My own face is hideous to me

My own face is hideous to me.
I'm thinking to just let it be destroyed. I just ate 2500 calories.

I'm tired of living the way I do. My only pleasures in life are food and masturbation, and both of these things are enjoyable for a limited time only.

Attached: MyFace.jpg (1042x1472, 225K)

ok haha

face rate thread in disguise? here I go then.

Attached: IMG-20190223-WA0009.jpg (1242x2076, 272K)

Post your dna sequence

Very similar to me

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 184K)

Post belly

i'm not your slut

Attached: 4A4FC60D-E1A8-4EE1-B665-70FEDC53C616.jpg (192x263, 8K)

You look normal. Maybe you just want to be extraordinary really bad.

I can smell the 20% native DNA

Helooks southern European, idiot

Face rate?

Attached: foto.png (620x465, 161K)

I identify myself as Amerindian, nearly all Argentinians are of Amerindian origin.


it's really not. you're just average.
you might fuck up your face if you continue eating 2500 calories everyday


any tips to grow my hair like this? (serious question btw)

My face only exists for me. The issue being I am a man. There aren't human beings that I can get close to.

I'm tired of seeing something so ugly everyday. It makes no difference if I'm fat or thin. It will always be unsightly no matter what.

aren't most of men ugly anyway?

your hair is either wavy, or it wont come out like that. If it is, it'll come in naturally by letting it grow

I hate my body, i have to eat atleast 2500 cals a day just to not loose weight. I caught the flu a few weeks ago that lasted for a week and i lost 10 in that time. Fuck, its so expensive and tiring to eat t.t

just use shampoo for curly hair (I use sedal) and a good conditioner.

You're extremely average. You're just autistic user

then do something about your face. haircut, grow a beard, get a tan, maybe even plastic surgery.

just eat something with a lot of calories in

You're perfectly fine, it sounds like you have some self-confidence issues, I know because I was there, you can honestly get almost any girl you want if you have a good personality.

I know me saying good things about you won't help, I'm just some random guy, but you need to find it in yourself, and you will.

Maybe get some help, therapy or counseling, it's worth it, make small goals everyday, even like doing the dishes or going out, little things and keep building on it, you'll have the self-confidence you need, I believe in you, user.

>just eat something with a lot of calories

Thats usually what i end up doing and it is making me feel like shit. I try a more balanced diet which means HUGE mega salads and chicken and stuff and its all such a pain to buy/make. And realy im trying to gain weight so im eating more than 2500 a lot

If that's really you, congrats, you're hot. You could easily get girls in Hungary.