Which one's the best to move to?

Which one's the best to move to?

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none, they are all bad and you should stay where you are



fuck off

stay in your own country

is this some sort of a "w-we're full!" meme
no thanks :)


What do you seek?

all the habitable areas are literally at maximum capacity

Of course not
Just objective facts

Finland, it has the least migrants and if you're running away from a shitty country you'd probably want to avoid running into other retarded bydlo from shitty countries and be surrounded by the autismal mongol master race.

It's the same shit

No, Sweden is the best

does that mean you murder unregulated newbords?
a software dev job and lack of uncivilized humans

These newfags clearly haven't been paying attention to all the threads shitting on finland and praising sweden
Lmaoing @ ur delusions


>and lack of uncivilized humans
there are arabs and niggers everywhere here who behave like literal animals

Memes aside, Sweden is objectively your best option

eBinland then


Attached: swedish bikini team.jpg (600x315, 44K)

Swedes are still a little too white. I urge you to go there.


Finns seem so nice, recognizing and preaching how their Swedish brothers live in a superior country

Conclusion, you should move to Finland because humble people are nice.

Denmark seems best to me. Least cold and easy trips into Germany if you should want that.

I wouldn't want to live in any of those countries though. If Scandinavia was a fit place for humans to live, the Vikings wouldn't have existed. The fact that they preferred to settle somewhere as grim as Britain tells you a lot about where they came from.


excellent thinking

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Go to Sweden. They love immigrants.

but I thought that only applies to muslim ones

Go to Sweden and add to the pile. Sweden will fall.


dive into the ocean and drown in the cold ass water that will be the best place

Definitely Sweden
they might even give you freegibsmedats

none because of the bad weather

Unironically Sweden or Finland

Northern Sweden is probably your best bet.

Are they that rampant? I wanna visit the Nordic countries one day, but I don’t wanna get mugged by Hassan and Ahmad

If you aren't woman and don't stray into bad neighborhoods you're fine.

>muh sunny weather
literally rěddit of weathers


but I just want to a proper working man and be accepted in the community

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Sweden. I plan on moving there as a Kosovo-Albanian just to make Sweden less white




which is easier to learn for an english speaker? Danish or Norwegian

Norwegian is better in any case because of mutual intelligibility, which is higher for Norwegian to Danish/Swedish than any of the other combinations.

Also, Norwegian sounds cool and singy songy while Danish sounds like you had a stroke.