Do Americans really do that

Do Americans really do that

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>steven pinker
oh gawd

Steven Pinker is one of these guys where I agree with almost everything he says but I just hate his face

>And then they can release the emergency cyanide when the workers start getting uppity! BOUNDLESS!

Note this autistic faggot spams /tv/ constantly too


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If these hit the market I give it three months before some joker writes a phone app that just broadcasts the activation signal constantly, and five months for someone to try and make that app into malware.


O brave new world!

>take antidepressants when most stressed
Is that safe? I thought you were meant to take them ona regular scheduled basis not like a headache reliever. Are there even "on demand" antidepressants like that anyways?


>Drugging your employees to up productivity

Sounds highly illegal and immoral.

There are drugs for anxiety, they work more directly than SSRIs.

It's not bad so long as it benefits the economy

The economy can suck my dick, lick my balls and tickle my arsehole.

Woah. So this is the power of capitalism?


So how do they...stay inside of you? Or do they not?

And you sound like a commie

No I sound like a CEO you fucking retard

First thing that came to my mind

It's cursed that we can interpret this image.
Human ingenuity is boundless.

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I thought he was smarter than that

Lol let's normalize swallowing electronics, what could possibly go wrong

back in the cage, wagie

have sex