/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

Manime edition

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season 6 is the best rupaul's drag race season and you LITERALLY cant prove me wrong

How do I get my gf to be an extrovert
She never wants to go anywhere

My mood has swung towards sadness

Season 4 is the best. It was peak trash TV

>dad asks me if I have a gf again
>tell him no
>ponders how people even meet girls these days
>"the internet? bars? then again, the only girls you'd meet at bars are sluts."
never knew my dad was so based and redpilled.

>dad's stopped asking when I'm going to get a gf

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Met my gf when she was 17 and I was 23

>dad asks if there's any cute girls I know
>tell him no

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Hi, guys. Do you like Lana Del Ray.
Here, in Ukraine, we, lonely boys, like her very much.

I'm extremely angry lads

I only like that song Cruel World besides that she's tumblrina tier

reckon tomorrow shall be 200ug of 1p-lsd and 20-30mg of 4-aco-met

I like a few of her songs but I wouldn’t call myself a fan

I've heard about her a lot a few years ago but I can't name a single one of her songs at the top of my head

i only like Off to the Races

I'm a fan

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So you don't like " young and beautiful"?
For me it's best her song.

I like young and beautiful, and I agree that it's her best song
My favorite songs of hers are Diet Mountain Dew and Florida Kilos

It's popular here.

This describes me and 99% of zoomer artists I hear about them but never hear and can't name any of their songs

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Reviewbrah just snapped an oreo in half and ate it with water like a savage

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Is lana del rey popular in europe? I always had a feeling she was

I don't think it's like 99% artists. Lana really touch some string in soul.

Yes, really much, from all boys of Ukraine i can say we like she.

gib me a hug, /cum/

NOBODY will tell me what to do with my body

I wonder why europeans like her so much
I can understand why she may not be as popular here
she makes very slow music, and here in america we like fast music

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Why not man, i give you my bro hug.

fill it with drugs
where are you buyign from anyway bud

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imagine reading phisolophers lmao old white men have nothing interesting to say desu


thanks a lot
in return ill give you this album cover that i like

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I'm a white nationalist

Are you still an alcoholic and have you managed to hold down a stable job?

>mexican tranny with nothing interesting to say claims others have nothing interesting to say
really makes you think

philosophy is boring as fuck

old academic frenchmen are the smartest people on earth

Greeks aren't/weren't white

low iq post

i'm 1/4 Quebecois and therefore not white

haven't heard the greatest things about them lately
i get from chemlogix, the reequire id but you could honestly upload a fake and i doubt they would notice/care
also order snail i guess, expresspost has been getting surveilled pretty bad at the border

haven't had a job in awhile, now i abuse benzos, haven't drank in over a month. hopefully going back up north soon

Well, boys have something soft in their soul too. So when our leave us we feel something like that.
Women know where is weak points in our shield.

Aussie please stop being bogan

ariana grande is the greatest philosopher that has ever existed prove me wrong you cant

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I guess that is progress maybe

whats the amount of benzos i should take to get a high?

listened to every marina and the diamonds song on spotify at least three times tonight

depends on the benzo, also benzo highs kinda suk tbqh

>nothing interesting to say
Uniting yourself with things transcendent and eternal is the evolutionary purpose of mans capacity for interests. The philosopher lives with one foot in the grave and the other in heaven. Repent you plebeian.

>mom is crying
>too emotionally dead to come up with any kind of comfort
>can only sit there with her
fucking hate myself desu

Holy heck Zvejnieks.
It's been awhile.

love her song Blue

you know what i have
and why are they so popular then

feeling super super super
feeling super super super
feeling super super super

There is probably nothing more for you to do but be present and acknowledge the situation. During life's darker moments words almost always fall short so don't be too hard on yourself.

easy to obtain, overprescribed
just google clonazepam psychonaut and erowid eroxpereience vault and make up your mind, keep in mind if you'rve been doing them regularly the you have a tolerrance

first world guys must have job.

no, it;s another 'look at my body star" .

I exist, man. But the /balt/ and /ausnz/ does not.

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maybe if the hippies let us build pipelines and stopped importing foreigners to do all the minimum wage jobs i could get one.

any other popstars you like? i find it hard to listen to anyone other than lana del rey these days

Steam won't quit recommending me early access games

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Didn't you lose your last job to get drunk

You been keeping easy?
Staying outta trouble and all that carry on?

was a promising one too, oh well, just my fate
i don't belong on this world and its a matter of time before i have to move on

I unironically dance around my room to this song. This and Lovefool

I see, you don't forget that you're from Europe, where eternal troubles, where all war against all.

You know it, baby. Upgraded my PC an' all that good stuff, man.

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you remind me of pigeon man youtube.com/watch?v=H67hGgfT_iw

if theres a philosopher that talks about the importance of heels in human society i would gladly change my mind of them

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kinda reminds me of the guy at the end of shawshank redemption, i cri everitime

Well, all of them if it's about definite songs.
I don't know, Rihanna or something like

R8 me virgins

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Anyone here have problems with intimacy? Today was the second time I got with a girl and didn't make out for it weirding me out. I don't think I'm gay as I find her really hot

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Anyone else excited for when we all turn into third world countries and can get away with not following laws?

from my research a lot of canadian vendors are getting scrutinized by US customs pretty heavily atm. Get reports of lysergi not shipping packs in good time, customs holding them for weeks, etc. check the legality of the chem in your state. you could also try the darkweb and buttcoins or adiff EU based site.


Me me me
I hate people touching me
Even my own family
I rarely hug them

hmm i'll research it

yeah there are a lot of philosophers of gender and feminism
i'm sure several focus on high heels


Only if it devolves into a Mad Max situation and I get to roll around with my eight cylinders

i try to make sure my interests are varied and broad

Huh, men didn't forget what mean to be man.
Well, yes, it's make you feel it is when you know that you one from those who are able to hold weapon.

if you wwant to chat email me [email protected]

anyways hows your sex life

I just want her to have patience with me. But that's too much too ask, I know

Not sure if I follow. I wouldn't mind being gay at all, just don't think this is the case

oh hi mark

NOT satisfactory

I just learned learned that you can boil shrimp maybe I'll start trying that


>boiled shrimp
It's really common in cajun food, not a big fan of shrimp desu

i'm miss sugar pink liquor liquor lips

i got the email but i am i can't discern what is happening because i have drank too much

Me either but idk what else to make and I'm a cooklet. Frozen dinners are disgusting and I'm tired of going out

Is /cum/ the comfiest thread on /int?/

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Are Animals still popular in USA?
here it's pretty famous military song.