Daily Japanese Thread DJT #2157

DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for anyone interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
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What does もなく mean?

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Nevermind I get it.

"Without warning that girl appeared... posing as a foreign student."

It's the particle も plus the adverb/stem form of ない "there is no; is not."
何の前触れがない there isn't any warning
何の前触れもない there isn't even any warning
何の前触れもなく without even any warning...
なく instead of ない gives the whole phrase an adverbial meaning that lets it modify the next predicate, 学校に現れた: "Showed up at school without even any warning... (As an exchange student)!

"So you've finally decided to show yourself, evil spirit"
"Huh? She's more like a demon"
"In the name of the Takatade family I'll exorcise you from this world. Prepare yourself"
"No way! She disappeared"

Time for the arbitrary retarded question. What does め mean at the end of 悪霊? Does that make it female?

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The kanji for it is 奴 but it's never written in kanji. It's not male or female, it's just a disparaging suffix that belittles or shows contempt for something.



So I looked up 奴 in Jisho and the example sentence included 田舎者. I typed that in google and this came up. Isn't that the guy who runs Jow Forums?


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what an amazing revelation you've discovered, google grouping your browsing history into your search results like that.
are you a genius

.the guy at the right end.
He's saying "In Shibuya, all you can see is a flock of bumpkins from countryside"
>and it's not quite true, as all other words out of his mouth.

>are you a genius

Are you the Pole behind a proxy? You seem to struggle with the English language.

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Damn dude you got me

It's time to stop.

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>御影 happens to mean "spirit(s) of the dead". This word also happens to be a place name where granite is manufactured. Thus, the word 御影石 came from this geographical connection. This is an important example to note, though, because this word is not honorific in any way despite the fact it clearly has the honorific prefix み- in it.
Imabi is really interesting :)
Not sure if I am wrong, but shouldn't it be
"Nobody understands, even though I am doing my best like this",
due to こんなに being an adverb, and 頑張る being in ている form?
Also not sure about, but wouldn't simply "knowing" be 知る?

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*about this

> if you formulate it like this it seems they twitch voluntarily. It seems more like involuntary here though
Actually the most helpful tip for English I've got this year, thanks.
>誰もわかってく"れ"ない おれはこんなに頑張ってるのに
"Nobody understands, even though I am doing my best like this"
Yours are more precise I think.
>but no one knows this is my best
should rather be "これが俺の精一杯だってことを誰も知らない", maybe.

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There weren't many gay people at the bowling alley today.

Which is more common?
沢山 or たくさん?

Doesn't matter, you're supposed to know the kanji anyway

"たくさん" is more common.
of course, "沢山" is also sometimes used though.

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For the guy complaining about words for dying a few threads ago
>Yours are more precise I think.
"Yours IS..."
>should rather be "これが俺の精一杯だってことを誰も知らない", maybe.
I would refrain from using "rather" and "maybe" in the same sentence, at least to me "rather" has some sense of certainty to it. Also I think rather is not applicable in this sentence, since it's not
>"誰もわかってく..." should rather be "これが..."
>"but no one knows..." should rather be "これが..."
Also if you use "maybe"+"should" you should use it like "Maybe Subject should..."
But either way, I think you have to use "would" here:
>"but no one knows this is my best" would be "これが俺の精一杯だってことを誰も知らない"

I've seen the Kanji version several times already, so you wont get around learning it, if that's why you're asking

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Is there any special meaning when using the Kanji 喰 instead of 食?

>I keep reading ラ as う

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My reasoning is that I don't want to overuse Kanji and end up sounding like a tryhard

Don't worry about that.

You could also go the Manga route and write every other word in 片仮名, Bonus points for using lots of 英単語



>Yours IS..."
>But either way, I think you have to use "would" here:
As a verb, both means "to eat". But "喰" sounds more rude, unsophisticated, and "喰" has only one pronunciation "く(う)", which "食" has as well, as one of its various options.

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Aren't you the guy who uses kanji for ありがとうございます
If so best not to listen to this guy's advice


"喰" has only one pronunciation "く(う)"
It also looks better :>

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Also interestingly enough it seems like it has not always been written like that

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can any anki wizards tell me if it possible to have a defined URL on a hotkey?


this shows up as mouse clickable on a card obviously but i want it on a hotkey?

how do i do?

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No clue but try this w3schools.com/tags/att_global_accesskey.asp

>sounding like a tryhard
They sound exactly the same when you speak.
Never mind.
"有り難う御座います" is often used in formal letters, so it's not that useless knowing it.
slurred "かたじけない(忝い)", which means "thank you"(originally it meant "I am embarrassed about myself", and today it bit sounds like "I owe you", rather than simple "thank you").


Oh never heard of that one before, many thanks!

>I think our JP friend told me not to use this phrase, but it's the only thing coming up in mozc. I miss google IME

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i love you.

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I don't care about a cat killer country

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Why is the dot (点 ) straight in Japanese, as if it were a short vertical line (竖)? Is it okay to write it slightly slanted in handwriting, as it is written in Chinese, or does it look unnatural in Japanese? It looks nicer that way, but I don't know if it's correct or weird.

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No one cares

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>i keep reading パソコン as "pankoso"

Look up some Japanese 書道 videos and find out.
As far as I know, the dot Vs. bar difference only applies to the "official", printed form of kanji. You can put a short stroke instead of a dot on your letter is an no one will complain (unless your language has diacritics like mine).


