Chinese man on Europe

Chinese man on Europe

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based and redpilled

i mean he has a point but he didnt have to be so smug about it :(

Can't wait for Yang to destroy America with UBI.

The future owner of Europe has spoken!

Europe is an amazing place exactly because of the welfare and state driven economy

The future of europe is brown

Based Fritz ibn Mahmet

I hate this board

I can't wait for America to be destroyed

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we deserve our fate desu

socialism without nationalism is a recipe for disaster

And furthermore, the west must be destroyed.


quote from country that steals everything not nailed down

thank god
that shithole should've been nuked years ago

No it's not. The greatest period of economic growth was in times of a smaller government. As soon as we started to hand out things more foreigners came and not to work further damaging an already fragile welfare state

Znaev deka ti ja imas otvoreno temava use pred da ja otvoram

It's clear that the time of Europe's greatness is over, it's just a shame that fucking China is about to take its place and not a normal country

i for one welcome our new chinese masters

>trusting (((translators))).
You probably also thinks Iran called for the nuclear annihilation of israel.

Chinks always say shit like this. Even if you took away all the freeloaders in Europe they would still be complaining because we don't allow ourselves to be enslaved by large corporations

imagine taking advice from those who act like this

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>can you see young people in Chinese parks
No, because they've all fucked off to the West to enjoy the welfare state.

based and redpilled


Chinese don't take welfare Muhammad, they would rather commit not live.

t. chink

He's not giving advice on parenting you know.

>Chinese don't take welfare

Actually, a very small percentage of Chinese moved abroad. It only seems like a large number because China has a large population.

I honestly dont consider most of them human, they lack a soul, they are insects without any emotions. And that is why they will never conquer anything. One strong Lusitanian can take out 100 bugmen

Fuck old people. Im gonna kill them all.

Socialism without nationalism is bound to be disaster too, idiot.

Wow u r soooo smart

>calls the guy idiot
>copies the same statement verbatim
What is going on?

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It would be great if the chinks stayed in fucking China

based enraged zoomer

holy shit little chinklet btfo

Based, I bet this little shit learned his lesson and from now on will work like swiss watch and won't bother strangers for no reason anymore

millenial but Im closer to zoomers than early millenials so yea maybe.


at this point the ones who can stop the chinese takeover would be second or even third generation chinese immigrants who don't want to give tribute to the mainland or spy for them
or dare I say it, the americans

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can't wait to see China nuked

China has had massive economic growth, as all developing countries do, by progressing from total shithole to only partial shithole, spurred only a massive population. But now the miracle is wearing off, GDP growth rates are falling every year, and that's just based off the official statistics from the CCP, which economists have stated are inflated by government workers trying to exaggerate their performance.

Why EU so much retarded? they even criticizing my country current administration being undemocratic for banning Hizbut Tahrir which dreaming of fucking Islamic state of Indonesia and They supported mediation with aceh rebel which agreeing aceh should be allowed to practice sharia law and then crying out over muh human right when sharia law does all the whipping.

No Croatia :(
Why would you want to see us nuked we did nothing to the balkans other than shark loaning you guys money.

Chinese are ants or bees. Not in a bad way.

he said china not Italy

Basado y rojopilled chinese man

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>the ones who can stop the chinese takeover would be second or even third generation chinese immigrants who don't want to give tribute to the mainland
That's not likely at all, mainstream liberal society hates East Asians in general due to their success compared to the rest of the black and brown hordes, while online right-wing circles hate the Han in particular regardless of their political affiliations, both of these vitriolic attitudes can be attributed by the bombardment of Judeo-Jap propaganda in the form of anime and fake news.
The only ones who can truly stop the communists are the nationalists, yet they are hopeless without support, in stark contrast with the CCP who are somehow getting arseblasted and arselicked at the same time by the western left.

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He's unironically right

It was commentary, not some advice lecturing.