/tn/: Tunisian general

Bech neghtaseb ay 3abd yposti jihawiyet be nice to each other edition

Attached: J7ayech.jpg (838x320, 81K)

Ken tnajmou postiw bl derja


Kifech n9oulou based bel derja

Reeeeeeee you shoulda named it TUNA fucking hell.

...و بالنسبة للجينرال بش يموت خاطرنا زوز توّا

>be nice to each other
>implying it's possible when crackhead samefagging c*mmies come and shit the thread down

4 now :)

Mazel el general fil mar7la experimentale mte3ou bech nperfectiweh bel wa9t wel tajrba
قاعدي عامّة ياسر نخمم فحاجة تونسية اكثر
نحنة اربعة وعلقيلة ما يعانيش مل ابولا ال جنرال هذا
Just don't discuss religion

امس كان صدقني ربي وصلنا 7 اما مكش بش تلقى برشا ترافيك توا خاتر لعباد تخدم\تقرى. ابدا احكي في موضوع و مبعد اتو يقوى الترافيك

عيشك عل النصيحة
منستحقوش ترافيك كبير بتبيعتكم عندكم متعملو و عندكم بوردس اخرين تكحلو عليهم موش بش ت ريفريشيو كول دقيقة
مشكلة فاش انا حقيقةً جبري و متوحد منعرش علا شنوا نحكي

#ايتس اوكاي انّك متوحّد جبري

Algerians are probably gonna elect their """Nah4a""" aren't they?
RIP Algeria (1992___2019)

7atta ken y7ottou nadhthemhom miselch ken 3andom mou5attet e9tisadi ama s3ib barcha
N7abb nestad3i el 3alam el dziri mn mena ama n5af ytalefni no5rej mbadhdhel

RIP Algeria (-xxxx-1515)

الاسلامي وينو خلّي يفتي علينا, الانيم حرام ولاّ لا ؟

bachra fréros kif tji tounes
only words of tunisian i know
anyways, I have obligations I will need to spend time on in some minutes

henlo uwu

Attached: 77BA3C3C-2545-42DE-8FBF-86DEC28167A9.png (500x361, 65K)

it seems too easy
redpill me on the situation
too lazy to read the news

Kek good post
I don't get it if you hate tunisian posters so much why come into the tunisian general
I did promote it on /mena/ so fair enough

Opinions on wearing the Hijab?

i stalk every thread that is somewhat related to /mena/ both on Jow Forums and on Jow Forums
also, less grim answer : i don't hate tunisian posters since it's just shitposting and baiting for you's

Ennik rou7i towa wala kifeh?
Kharjou zok omha hal texaniyya
Pros: behi lel nsé li3andhom receding hairline
Cons: 5ayeb lel nsé el normal

تي انا حجاب يا زبي قتلك الانيم تفهمش بالتونسي ؟
انيم, حلال ولا حرام

مثلن بيك ريلاتيد فيه سيدنا (صلعم)

Attached: mohamed pbuh.jpg (580x410, 39K)

اما بالعكس كان فيه محمد حرام و العياذ بالله و الله اعلم و انّ الله لجبّار رحيم و استغفر الله و نعود بعد قليل

جوست نحب نعرف شنوا الي قعدت تامن بيه مالقواعد الاجتماعية المستوحاة مالدين بعد الحادك. و هو نوز كل مرا يفتيوا فتوا جديدة. انتي مدامك تكره المسلمين الكل حتا الي مش بالضرورة متخونجين دونك بلي بش نجاوبك بش تتمنيك نو؟ مايبي حلال. اني في الحالات لكل نتفرج.

5sara se3a fih el sa7aba

Attached: Sa7aba.png (587x777, 997K)

Ken l3abd takrah elli mahouch metkhanwej bech yekrah chtar 3ayeltou w barcha 3bed behin walla normal ma3amlouch 7ajet khayba fi 7yethom

اشبيك تحطّ في كلام ما قلتوش انا ؟ما قلتش نكره المسلمين الكل و بالعكس ما نكره كان الدواعش واللي يفكّر كيفهم(تطرّف) اما نكره نفاق المسلمين و خاصة انهم يدعيو الاسلام و يدافعو عليه قولش علاهم شيوخة الكلّ. و فمّا المسلم الكذّاب و نكره خاصة خاصة المسلم التونسي(خاصة الشباب منهم) اللي يشربو و يستعملو مخدرات و يكفر و بعد يقلّك انا مسلم و نقطع راس الكفار و هذا نفاق
و انا نجّم(و نتصور روحي) مسلم و نتبّع قواعد الاسلام اللي علموهملي عائلتي و قرايتي خير منك و بالتاكيد انا مسلم اكثر من المنافقين اللي كنت نحكي علاهم

و انا نعرف الاسلام خير منك بالكش و نعرف فيه حاجات يتربى عليها الشخص يطلع باهي اما المسلمين يعلمو كيما يحبو و يتجاهلو برشا ايات و حديث قريناه و يعملو العكس
انتي كان ما جيتش جحش و مسطكّ و تسمع العبد راني حكيتلك على تفكيري اما انتي داخل فراندس تسخايب روحك علاّمة و ردّيتني شيوعي و زبّي, مخّك كي مخّ الصغار

