Where did this meme that Latina girls are easy, come from?

Where did this meme that Latina girls are easy, come from?
American, European and Asian girls are easier.

Attached: Swedish Babe.jpg (1080x720, 196K)

Tbh Asian girls are the easiest since they have no self respect.


Attached: azn 3.jpg (817x662, 137K)

>all those easy girls
>none of them my gf
>tfw no gf

Attached: d3a.png (608x715, 539K)

Brazilian latinas are really easy, maybe Mexico is different

Really? Why am i virgin in this case?

You are not being yourself.

Every single girl is easy if you dont give a fuck and looks like I do. If you are ugly you can buy you a gf for a while, but after a while she will leave for the broke chad and have many babies. Such is life, deal with it.


They are easy if you are wh*te

That's why we will never colonize space.

Nuttin for Nuttin but I'm a kissless handholdless virgin making 140k a year. Just slightly disabled. What's that all about?

Attached: 1552171638262.jpg (1440x2560, 311K)

well, if you ever meet a latina girl you will find out

Anything with a hole is easy for Chad, not for you and me my friend.

Maybe you're just ugly desu

You should keep doing that, and unironacly, be yourself. The bitch will come, trust me. After you get one you would hope that you get rid of her, woman are fucking overrated desu.

There were maybe 6 latina girls in my highschool and 5 were known cumdumpsters, #6 was my gf but also a whore before

hispanics seem to have 17 kids a piece and start having them at what, 12? your culture is pretty messed up

No, im seriours

I had a lot of "pale skin" mexican friends they were not even white and all the girls in my class wanted them

There are no Latin Americans in the Netherlands.
Stop lying

there are actually a lot of mexican girls in the UK (suprisingly) and they love cock

there are actually a lot of English girls in México (suprisingly) and they love big mestizo cock

Ah, yes. I too, remember when I first lost my virginity and had my first child when I was 12. It's a local tradition.

I heard your girls come out of the womb in high-heels dancing. Is this true?

You must be lying since everyone knows mestizo cock is tiny

White girls are the biggest whores

if you're right, why don't you have anyone?

The Netherlands is immigration ground zero, just because nafris outnumber them 5.000:1 doesnt mean we don’t have spics or really anything else for that matter. Amsterdam has always been the city with the most nationalities ahead of NYC and London until some Pacific islander died

Mexican Average is larger than American, silly goose

easist countries to get laid from my travels
- finland
- norway
- germany

- italy
- russia
- ukraine
- spain i guess

they just take too much effort when a german girl spreads he cunt faster than i can say Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän


Attached: Indio Con Rusa.webm (853x480, 486K)

from my experience, russian and ukrainian girls are easy. Finnish and german girls definitely easy as well

i thought german girls were the harder women in eu

If you watch the video with good definition quality, you will see that the guy looks exactly like Mexican Andy. It's hilarious.

it's him retard

she looks finnish

Hardest girls: Muslim

lol no

t. Well I’m glad you’re giving as good as you get, Sven