19 days until Brexit

19 days until Brexit.

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I'm getting my grandfathers Lee Enfield and getting in the old Anderson Shelter. Tell me when its safe to come out.

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Can't wait

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Cancel it.

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Now that EU is gonna have an empty seat, can we take it?

Why would you board a sinking ship?

Is it really gonna happen?
I thought british politicians were trying to bail out of the Brexit

To prove to all the EU-supporting hipsters that they were wrong.

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Imagine being so much of a Jow Forumstard that you unironically think Poles are better.

Why do populists elect the worst of politicians to prove a point?

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It’s only sinking because retards are leaving. Italy, bongland, greece, and portugal can all fuck right off.


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Because otherwise the point will not be proven

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They don’t do it to prove a point. They do it because they genuinely enjoy being cucked; being able to spite their face is just a bonus.

>can all fuck right off
We already are dummy.

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I want to fuck off too.
Fuck the EU, and fuck Junker


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Now that we're leaving the EU, does that mean noone can tell us who we can and cannot colonise?

I want Malta back.

are you going to leave the UN voluntarily or will you wait until you get embargoed and suspended?

Thanks Danmark...
Substantiate your statement, sir.

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I hate the UN and I hate NATO. Military alliances was a mistake.

It doesn't seem to bother Russia much.

>Britain leaves EU
>Local Englishman storms into closet, gets out his original 1936 pattern Battledress, his canvas webbing, his socks, his boots, and his Brodie Helmet.
>Grabs dusty old Lee Enfield
>Legs it into garden
>Fucking leaps into Anderson Shelter.
>Lives off baked bean cans for 3 months.
>Finally comes out
>The French have invaded

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Where did the Scottish soul go to?
Only they should stay in EU

Sing God Save the Queen.

Is there any chance UK doesn't exit from EU?

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The EU deserves death.

No fucking clue, the only thing certain is uncertainty

but what about northern ireland

>Where did the Scottish soul go to?
Their heroin dealer.

>No Deal possible
>If so, possible Troubles 2.0

Can't wait, we haven't shown our military prowess much, lets kill some republicans.

The EU doesn’t need Br*tfags, they should stay down in the dirt where they belong, except Dick Lucas, he’s a cool dude.


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based & redpilled
can't wait to go back to russia

>19 days until Brexit.
Objective: Survive

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Few months until Deutchbänk collapse. Boomer loans and mortages are expiring and only loans that actually COST them money (but not as much as if they'd just store the money) remain.

now watch their economy plummet

Now this is a based post

I hope you're stocked up on tea and beans, mate. It could be an actual shit show with 50 mile truck jams...

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Hey there Spain... Got a bit of empty land there tad bit north from Gibraltar... You mind if we... populate it a little bit?

>Few months until Deutchbänk collapse.
Sounds interesting. Care to elaborate, Ǿstrig-user?

Russian living standards it is, then. Oh wait, you're completely dependent on food imports. Enjoy starving, bongo.

Is every Austrian flag outside /deutsch/ some larping yugo-albanian subhuman or a proxymutt?

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Interest rates are still at zero, they can't make any money with new loans but barely scrape by on old Boomer loans.
They are burning through their reserves and it is only a matter of months now until they are bankrupt.
Commerzbank is right behind them.

>all the urban edgy alt-righters and lefties starve to death
>only the rural self-sufficient monarchists and loyalists survive

what a time to be alive

I hope britain burns and I hope all pakis and nigs will go on the streets to claim their gibs

then you should join TPP
British Sea Power Again
Im kind of serious

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>even the air raid shelters in britain are tiny

no the air raid shelters were pretty large, its just people in the suburbs were given these tiny metal sheds around 1936 to ensure everyone was reasonably protected

ahh yes big air raid shelters

We can go even bigger.

Did you know we used the T.U.B.E?

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Based disaster capitalists buying up all our businesses in an economic disaster

I'm honestly expecting them to cancel it at the 11th hour. TM's deal is almost certainly going to be rejected again because it hasn't changed at all since the last time she tried to get it through, and our gutless MPs won't have the balls to deliver on the No Deal Brexit that the people actually voted for.

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even british metros are tiny

Fuck EU shills, Norway believes in you UK!!

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Sorry, but CANZUK calls.

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Yeah, you'd love that

What do you think happens if they end up cancelling Brexit?

To him, Corbyn.

Bite him, May.

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The people controlling that boat literally erased our identity (yes it is/was fake not a matter of discussion) just to get us in (couldn't beacuse of Greek veto since 2004). You think these psychopaths are going to allow their project to die?

buying up shit for scraps like the viking looters you are...

Are we going to have to defeat the Norwegians again on English Soil?

I'm also considering going for FTSE100 ETF during the post Brexit mess.
Look at those dividend yields.

Of course not. That's why we have to resist as much as possible.
These people will not give up until the EU has federalized

sorry but we don't want your pakis

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Shut up Timo, they dont know

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Based. I hope they'll start selling all the arab-groomed children for bread and Marmite.


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basé duché

And of course
>Price to Book Ratio 1.6726
Everything ON SALE.

British yesmen will riot
EU will double down Britain

Oh Mogg, our Prometheus, make the Navy great again please.

Bring back our shipbuilding prowess. Lets sink some fucking Deutsche Marine ships.

Karen is shit tier desu

good taste

this, honestly Pakis are preferable to eastern yuropeans.

This would only benefit Britain not Canada, NZ or Australia

Outrage, protests and severe damage to the public's faith in democracy are guaranteed.

There are a few possibilities I see as likely:
1. Farage returns to politics and starts a new party, creating a serious existential threat to the Conservative Party. Expect large numbers of Conservative voters to defect to his party in this scenario.
2. Notable decrease in turnout at the next election, especially among Conservative voters, due to public disillusionment with the democratic system.
3. Swing to the far-right, assuming there is a party organised enough to take advantage of the situation, which currently there doesn't look to be.
(these are not mutually exclusive scenarios)

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I feel so bad for Nigel. His legacy is tarnished by retarded street thugs.

I support Britain to their decisions, fuck the JewEU and fuck refugees

yeah yeah sure but Cyprus is ours

If they cancel, i am certain that people will stop believing in the democratic system all over the continent. It's already quite normal here not believing in the democracy we have, because we get shit no matter what. Perhaps it'll be like that in Britain too? Perhaps even worse?

Also, I thought Nigel was done with politics. Didn't he leave UKIP for good as well?

Yes he did. Because of Tommy Robinson retardation. Don't blame him, the mans a confrontational leech.

GUYS ! Imagine if Germany left the EU
would it actually start to work out?

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I hope those Jerry bastards don't leave. Wouldn't want the war-mongering hun having independent thought.

Scottish soul is a meme. If you've ever met them, then you'd know many of them are the biggest bitches in existence. That's what happens when you've had Anglo dick in your mouth for so long.

>in that image

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No. It might've started as a French-German trade deal, but now it's largely a german project.
Without them, it'd collapse.
So, yeah they should totally leave

Soon x

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I was having a conversation with a Cypriot bro once and we came to agree that if they knew all the shit that was about to happen after their secession from the British Empire, they wouldn't have sought independence

Purely hypothetical situation but it's better being under British occupation than under Turkish. Then again people go for the best but it doesn't come this way sometimes.

Point is they're still produced in England and the assembly plants employ thousands.

You're just jealous cause we actually have a culture.

So you're saying you'd lose money?

actually it's Turkish, just like the UK belongs to Pakistan. m8

Can we still have the UK sit on our face

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Big words from fake Prussia

I'm saying you're going to lose few thousand jobs.

He's the hero we need but don't deserve.

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