و نكره الكافر(اللي معناه يخفي الشيء في العربية كان ما فيبالكش) اللي يعرف حاجة و يخبّاها ولاّ يتجاهلها كيما برشا مسلمين ينكرو حاجات حتّى بعد ما تفسّرلهم خاطر خايفين من اي حاجة تمس دينهم, و حتى كنت اكاكا اللي نحسّو يمسّ ايماني ما نقراوش اصلا

>wasting time with ath*ists (probably jews among them aswell)

اني نقول في الكلام هاكا خاتر نتفكر فما ثريد بداو الوستويدز يتمنيكو فيه كلعادة عالمسلمين و موش في اطار التفدليك و كلعادة الي بش يدافع على فكرة القوة الربانية و لا على الطقوس متاع العبادة هوما و الملحدين متاع مينا (بما فيهم انتي) تقولو عليه منافق. متفاهمين الشرائح الاجتماعية الاي انتي تكرهم اني زادا نمقتهم و اي عبد مهوش مريض في مخو بش يلفضهم و الايديولوجيا متاعهم.

I'm not the fucking "fuck commies" guy. Matter of fact I don't even think he's here given the ath*its barf pic hasn't been posted yet. You're the one who gets aggressive each and every time religion comes up and start to dump disrespectful memes and or calling anyone who defends Islam a "khwenji". I've written walls of fucking text condemning religious terrorism in the 90's and the Nahdha shenanigans fucking up our modern government yet all those points are moot because I'm somehow still religious? I'm not even the best Muslim and I realize that I'm neglecting many of my duties and practices, that doesn't mean I can outright stop getting triggered at those memes. It's a reflex at this point.
If you still can't distinguish between posters, this is the first time I ever talk with (You) about religion.

عرفتها... ملّول نسخايبو موش تونسي خاطرو ما يفهمش تونسي و كلمت الف مرة قبل ما يفهمش و معروف ما يفهمش تونسي في البورد بول و بعد جيت انتي تفهم ياخي وليت تتكلم كيفو قلت اذايا كيفاه ولا يتكلم تونسي فجاة...
انا ما نتمنيكش على حد اما اللي يبدا يتقوحب كيفو هو انا نولي نتقوحب كيفو

و ما قلت على حت واحد خاونجي و العكس نحب شكون يواريني الي تفكيري و لوجيك متاعي غالط
برشا عباد تخدم بالمشاعر, و كي تخدم بالمشاعر ما تفكرش بلوجيك و يغيب العقل كيما نقولو
اذاكا علاه كي يلقاو شكون يحكي حاجة خايبة على الاسلام ولا الرسول يولّي يسبّ و ملحد كافر كذاب و بلا بلا بلا

نعرشز برشا ناس تجيهم فترة يشكوا في العقيدة و الحاجات الي تبعوها تباعة عمياء ملي تولدوا و بالطبيعة تنجم توصل ازمة شخصية على خاتر حتى و لاو كان لواحد مترباش تربية دينية (كيفي اني و ناس اخرين) تقعد تحس انوا الدين منضملك حياتك. Ugh my point is, you can be a """"""secular""""" religious person and not be anal like hardcore Islamists, but I still balk at putting God in the limelight of criticism. The prophet, maybe. He was human after all and I tend to take most a7adith with a grain of salt. But God? Idk.
فما بعض المقدسات الي منجمش ندنسها حتى و لو كان جوست بالحديث.

Behi so, jeet besh nit 3llem it tounsi *lurks*

how powerful would an unified maghreb from mauritania to libya be
also.. a tunisia told me being the smallest country they'll lose their power to decide like that but what if we create a single maghrebi identity
there's no real reason for the maghreb not to be one country besides circumstances

That's the goal

>what if we create a single maghrebi identity
Do you think an identity would take shape immediatly and you would stop considering yourself algerian and even raising your children as algerian and so on?
Actually not just us, the six million Libyans and the mauretanians would also be unrepresented (especially if you take into account the illiteracy rate of these countries, I believe the libyan one is overestimated by the govt. owned libyan census bureau and obv ioulsy they can't even fucking measure it now with what's going down in their country
Not only does this mean the Libyan and Mauritanian community will have almost no voice, they will probably have very few govt execs proportionally
And since Algerians number at 90 millions they will decide the fate of tunisians/libyans/mauritanians and I doubt any of the latter 3 would like that or feel as Algeria/Morocco represent him
Even a federation is larpy and unachievable
Yeah all in all this union would be unsatisfactory at best and even so there's no reason for it to exist

فمّا عباد لتوّا لا كفّرت داعش... نتكلم مع واحد توّا قلّي ما نجمش نكفرها ولاّ شنوّا

I reconcile economic affiliation and the like. That would benefit us the most as we have a shortage of natural resources. However, I won't deign to tolerate the concept of one common "maghrebi" identity. Too many socio economic differences to count.

