/lang/ - Language Learning General

>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?
Down under German

Old thread Old challenge

Attached: ability and confidence.png (1371x1168, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Where's the trick

here's the trick lads

>talk to yourself constantly
then, and this is truly devilish

>talk to yourself constantly in the language you want to learn

Please participate in my poll.


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Are there actually people who don't do that? How else are you supposed to get a good accent without living abroad.

Yeah it's called thinking, that's how I learnt english

Korea is better than China so learn Korean

most people do not speak out loud to themselves

i think

Apparently the ctrl+c for the challenge didn't stick, so here it is.

Old challenge

Not necessarily "talking" to yourself but repeating words and sentences your hear, trying to get the pronunciation and accent right, reading out loud. But I guess thinking out loud in your target language could be a good practice, makes you look like a retard to other people but I'm sure it's efficient.

Bagettefrens, I love you

>A good accent
French Guy!

You'd be surprised

Mandarin (Traditional). Don't be lazy about this.

Anyone saying Korean is taking the piss mate.

Pic relates
This is why they say it is easyer to speake a foreign language, when you are drunk

You guys discriminate each others on TV sets, due to your accent. Don’t give me that Bullshit!

Korean, but I am biased.

Empeñar = to pawn right? As in to sell/loan an item for quick cash
Por ejemplo: "El borracho empeñó su reloj porque quiso ir al casino"


I've got a great language learning tip too

> Write about Vikings, read about Vikings, cook food like Vikings, live as a Viking
it's truly devilish

What did we do to deserve such love? Or are you doing that just to spite the germans?

Weikiggos sind mikilos
Vikingi ir atskerigi

C'est comme ça que j'ai amélioré mon français


But it has other meanings and uses, for example: se empeñó en empeñar su reloj.

>porque quiso ir al casino
porque quería

>talk to myself constantly
>weird distorted voice starts answering

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dont worry fren that's just your cultural anima talking, you're forming another personality in the language you're learning

happens all the time

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Is it normal for him to speak of His Terribleness, Baelkoth and the looming quickening?

Oh tabarnak!

depends, is it in english, aramaic, or some other language?

>he doesn't have a tulpa who is a native speaker of the language(s) he wants to learn

Attached: 1548390998953.jpg (247x242, 22K)

>tfw no language stando

what did he mean by this

cause my eyes are burning like the sun

Attached: chelseawolfecolor_wide-49180c2fc15fd21c06dd0fef8f5a66e9cf5fe7b5.jpg (1400x787, 164K)

Acquiring vocabulary is

Vocabulary is fun, grammar is the boring part

Just read? What is boring?

having to translate 95% of the words and then forgetting them again


Attached: 763.jpg (763x431, 52K)

It's the only way, at some point you stop forgetting them.

t. have rather large korean vocab

Topk kek, made me google tulpa, 10/10

I don't know. I'm pretty sure the tongue calls itself "The Black Speech," but I don't know it's name in English.

It's just the process. Remembering the meaning of a word is entirely subconscious and only improves by repeated exposure. So just read like a zen monk and don't worry if you don't remember a word, just look at the definition and continue without thinking about it. I currently know ~20% of the vocab words that I've run into after about a year of reading. I like reading though.

Attached: lwt.png (985x198, 27K)

>german user unwittingly outs himself as a sub-vocalizer

Attached: cpp.jpg (598x415, 60K)

What software am I looking at?

Learning With Texts, it's in the fandom(tm) page

Thanks user.
>unironically hosting on sourceforge in 2019
Absolutely and totally disgusting. The author should feel bad. There's no way I'm downloading a bin from there after the crapware fiasco. Looks like I'm going to have to compile it from source.

And it's repo is a fucking zip file and it's written in ph-fucking-p. Someone needs to have a serious talk with this developer.

Attached: dp.jpg (242x257, 18K)


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I’m fluent in Spanish and English with no notable accent in either language, AMA

I've been using it for some time and it randomly decided to give up on me today for some reason

hi mom, why didn't you teach me spanish?

>no notable accent

Attached: 1521501387188.jpg (600x484, 24K)

What happened? works for me

Attached: hp.png (1920x1080, 241K)

My first language is Spanish and it’s all I spoke for the first 7 years of my life. I’m 23 now and I’ve been speaking English for 16 years. I speak Spanish at home and English everywhere else. I’ve asked and everyone I interact with in both languages says they don’t think I have an accent.

I hate web development, yet I have half a mind to write something for this. It should be possible to write an addon that detects languages and then does something similar without (from a cursory glace) what appears to be a self-hosted server backend. I'm too lazy to actually see it through, though.

What are you learning now friend?

Picking up French. It’s sad how much slower I am at picking it up compared to how fast I picked up English when I was but a young lad.

Youre just the average CHI, how is that impressive? What are we suppose to ask you?

It doesn't work anymore, currently reinstalling to see if it fixes anything, but now I'm reminded of how yanky installing this thing is

everyone has an accent
every accent is notable somewhere


Yeah, I had heard about lwt before and then I discovered it was done in PHP and I said "ewww I'm not using this shit"

Пpивeт, мoй yкpaинcкий дpyг

reinstalled the devserver thing, using the old file, and all my shit is gone,
Pretty fucking pissed desu

The average CHI’s Spanish is fucking terrible or non-existent.

