100 gwei

>100 gwei
kills your ETH
fucking piece of shit scam token

Attached: eoslogo.jpg (1600x1067, 538K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Eos has transaction fees as well it’s called inflation through block producer money supply increase. It’s a brilliant project and I am a registered voter and it’s a top 4 coin in my crypto portfolio but this idea that any currency can be free of transaction fees is leftist Keynesian fiat tier nonsense. I don’t know who told you marketers that “the next eth” or “the eth killer” is a good market strategy but you need to take them outside and shoot them. Eos and neo are not the next eth. Only eth is eth just as only btc is btc. Every time you define yourself in terms of your competition you are telling people your competition is better than you.

EOS is shit.

pity it's just a centralised scam.

I see assertions with no evidence. You guys aren’t good enough for eos


Define what is to be "decentralised" without saying "not centralised", I fucking dare you.

I cant fucking believe this shit
>trying to deploy a smart contract
>cant because its too expensive
Fuck, guess I'll die of hunger, thanks obameos

Attached: 1523217433840.png (413x352, 164K)

when a project is free from the disproportionate influence of a small group of people who can easily influence it. Bitcoin is decentralized because no one group can heavily influence it, not even Satoshi if he reappeared tomorrow, it lives on its own.

Blockstream essentially controls Bitcoin development though.

bitmain effectively runs bitcoin mining

But it's not by design, those things have simply happened. If they were to disappear, then it would probably have a short term negative impact on Bitcoin, but it would still survive in the long term. A centralized project is dead if the core group abandons it.

so what? Both violate your definition of decentralization, hence bitcoin is no longer decentralized

Does Bitmain have over 50% of the hash rate?

EOS is a shitcoin,

bp's can do what they want.

almost trustnodes.com/2018/06/23/bitmain-nears-51-bitcoins-network-hashrate

Okay, how does bitmain "effectively" run bitcoin mining? Can it perform a 51% attack on the network? How can it disproportionately influence Bitcoin?

>Okay, how does bitmain "effectively" run bitcoin mining
they build ASICs

>Can it perform a 51% attack on the network

>How can it disproportionately influence Bitcoin?

Why do you presume this? Whether or not they can perform a 51% attack on the network is basically the only parameter that counts and I haven't seen any estimates that would put it within their abilities at the moment. However, if they would indeed gain more than 50% of the hashrate, then someone will either challenge their control of the network by increasing their own hashrate or Bitmain will cement itself as the controller of Bitcoin. If the latter happens, then yes, I agree, Bitcoin would indeed be centralized and as such would probably fade into obscurity.

maybe read the thread bucko.

>someone will either challenge their control of the network by increasing their own hashrate

So someone is gonna magically build some ASICs instantly?

Maybe actually read the articles you post instead of acting all smug, bucko

I didn't say that it's likely to happen, but it's basically one of the two options on the table if Bitmain gets over 50% of the hashrate. Do you have any other theories about what might happen? There is basically a third theoretical version that Bitmain gains 51% of the hashrate, doesn't fuck with the system and everyone just trusts them not to fuck with it. But that goes against the whole purpose of crypto.

I’m just here to say real anons know what it is

Bcash and eos are going to tear r/cryptocurrency a new asshole over the next year. Expect many salty tasty tears.

Screencap this


>the main inventor, producer and operator of ASICs has 42% of hashrate
>it's only 42%, 51% is unlikely
this is you

Not to mention the ASICs they sell are literally a generation behind what they are mining with.