I think the most sensible maghrebi union would be Libya-Tunisia but even then col gaddafi's mistreatment of tunisians living in libya left a very bitter taste in peoples' mouth, and the socio-economic differences you mentioned are not negligible, there's socio-economic differences within our borders
If bourguiba and gaddafi's blunder of an islamic arab republic is anything to go by, (and it was only two decades post colonialism where our societies were more similar and didn't drift off that far apart), a tunisian libyan union would be a failure
If that sounds unachievable just think how silly it would be for a Tunisian to consider a Moroccan his countryman unintelligible or a Mauritanian a Libyan considering they have never seen one in their life
It's even shittier when you consider the regionalism within maghrebi cultures due to most of the industrialization happening within the coast
Just imagine how untame things would get if maghrebis could practice regionalism against their new countrymen kek
Plus a govt of maghrebis can't manage that much land, most maghrebi govts have no fucking idea what goes on in the backwater part of their countries, a giant state in an unstable region sounds like an open invitation for groups to nig it up with insurgencies and the like

It doesn't have to be one country it can't be, it could be a confederation or a federation...

No you are not Berber
No you are not Phoenician or Vandal
No you are not pagan
No you are not white
No you are not nomadic

Yes you are Arab
Yes you are Muslim
Yes you are brown
Yes you live in a shitty town

What's the point if it will likely never become ruled unitarily and will likely lean into becoming the federacy of algeria and cie
Keep in mind that most of maghreb is democractic so it's really hopeful of you not to expect the more influent states to pull a power play

I agree with what you said, apart from this
>Plus a govt of maghrebis can't manage that much land
This is only due to major incompetence from our leadership. We should never make excuses for said carelessness. But as it stands, sure. A union of such vast geographical dimensions is impossible to carry out.
Besides, I believe the Lybians should just give us the Western coast of their cunt. They own property here anyway, might as well give us our due in the form of oil gibs.

Mostly economic gains, surely everyone will get out with something if it's a economic union

Hello neighbours.

مش ممنوعين البرّانيّا انهم يشريو في تونس ؟؟

>Besides, I believe the Lybians should just give us the Western coast of their cunt. They own property here anyway, might as well give us our due in the form of oil gibs.
t. Mou3ammer el Trabelsi
Also there are formerly tunisian groves there
Plus many libyans moved to tunisia back then and it's happening now too

What do we think about Bushra's equal inheritance bill?

Chtar el 3a99arat mta3 lkrozz chrewha ell lybiyya. Bech 5aryin 3lina houma taww.

Hello Malta user you qt. How's your med general going? Comfy as usual?

Mafibelich ti aslan fibeli yjim khatr yeskrou bl r5is
We already are in an economic union but it's not in effect
If this were 20 years ago I'd say no because women can just marry someone or t3ich fdar bouha
Ama mokther el nsé te5dem tawwa w3andha nafs lmas2ouliyet
Hawka ken twalli fifty fifty mayofredhch 3liha ebayha bech tetnek fl wartha w keni moslma tetfehm 5arj el 9anoun hiya w khwetha

ممكن ليبيا اكهوّا, على خاطر نعرف الاوروبيين لا. و نتذكّر المدّة اللي فاتت ولاّو يخلّيو الدزايرية و المغاربة يشريو ظاهلّي

Hello fren. It's not up yet, since it doesn't move much at this time but it seems to be getting regulars so that's good.

Attached: aputhumbsup.png (720x644, 67K)

sorry to bring drama here but i need to vent for advices
genrikh saying he won my mind games when it went like this : stopped talking for weeks because i didn't want to sent him anything --> harsh break with another made me weak ---> need to find someone else and he was my only option
there was no mind games, just wishes and later impulsive actions
that's what I mean when I said he's trying to create a false narrative since months
should I just keep silent like I used to in this case?


Attached: ich liebe tunesien und facebook memes.jpg (960x533, 68K)

Just ignore him and you'll be fine.
I mean your nudes leaked. Stop dwelling on it.

HHHH wtf
Based ken el ostedh rajel

Everyone heard your side of the story so there's no need for you to keep doing everytime you're accused of something even if not defending yourself pisses you off
Or you can keep talking with him for ages
Either way you need real (real life) friends
Jus bee yourself and go outside
Also you could have posted this in /mena/ instead since GENRIKH will find this general

ok, you're probably right so thanks

also is it me or 4channel goes through an error for one second these days

Who the fuck is Kais Said?

An albino
*keep defending yourself



Is she the next Erdogan?

Attached: souadabderrahim.jpg (630x354, 24K)

Yedekom fih ya twansa nmout 3likom bsh

7atta entouma t9oulou yedkom fiih ya mwabna t3alamtou ?
hmmm ?

She is irrelevant unironically
Fuck tunis


ou donnez moi votre profil laissez moi t‘as orbiter sir/madam lol (keep off texan)

يدك فيه منا ليوم يبعثون يا النقش الميبون كنا نقولوها قبلكم

Attached: received_305112153592267.jpg (474x392, 51K)

Layla bn Ali
t. Na9ch

?????? Jai ????
Anta goblina twink?

What goblina twink?
Listen Bushbush from now on if you make a mention of some good olden days posters you gotta post the receipts. Ie: go in the archive and look up some iconic retardation. Come on now.

Don't call me that

Page 10 mashallah