What does 整理 here mean?

semi related, but i hate how the water radical is like the top and bottom in most computer fonts. the middle is much more aesthetic

I tried looking into it, and it really seems like the printed form is written as a bar, but I've seen the handwritten form done in either way, both in calligraphic and regular handwriting. I'll stick to the form I learned in Chinese, then.

I agree. I also prefer fonts where さ and き don't have their 2nd/3rd and last strokes connected.





is this even close to correct or coherent?

*the third character is supposed to be と, but i doubt that's the main mistake...


"after tokyo and nyc, tel aviv has the third most sushi shops per capita in the world"

it's true btw, though i wanted an excuse to experiment with "per capita"


I want to expand my magical item vocabulary.

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How long should genki 1+2 take to finish? I'm a NEET so should 2 chapters/week be manageable?

Making elaborate timeline plans for studying is a prime sign of setting yourself up for failure. Just start and go at a pace that doesnt bore / overwhelm you.

Besides almost no one here actually does Genki.

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the first third or two of genki 1 should be a breeze just with passive anime knowledge, but as sagaanon said, don't railroad yourself.

>How long should genki 1+2 take to finish
About the time it takes you to throw it off your desk and into the trash bin, where it belongs.

That's a fair point, I'd hope to finish them before September though, because I will probably go back to college then

>Besides almost no one here actually does Genki.
What do people here use? Tae Kim, みんなの日本語, AJATT?

genki is designed for learning in a classroom, and most people here are solo learners

I read some of Tae Kim but most of my grammar knowledge I got from watching youtube series on Japanese grammar of which there are a few good ones by now.

Then I do Anki, wanikani (lol) and bunpro.jp and now I'm just reading light novels and manga.

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大きい is a strange word. The き is included in the okurigana portion even though it's part of the word's root and not its inflected ending, and it's one of the only adjectives in the whole language to end in the pattern ~きい. Plus, it has the weird na-adjective form 大きな, which can only be used directly before a noun and doesn't have any other conjugations (like 大きだ, 大きなら, etc.) except sometimes the adverb form 大きに/大いに.

All of it can be traced back to the fact that 大きい and 多い used to be the same word at one point. In the classical language, both were おほし(おおし), which could be written 多し or 大し and have the meaning of either kanji. However, there were weird rules about usage - the 大し meaning could only be used before a noun in the 連体形 form 大き, and all the other conjugations used the 多し meaning. Except for the adverb form 多く, though, all of them had to use the alternative 多かり inflection pattern (the source of modern forms like 多かろう and 多かった) at all times instead.

The form 大き then morphed into a new na-adjective 大きなり that simply used the old 連体形 as a root. The き is still included in the okurigana in recognition of the fact that it used to be an inflection of 大し, and it was normally only used in the adjective form 大きなる and adverb form 大きに (the sources of modern 大きな and 大きに/大いに).

Later, 大きなり the na-adjective would get changed again into an i-adjective by attaching ~い to the root 大き, and the modern word 大きい with its full set of conjugations (大きかろう, 大きく, 大きかった, 大きい, 大きければ, etc.) would appear.

The unique ~きい ending pattern also gives it the weird ~ございます conjugation 大きゅうございます, which I like.




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Why do people reply OP with 乙?

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Why do people expect to be spoonfed answers to incredibly easy questions that can answered by googling or consulting a dictionary?

it's pronounced おつ, which is a short and slangy form of お疲れ様でした (おつかれさまでした). it's a sort of a japanese internet meme to leave it as the first comment to articles

>_< sorry, did not understand a single thing from pic related

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Who are you quoting?

thanks :D

According to this random website it comes from the idea of dredging out a river to improve its flow being compared to perfecting your knowledge of the things you've learned:

You know, in the same time it took for you to get mad, you could have been useful and answered his question.

That's not going to teach him to use google

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I have a (maybe stupid) question about grammar. I'm going through the core 2k Anki deck and on 白い the example sentence is
The translations it gives is
>His teeth are white.
I guess it makes sense, but why wouldn't it instead say
Couldn't you just use the possessive like this and say the same thing? Isn't this closer to the exact translation of the English version, whereas the original is technically closer to "As for him, teeth are white."

Core sentences are garbage

that's just how it is afaik

>I like ad-lib/comedy
Well, you have a opposite taste for comedy from me. I don't care about a talent of ad-lib in comedian's skills, because almost Japanese comedians who has a talent of composing comedy scripts can't ad-lib very well, at least I haven't seen a person who has both talents.
I think, If some comedians has a talent of composing comedy scripts, then they'll be isolated by modern Japanese comedy culture, because these days of Japanese comedy shows highly respects glib slick talkers, including persons who has a talent of ad-libbing such as "ワイプ芸人".
So I can really understand what you were attracted from Matsumoto's show, he is one of the person who surrounds himself with geinin and judges their talent of ad-libbing.
I don't recognize him as having a brilliant talent, his comedy doesn't contain keen intelligence like foreign famous comedian's comedy. In fact, all of his movie works are bullshit, though I have never watched his movies.

>In fact, all of his movie works are bullshit, though I have never watched his movies.

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I'm heading to the Boofoff in NYC later today. Their selection is way too large and I have no idea what's good or not. Does anyone have any Japanese book recommendations? It could be anything I don't care.

So does this mainly apply just to body parts or other things also?

for attributes in general


Hi Polish poster, do you want to get conversation with me from before?
Before means chatted about jojo in this case.