Ha yкpaинcкoм бyдeт пpaвильнo "пpивiт".

Пpивeт, кaк дeлa?

Not the ones living next to the border like me ;)

He obviously means notable to other mexicans you retard. Just like slav or turk accents are notable to Germans

there's an alternative

Attached: 1.jpg (657x413, 51K)

Я знaю, a cпacибo

Хopoшo. Kaк жизнь в yкpaинe?

Attached: 1550089728535.png (720x960, 567K)

Attached: 1.jpg (650x841, 126K)

У нac бывaли вpeмeнa и пoлyчшe. Пoмoгитe нaм избaвитьcя oт pyccкoй мpaзи и y нac бyдeт лyчшe ;)

Укpaинa пишeтcя c бoльшoй бyквы. B пpoтивнoм cлyчae твoй знaкoмый yкpaинeц oбидитcя нa тeбя.

Post a vocaroo

Attached: skeptical cat.jpg (604x453, 80K)

Mы нe мocквички, пo вcяким мeлoчaм нe oбижaeмcя.


"Amour" est un mot fort.
Quels sont tes passe-temps préferés?
J'aime danser.
Ceci est trop difficile.

Les ours mangent du poisson,entre autres choses.
Les enfants aiment manger des crepes.
Il pleut déja sur la mer.
J'ai oublié mon parapluie chez moi.
Je vais suivre la prescription du médécin.

Si tu es heureux et tu le sais, applaudis.
Elle a dessiné une souris qui lit un journal.
Peut-etre que le drapeau à l'araignée noire met les gens mal à l'aise.

hmm I'm liking this lwt method. It feels less tiresome than anki

"Amore" è una parola forte.
Quali sono i tuoi passatempi?
Mi piace ballare.
Questo è troppo difficile.

Gli orsi mangiano il pesce, fra le altre cose.
I bambini amano mangiare le frittelle.
Piove già al mare.
Ho dimenticato il mio ombrello a casa mia.
Seguirò le istruzioni del medico.

Se sei felice e lo sai, batti le mani.
Ha disegnato un'immagine di un topo che legge un giornale.
Forse la bandiera col ragno nero sopra rende la gente nervosa.


please have a caribeño accent to piss off everyone here

that doesn't sound normal...

have you considered consulting a priest or a channeller?

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my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife





Easy that is too hard
>One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
>The cat wants milk.
>I need money.
>I had fun.
>I saw a rainbow.

Medium that is too easy
>I turned in the assignment late.
>I'm looking for my grandmother.
>He didn't catch any fish.
>Don't waste your time playing silly games.
>Today is the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web.

>A plague doctor was a medical physician who treated victims of the bubonic plague. In times of epidemics, such physicians were specifically hired by towns where the plague had taken hold. Since the city was paying their salary, they treated everyone: both the wealthy and the poor.
>In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, some doctors wore a beak-like mask which was filled with aromatic items. The masks were designed to protect them from putrid air, which (according to the miasmatic theory of disease) was seen as the cause of infection. The design of these clothes has been attributed to Charles de Lorme, the chief physician to Louis XIII.

Attached: Paul_Fürst,_Der_Doctor_Schnabel_von_Rom_(coloured_version).png (381x520, 457K)

Oh this brings up a question for fr*nchoids.
Do you actually pronounce "que on" as two syllables to avoid saying "con" in speech? When do you write "qu'on"?

>que on
We never say or write that. Que on = qu'on, always. It's alright to say "con", context will be enough for people to know that you're not insulting them in this case.

I've only been been learning Russian for a few months but can understand all of this thanks to knowing serbo-croatian. I hope things get better but I doubt the US has Ukrainian's well being in mind. They just want to piss off Russia

>"Lieben" ist ein starkes Wort
>Guck an mich
>Welche sind deine Hobbys?
>Ich mag tanzen
>Dies ist zu schwierig

>Bären essen Fisch, unter anderen Sachen
>Kindern lieben Pfannkuchen zu essen
>Ich habe meinen Regenschirm zuhause vergessen
>Ich werde die Instruktionen des Artzes folgen

>Wenn du fröhlich bist, dann klatsche in die Hand
>Sie hat ein Bild von einer Maus, die eine Zeitung liest, gezeichnet
>Die Flagge mit der Schwarzer Spinne macht vielleicht Leute nervös

>we never say or write that
I responded to the pic because it contained the phrase "que on". Is the writer simply a prune?

Easy that is too hard
>One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
En fisk, två fisk, röd fisk, blå fisk
>The cat wants milk.
Katten vill ha mjölk.
>I need money.
Jag behöver pengar.
>I had fun.
Jag hade kul.
>I saw a rainbow.
Jag såg en regnbåge.

En fisk, två fiskar, röd fisk, blå fisk

>två fiskar
Oh. Tack så mycket

I'd need to see the full sentence, but unless it's a very very specific structure, you can say "que on".
One other possibility is to say "que l'on" (more literary than qu'on).
But my guess is it's just clumsy writing.

