Images like this make me very happy...

Images like this make me very happy, they prove that there is no place for racism and Earth will be at last united in soon future.

Attached: πŸ‘¦πŸΏπŸ’–πŸ‘§πŸΌ.jpg (564x1087, 143K)

god I wish that were me

Nice filename

What stupid OS lets you use emojis in filenames

>united in soon future.
You really want the planet to turn into Brazil?

>8/10 black guy with 5/10 roastie
why is this allowed ?

Any phone os outside apple you dumb boomer

can't do it on my android

.t HTC owner

same lets unite not divide

Attached: Hm-PnptfS-HdEgIB6yqVi9iq3tpvb7gZt06BP4RpfPA.jpg (540x719, 91K)




Is this the same user that claims how useless Russian men are?

Interracial thread?

Attached: 1532488086128.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

imagine cosigning on your gf whoring herself out of the internet

pimping aint easy

mirin that bitches jaw


the woman or the black man?

>racism is the greatest problem of the world today

fuck niggers

Attached: 1507997886028.jpg (1076x2804, 825K)

It's obviously climate change.

I grew up around black people so i associate with them even if I’m white. So when I watch porn of black men fucking black women i feel cucked for some weird reason

Every tribe throughout history wanted to keep their own women for themselves and at the same time take as many women possible from others because it meant superiority over them.
But now westerners are happy to let their even their prime breeding material screw with niggers and gooks.

Someone please explain to me how it came to this.

Lol the black emoji looks more indian.

You didnt kill the kikes :)

Yeah I don't know. It's probably that we are in the "good times create weak men" phase.
Sometimes I wonder whether the weak men would be able to adapt if we suddenly lived in bad times and if not, how long it would take for a new generation of strong men to arise, and what that means for the women who only know weak men.