Is China the enemy now?

Is China the enemy now?

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I hope based china will execute every single bedouin raghead shitskin that lives anywhere near their land


no, based Yang will prevent cold war


The enemy of NEETS yes, the working man will prosper.

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We already have made terms with the yellows. Just like they betrayed you before, they'll be happy to do it again for us

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No, we will always be the enemy to you, in your mind. China is just another side character.
Our worldview is just too separate, too human for you.

my fcking sides

I've always found it funny how anglos always say that to err is to be human. It's almost as if they see their humanity as a flaw when it's the greatest strength.
>german flag
opinion disregarded

We were more human than you will ever be

We have always been at war with Eastasia

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Nah, you're irrelevant now. All you're good for is dragging us down with you.

Not really, you're more like robots but you still have a bit in you. More than them.
We managed to capture humanity and the human soul better than most. That's an undisputable merit of Russian culture and literature.
If you deny that then you're just an uneducated zoomer and just as bad as the rest of them.

We should have let the Japs take over them in the 40s

have a wank to that tonight just before you cry yourself to sleep, my russian friend in denial.

You clearly don't understand the meaning of that proverb, you fucking stupid boxhead cunt.

Go on then, beady eyed cunt. Explain it to me.

>Russian too autistic to understand a simple proverb

This image makes me so fucking erect.

Go on then. Explain it in a way that doesn't compromise you.

The Toad has no power anymore.

>to err is human
>everyone makes mistakes
Your mother knows this well.

Russian insect proves once again that he's incapable of feeling guilt.

>Explain it in a way that doesn't compromise you
Can you rephraseulate this into the English language please


>rephraseulate this into the English language
you first
fucking kek
guilt for being human?
NPC "quips" fail to prove your point.

No, guilt for causing nothing but misery and suffering in Eastern Europe, you cancer.

Now hug, brothers.

When you have a staggeringly enormous IQ like myself, you often need to inventify words on the fly to describe the ultra-high level concepts and ideas you're describing to... less developed individuals.
Since you've been so patient:
The proverb means that you should kick yourself over making mistakes sometimes, as it's something everyone does. It's really that simple.

How fucking dense are you, you failed abortion?
You firstly misquoted the proverb, you then misunderstood its meaning.
No wonder everyone hates Russians.

I don't feel anything but sorrow for you though.
>You firstly misquoted the proverb, you then misunderstood its meaning.
So explain it. GO ON THEN, CUNT.
Why do you hate and deny humanity? Why is such a crucial part of your culture?

China won't be the bad guy once the sino-Islamic war finally kicks off

>So explain it. GO ON THEN, CUNT.
Already have. Learn to read, you dumb twat

You haven't explained anything though, you just posted a stale cliche insult. Try to articulate your thoughts this time.

Fucking hell.
It's not "to err is to be human", which is what you claim, it's "to err is human (to forgive is divine)". it's nothing to do with "seeing humanity as a flaw", it's simply suggesting that everyone makes mistakes or sins.
This was explained to you in the post I linked to, you fucking stupid useless subhuman shitstain.
Now please kill yourself and take out as many other Ivan boxheads out before you do. Thanks.

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Yes, c*mmunist """China""" has always been the enemy.

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>to err is human
There's no difference. The meaning is the same.
You imply that being human is a fault throughout all of your culture, it's your mentality. That is, to deny the corporeal and to aspire to non-human ideals, which ironically only makes you less human.
>it's simply suggesting that everyone makes mistakes or sins.
Only on the surface. The reality is that you hate yourself and everything about you that makes you a man. It's the very reason for the degeneracy of our time.
You need to think deeper to analyze this issue beyond its surface but your own upbringing prevents you from doing so. A catch-22, a self-limitation of sorts where you are never allowed to become fully human.

You've twice had it explained to you why you are wrong and you still argue. What the fuck is wrong with you, you vile cunt?
Please just kill yourself.

>I've always found it funny how anglos always say that to err is to be human. It's almost as if they see their humanity as a flaw when it's the greatest strength.
Kill yourself

I'm sensing very low IQ and soulless energy from your post.
I can also see that you can't deny a single thing that I've said (due to the aforementioned soulless shortcomings no doubt).

Since their birth

>I can also see that you can't deny a single thing that I've said
You've invented a lie based on the misunderstanding of a proverb you've misquoted, which has been explained to you on numerous occasions. This is simply about you trying to save face now.
Please, for the love of God, kill yourself.

i feel really bad for this russian now.

btw the russian is right

>You imply that being human is a fault throughout all of your culture
hahah what are you on, fella? been eyeballing the voddy again?

>You've invented a lie based on the misunderstanding of a proverb you've misquoted
But there's no misunderstanding. This part of the proverb perfectly reflects your animosity towards humanity itself. Like I said, to be able to analyze it objectively someone like yourself would have to step outside of himself. However in your inhuman condition that is clearly impossible, so all you have left is empty insults and pure NPC anglo rage. The only thing reacting now is your Id.
These posts aren't for you, really. They're for everyone else to beware of your hate towards humans. And I think that you've demonstrated that perfectly here.

t, russian rape baby

>But there's no misunderstanding.
There is, as has been pointed out to you here.

"To err is human" does not mean what you've invented, you sinister dumb Jew tryhard cunt.

Russia finally being an euro country

Oh and my hate is towards Russians, not humans.

just give up dude, you can't handle discourse and the fact that your entire soulless cult of a culture has been exposed.
But we ARE more human than you, at least we don't hate humanity.

Absolute state of your life. End it.

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Last post i made. Tried to comment again but was banned for a few minutes. Jannies are onto us goys

Fuck they took it down. Guess we know who's in charge around here. Time to reset router

russians are white niggers

Fuck off irrelevant russie. Be quiet and take your sidekick duty.

Lmao. He temp blocked me and my posts have been deleted, the sad cunt.

Now we know how the Russian replies so fast and all threads disappear. He's a no life manlet and is abusing his janny powers


t. all no soul anglos

I feel bad for you though.

Fucking based Russian


chinese century laowai

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>I have no argument so therefore you have no soul! LOLOL

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But I have an argument. An argument that none of you soulless husks have been able to refute or counter-argue.