Will you quit crypto if prices don't recover (still $5K-6K) by 2019?

Will you quit crypto if prices don't recover (still $5K-6K) by 2019? Vote here

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will never quit until i make it

I will make it or lose everything, I’m not in a hurry

ill quit life

>Continue to trade

Where's the option to use crypto instead of just trade it?

Haha. Nice try.


Have some patience

life is overrated

I've got over $120k of my personal fiat money invested into crypto. I fully expect to be a millionaire within 3 years or I'll kms. I'm tired of getting up for work.

This is the only shot many of us will ever have. I'm not giving up.

Hello schlomo

>He thinks merchants will accept this useless garbage in 2019+
>He believes BS marketing buzzwords like "dApps" and "internet 4.0"

>he still uses horse carriages and pigeons to send and receive messages

What kind of volatility are we talking? If there's still decent swings between 5 and 6k, why would I stop trading?

if you are asking this question you are probably a week hand motherfucker that should have never entered this space. GTFO

>he doesn't use his crypto exclusively to buy hundreds of dollars worth of drugs on the deepweb

Imagine quitting and not accumulating
Fucking retards

it's way too easy for any brainlet to make money in that kind of environment, it's not sustainable, big swings incoming

i just cashed out today actually.

>quitting on financial freedom

good goy

get with the times dawg crypto is da fucking bomb

governments will force their own pozzed national cryptocurrencies onto their people and push away anything they deem "unsafe" such as btc/monero and all that. These shitcoins aren't going to lead us to freedom

>governments will force their own pozzed national cryptocurrencies onto their people and push away anything they deem "unsafe" such as btc/monero and all that.
Why would current crypto users start using their inflational shitcurrency tho?

I'd rather keep a high risk hedge against an inflated fiat with no real backing/prevention of fed manipulation.

governments is behind bitcoin

because governments have the power to put a gun against your head and give you no choice but to listen

´Not even trading though

No, I'll keep holding unless I really need the money. I'll sell as as it recovers. It should be obvious to anyone with a brain that this whole thing is a scam.

if they don't go full bull in the next halving then maybe

I'll quit when I make it, or die trying

Not really with decentralized currency they don't.

Hahahaha. Nothing like quitting crypto before the 2020 bullrun.

you must be idiots if you cant wait till 2019 to retire...

I already quit crypto, cashing out slowly

Crypto isnt my job, im just investing and learning.

I will never quit crypto but all my money is in the bank now besides $100 on bitmex. I may make trades at around $5k. My accumulation is $1-3k