This is Korean Dream!!!

Iamgine when your whole life dream is buying one of this commie block in Seoul.

In reality, this apartments are life goal for 25million Seoul metropolitan area citizen.

Attached: Seoul3.png (942x490, 820K)

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Korean English teacher?

Looks like a Godzilla set

We work 10~ 12hours a day to buy this commie block.

Average price of this price is $600,000. It can be sound cheap for western europe,la and new york etc.
But it is for 70m2 small room.


Sometimes I dont know why I work 10 hours a day for this small room.But this became just way of life.So I embrace it and live like this.

This is my house. Does South Korea not have an equivalent style of residence?

Attached: CB2D1744-6033-4F04-A99C-F2939800F2BD.jpg (1600x1066, 591K)

No I am normal Korean born and raised on Korea. I am just sick of this apartment this city.I can get motivation to save money for buying house. Because its literally garbage hive

There are some in suburb area of Seoul though...
But 80% of land is full of apartments and I can get those house near my workplace

can ->cant

Dear sir what Koreanon has in hi OP is what we call an open spacious town.

cant get motivation

How do you people tolerate living in copy pasta commieblocks sprawling everywhere?
As someone who was born in the countryside I would terminate my life in such living conditions

Yes and I am normal American. I am fat. Everyone is so fat. People don't take shoe off here. Can you believe Americans do that? Wow. They don't even eat fairy bread. Bloody cunts. That's why I hate it here.


What make me frustrared is most Korean support and love this commie block. They are used to it and prefer commie block over detached house.They keep building this commie block over and over until NOW.

Korean who despise apartment like me are really rare in Korea

Reminds me of this in Turkey.

Attached: 2828338.jpg (470x313, 33K)

You sound pretty based if I dare saying so

Seoul fags btfo
be smart and move to suburbs

never fails to make me laugh

>Implying only Seoul has this commie block

If 90% of house in Seoul is commie block, at least 60~70% of house in suburb is commie block too.

Koreans living in Europe unironically romanticize Korean housing in a way a person starts be thankful for what he had thought as a given. Not all of them but most do.

Yikes. Very kitsch

>have commie president
>live in commie blocks
Looks like the North has won the culture war.

M8, if you think this is ugly then look at Taiwan’s apartments.

>not buying a small land and build tiny house yourself

Pyongyang river view

Attached: Pyongyang.png (533x288, 273K)

Disgusting Seoul river view BTFOd

Attached: Han river.png (1300x866, 1.58M)

t. hdb resident

Sorry to hear that. Our capitol city's has similar prices on apartments of that size in the good areas but there are still a lot of smaller cities or suburbans near the capitol city that allows people to buy real houses. I guess this is one of the perks of living in a country with small population. Living in a city with population nearing 10 mil sounds like a nightmare.

>reverse image search

nah i live in a condo
but dont you think those tacky castles are funny? totally defeats the purpose of luxury residences if your neighbourhood is that dense

Master Pyongyang BTFO

Attached: Pyongyang2.png (1300x745, 1.39M)

Superior Pyongyang

Attached: Pyongyang3.png (1300x796, 1.32M)

Garbage Seouless river view

Attached: Seoul tower.png (910x607, 822K)

Subhuman level river view in Seoul

Attached: 서울 강변.png (586x326, 250K)

Imagine when you see this scenery when druving car in Seoul.

I feel urge to bomb all these commie block for my country before I die.

Attached: 서울 천.png (1280x720, 1.15M)

Vomit at Seoul

Attached: 서울 한강.png (1200x800, 1.16M)

My eyes!!!!!!!!!!!
Seoul ,
Its Gross !

Attached: 서부이촌동 성냥갑.png (742x525, 394K)

Supereme leader Kim made Pyongyang better than Seoul.

Thanks Pyongyang!

Attached: 평양.png (852x480, 361K)

Seems like the Japanese copypasta guy got banned and now got a new Korean proxy. Hope you get a job and a life someday.

Based north koreaboo

Daily reminder you can always buy a land in backwater middle of nowhere for dirt cheap and build a mansion yourself.

That's cheaper than the price here, for an apartment of same size.

By focusing at the surface appearance you'd made yourself become more like the North.
Even if you just want to compare the appearance, you can look inti it more than just the most decorated scene

>But it is for 70m2 small room.

It's not small. It's a 2+2/3 family apartment

Don't live in Seoul.

