise and knowledge