Are women a good investment?

Are women a good investment?

Attached: download (26).jpg (225x225, 8K)

That's a child you fucking pedo.

What do you mean by investment

bobo pedo confirmed. short bobo now. we bull now.

Are lolis a good investment?

If she looks like pic related and is a virgin, sure

Define investment

there a depreciating asset, and so are you ...don't treat them like an investment

Virgin women are a good investment. Used goods are not.

No, they are like a drug, they give you pleasure, but they are useless and you want more of it and the money never comes back,
They are a liability

Humans are mortal and eventually die. This is unlike, say, putting money in stocks or in the back, because those things don't have a biologically-imposed life expectancy.

However, humans are capable of productive work and can earn income and in turn make their own investments. If you were to partner with a productive woman, you could pool your assets together and maximize your mutual earning potential.

Of course, as with anything in business and finance, you need to choose your partner wisely. It's no good if they run off with the money or end up contributing nothing. Just because that's a possibility though doesn't undermine the whole endeavour.

Consider things like cost of living too. In the large city I live in, a one bedroom apartment costs $2000/month. If you shared that bed with someone and split the cost, you only have to pay $1000/month.

Shush. She's gotta be at least 13 by now.

Gotta get them when they are fresh.

Spiritually ready.

2 people can make money faster than 1. just find one that is willing to work and you can both work less. its 2018. plenty of women are taking the opportunities being offered to them. treat each other like equals and you will both be able to retire early. that being said, if she wants a child, then you have already lost

Literally the WORST investment you can make. Worse than bitconnect

Women expire at 25. Dump your womeme bags on normie cucks.

Horrible depreciation, kinda like a nice car, really great when it's brand new, but then it starts to wear out, maybe gets a few dings here and there, starts to get real expensive to maintain, and you just gotta trade in for a newer model if you can still afford it.

Just bought 100k

I lost hundreds of thousands to my last one. And she took all my furniture and shit on the way out. So no. No they are not.

>everyone talking about visual appeal rather than the monetary output of their labor
this is why you will never make it. are human slaves a good investment?" hurrr durrrrr uhhh no because uhhhh they're not pretty.
fucking branlets

You can make slaves work, you can't make most western women work, their aesthetics is their main marketable skill, and in most of them it fades quick.

Literally only reason you should have a woman. She better be working. Dual income is required to make it. Don't have kids with her though, that usually ruins relationships.

If your sole ambition is to have and raise children, a woman is a wonderful investment. For all other purposes, they are poor investments. They are financial burdens and attractiveness fades pretty quickly after late 20’s. They also get more independent and bitchier when they know they have you by the balls and emotional support degrades over time unless you are giving in to their every desire which typically takes a lot of money. You then find yourself fantasizing about how you’ll get rid of them every time a cute 20 something girl flirts with you, until you remember you own a house with them, have children, and are the main or sole financial supporter and that under ANY circumstance of divorce except one where you can prove she cheated on you or is a horrible drug addict, she will take everything you own. If you are a decent looking guy that will last well into your 40s or maybe even 50s/60s and you can date women of all ages until you get bored of them without any risk. Then maybe when you start to see a decline in the type of woman you can attract, you can settle down with the best one and try to make it work until you die, but even then don’t expect her to stick around if you do something like develop Alzheimer’s.

>t. married 10 years

>implying kids arent the longest term investment

This is where I disagree. Most women out there who aren't working as whores or weren't born rich are working somewhere. The service industry and healthcare are growing, so women have more than enough jobs to fill out there. If you can get a woman who works in the healthcare field that usually is the best. But you need to know early on that she isn't lazy, if she starts showing signs of laziness (not doing basic shit like cleaning the house or forgetting to do errands) you need to dump her.

if she is the right one (loving, loyal, etc) its probably the best investement you could make

Eh, the women working as whores, or associated fields (strippers, professional porn-stars, models) tend to make more money then those in the service industry, not that they are good relationship material generally speaking, but if your just seeking raw cash flow those kind actually aren't a bad choice.

Women are a good investment ONLY if they,

>are young
>are submissive
>are virgins
>have traditional values

Otherwise, they'll only drain you in the long run.

My wifes has 2 sons with different fathers AMA

Nurses are really gentle with your penis too

This. Only if they're a child.

Delusion. If a women had those characteristics the only practical difference in the long run is that it would take longer for the draining to begin and it would be harder for you to notice or do something about it.

Sure, if by investment you mean you get greater than your returns. Life is too short to spend it being bitter about women, and life is too long to spend it alone. Nature made man and woman to complete each other. Now, WESTERN, “INDEPENDENT” thots are not a great investment.