That’s not simple when jobs barely exist in the other parts of the country.

hard to believe, Korean industry is strong and I doubt Hyundai or LG have their factories in Seoul

Its fucking 1AM in Korea. Pleese sleep OP

Yeah. If you have a background in engeering then you’re in good luck because as you said most factories are located far from Seoul. But the thing is many of our core industries are in decline and consequently our industrial cities are suffering too.
Besides, even big cities with more 1 million residents do not offer lots of good job opportunities. The economy of these cities are consumer-based. What’s worse is that in some areas even the minimum wages are violated.

I just looked up, 80% of our corporations have their headquarters in Seoul. Fuck.




Yes...All Hyundai,Samsung, LG and SK hynix factories located province.

But ' manufacturing job' is look down on in Korea.Also Korean dont like to live on coutryside. Like ant, all korean flock to mega city and dont want to get a job in countryside.

The Most important thing: You fucking poland and hungary is taking our job.You fucking asshole.All Lg chem,samsung sdi and sk innvation is building their EV battery factory in your country and hungary not korea.FUCK YOU poland

Wow and I tought our Mcmansions were bad.

They are just headquarters and there are plenty of jobs outside of seoul.
You don't have to worry about the minimum wage violation that mostly only happens in part time job market.
Sound like you are a student who never got a job at anywhere desu. stop complaining about the things that no one cares and go to sleep virgin

>You fucking poland and hungary is taking our job.You fucking asshole.All Lg chem,samsung sdi and sk innvation is building their EV battery factory in your country and hungary not korea.FUCK YOU poland

Just agree to work for lower wages. Your factories here pay 700-800 eur/month. If you accept such wages, I'm sure your factories won't need to move abroad.

Are you dumb? they didnt take our job they were determined to go outside of the country anyway. and eastern europe happened to be chosen by them because of the cheap labor. It's like very common for companies to move their factories oversea

Where do you live? Everyone from 지방 I’ve seen agreed on the appalling state of job market in their area.

>minimum wage violation that mostly only happens in part time job market
So?? Labor abuses do happen in full time jobs in different ways and on a different scales. You think things that happen in Seoul don’t happen in 지방? Lol

I mean within sudogwon. I agree places outside of sudogwon sucks but within it you can find cities with decent infrastructure and way cheaper housing than Seoul (Ansan,Siheung,Suwon,Pyongtaek,Hwasung and other newly planned cities)

>and eastern europe happened to be chosen by them because of the cheap labor

I'm sorry, but we're not Eastern Europe. It's like calling South Korea "southern Asia".

I did live in korea for about 5 months ( near sinchon station ).
The housing is indeed pretty horrible, both by space standards and price.

Also i did find public transportation kind of weird, usually in big city you can access the city center from the suburbs quite quick and that makes for better/bigger living space.
But Seoul was weird and i couldn't really live outside the city without having to commute like crazy ( and without 4g since i have so kssn it was kind of disconcerting )

Didn't have the time to go to busan, ins't it better ? Seems better.

>I mean within sudogwon
See, this is when you can see how realistic the nickname “Republic of Seoul” is. In that sense North and South Korea aren’t different, the privileged class living in the capital, the less lucky ones living near the capital, and the plebs who make up the rest stuck in other regions. You have to realize the sole reason of the development in all these cities you mentioned is the over-saturation of Seoul that pushes out people and reasorces.

>usually in big city you can access the city center from the suburbs quite quick.
If I’m right you have commuter rails for that in Europe. Urban railway system in Seoul however is sort of a huge extension of inner city rails which connects lots and lots of areas so it’s no wonder Seoul has the world’s most extensive metro. However, I think the same feature has a side effect of slowing the overall speed which is probably relevant to your point.

Seoul has quite a lot of subway line.But You cant directly go to seoul downtown from suburb quickly and easily.The line are not connected well organically.(Like you cant go gangnam from Jongno downtown directly).

So we are consturcting equivalent of London crossrail called GTX right now.

For Busan, their mass transport is beyond horrible.There are good scenery and building you cant see at Seoul like pic related. But still...its Korea. Fucking commie block every where.What do you expect from Korea?

Attached: Busan.png (946x620, 1.16M)

>and the plebs who make up the rest stuck in other regions

the small difference is that the Korean "plebs" are still among the richest people on Earth.

Yes,I agree. Though so many Korean like to brag about how our subway is the best in the world. But it has serious disadvantage.

We covered all seoul metropolitan with underground.It is our advantage of subway.But it became disadvantage itself.

