Post a shot of your countries most common architecture

post a shot of your countries most common architecture

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Kind of comfy in a way

>Sight of capitalism
And I love it.


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Americans are proud NATIVE BVLLS

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reminder that no one lives there, it's a huge truck stop on the PA interstate

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It goes from "meh" to really bad.

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it's ugly

3.65 a gallon
Do zoomers even remember when gas was over $4 a gallon nationally?

A month ago I paid 1.69. Hadn't seen gas that low since like '92.

looks like a scale model. kek

It is so stark. Leaving the forest and trees largely untouched, and then building weird looking bright modernist commieblocks o.O they couldnt make them more rustic looking or something?


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just my town

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why build tall with all of the untouched woods around them?

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Because there's nothing else in this country than untouched forest. That's a suburb in Helsinki btw.

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He's asking why you have commie blocks when you have so much land that could be used to build actual houses

I don't know that either. We have a shitty urban design. Commieblock areas kilometers away from the city center middle of a forest

In a small way it is comfy especially if you /night drive/ but still ugly

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and just think you to could own a slice of that heaven for just 500,000$

Jesus Christ this is horrific. I thought Finns liked their personal space? Why do you all live in commieblocks?

Damn that one building that is crooked. Kinda triggering.

could I teach english in panama? is it comfy there? how much is rent+food+basic needs for a month in usd?

because they dont want to live in a giant parking lot like your shithole country

better than commieblocks

There's often both. Houses and commieblocks in the same area
I live in a commieblock but theres houses 200m from this

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>could I teach english in panama?
Yes. Learn English is very important here. A lot of people want to learn it in order to get better jobs.
>is it comfy there? how much is rent+food+basic needs for a month in usd?
Sorry, I can't answer specifically any numbers right now. But I can tell you the generalities regarding your question. Panama is a 3rd world country, no doubt. Even so, there is a lot of money but it is badly distributed. It is a very unequal country. So you get really comfie places that look first world and dangerous shitholes all in the same Ciudad de Panamá. So the amount you spent can be very high for a higher quality of life, or extremely low for a rather modest place. But teaching languages could be pretty good. I have an aunt that teaches English to Panamanians and Spanish to immigrants from countries like Korea, and she lives in a pretty comfie apartment in the center.
I personally like some small town in the rest of the country, like Chitré, David, El Valle de Antón, Boquete... They are in general way safer, cheaper and comfie in their own way.

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why do nordics have depressing brutalist pragmatic apartments