We fucking built underground when you need to make just railroad.도심만 돌면서 지하로 깔아야 할 도시철도랑 도시 간에 연결하는 중전철 구분을 안 하고 전부 지하 중전철로 깔아서 도시간 이동에 시간이 오래걸림.

lol i thought it's Moscow

small Korean cities are not that bad desu

Attached: 4545345.jpg (960x614, 362K)

How about the "feel" ?
Seoul in the end was an ok place to live in, i disliked some things but liked others.

I got the impression that busan was somehow better to live in is it true ?

? Looks like somewhere in Russia or eastern europe. I dont think its Korea

that's Korea, trust me

Attached: 45453.jpg (1413x943, 747K)

I was born and raised in suburb of Seoul(Anyang, maybe you would know).

So, I dont know how to live in Busan.
Maybe beach,sea food,less crowded eill be benefit

damn I though the "asians are insects" thing was just a meme but this really looks like some kind of bacterial colony or ant farm more than a human city

And I thought our modern commieblocks looks bad.

Ha ha,No way its Korean.

Aside from the architecture style, I can notice the difference.

South Korea is so mountaineous(searxh google earth), you can see mountain at anyangle around horizon.

We dont have that massive plain land.
I heard poland has massive plain, is it your country, right?

You didnt see real ant farm...

Pic related is South Korea's new administrative capital(Like washington D.C).

Attached: Korea1.png (1201x629, 1.45M)

I have never heard of a positive thing to come out of South Korea, ever. Well with the obvious exception of sex slaves/comfort women.

There's even a Japanese movie where Doona Bae stars as a sex doll...

Seoul vs Seoul-less

Seoul is the most soulless city in this country though

>He didnt watch good modern korean cinema.

Our film industry is bigger and better than yours though

Poland is the Korea of Europe

Korean drama is all the same shit. I watched a few shows. It's always about corruption by government, big corporations or police. Always the same shit!

What do you mean? Our show is literally sappy rom com.

They ruined that landscape.

Hey Korea user, what is your idea of a perfect city? What kind of city would you create if you had complete control?


But I want to born as poland male rather than South Korean. I eagerly want beautiful blonde polish girl

I will not make detached housd sprwaling like epidemic like your city.It makes hard to build mass transport.It leads to longer commuter time.I will reject burger model.

Also I will not build high-rise commie block over and over like East Asia.Thats fucking ugly and inhumane living condition.

I will build 10 floor apartment city. No same shit ugly design. With beautiful 10th floor apartment, it will be perfext mix of well planned mass transport and living condition.Less crossroad too.You shold use transportation. And a lot of grass with every street.Lots of park.

Got any pics that represent that?

What do you think of terraced houses? It’s basically a narrow strip of low-story residental buildings that are connected to each other. European cities have plenty of them and it looks okay to me.

Attached: 4A7DA797-C278-4927-86E8-83EB27BE230D.jpg (2560x1920, 843K)

Of course not.Its all my imagniation.I drew some city plan with explantion of Korean long ago.Its hard to find now.

The key point is mass transport.Also walking-friendly city.Every 10th apartment have shops at 1th floor. So you can see various shops while walking the streets.Unlike Korean apartment complex which have specific building for shops(Like pic related). Also 10th apartment have to have some of unique Korean aesthetic. Like east asian style roof tile for every 3 floor.

Less crossroad,more bicycle road ands grass. Dense subway thanks to their 10th floor apartment.

It must be very uncomfortable to live in a country with a population density so high you don't have evnough space to build houses with gardens

Forgot to add pic.Like picture,Korean apartment have specufic building for shop.Nope.

Every apartment should have their shops in their 1th floor.Pulbic should watch various shops from various apartments on walking

Attached: 한국 상가.png (700x393, 579K)

Yes,I lik european model the most. Moderation from sprawling burger model and high-rise commie block east asin model.

Maybe because I am Korean, I want a little bit more dense like 10th floor.It leads to great mass transport system.

I want make mass transport friendly city with less crossraod.Also walking friendly with massive grass on every street.

Looks like a Skyrim mod.

Somehow this reminds me of buildings humans had in the New Tokyo in Evangelion.

Attached: Korea2.png (1189x615, 1.27M)

This is the average British house. Most towns are full of these.

Attached: house.jpg (600x450, 178K)

They're okay when they have trees lining the road, otherwise they're just a canyon of brick and concrete.

This has to be bait.

How about that 버닝썬, bro?

Thanks for mentioning that, it does look very artificial.

you seem to love NK, why not defect to NK?