This board makes me hate foreigners

This board makes me hate foreigners.

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you have to sleep

even me?

>This board makes me hate foreigners.

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why do you hate me amerykanin

Everyone outside of America seems like a savage to me


theres like 10 countries where i would choose to live in before US

>11th out of 195
i'll take it

gtfo yankee

And many Japanese got away from here.
Many of Japanese flags are foreigners (incrude zainich) or abnormal Japanese who don't feel disgusting even though Japanese and Japan are abused.
As Japanese have 5ch which has enough UU and posts, Japanese don't need to be patient to bullying by foreigners here.
As they can change their IPs, even if they were banned they can recover easily.
Japanese who found that truth gave up staying here.
Life is short, maybe we have to reconsider about we should stay here even though we feel disgusting.

nice engrish

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Worry not Cletus, all of us reciprocate your feelings.

Welcome to the club, buddy.

Why? Because of that shit with mutts? Nevermind it's only jokes.

>we should stay here even though we feel disgusting.
Fuck you get out of this website. No one wants and no one likes you here. The real disgusting thing is the way how you behave.

>apanese and Japan are abused.
But all are abused on this board. Abusing is sense of this place.

Only Ukraine is hated here, I know.

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The only posters this board made me dislike are Brazilians

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By who? I'd say rather that people here are nice to ukrainians.

you are foreigners too someone so you have yourself
dumb billybobs


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It should teach you that despite different flags there are same kinds of people everywhere

For me, its the opposite

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Fuck you

I think you guys are alright, OP is probably some Bible Belt inbred.

this board made me love Europe and hate the USA :)

This board made me love Europe, hate the USA and abhor Brazil

Wait until you meet them abroad, most of them are okay, but the French are always assholes

Everybody loves Ukraine, don't be a fool.

This board made me hate Americans and grow a lot more respect for Europeans and eastern Asians

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This board is full of shit and literally shithole.
Normal people can't stay this shithole, and they get away from shit.
So in this board, only shit people are left and if persons who feel so comfy, the persons might be shit.
Of course, there are people who don't have any boards in their country have to stay here, even if they feel disgusting.
But I think that people who have better boards or SNS instead Jow Forums in their countries can get away from this shithole and what they do this is correct.


Stop whining like a bitch and get the fuck out of here you piece of shit

get out jjokbari

There are good posters and bad posters in most countries.
And posters here often mistaken that there are only bad posters in particular countries.
It's very difficult to ban bad posters on anonymous bulletin board.
In anonymous board people can feel free, but it is unavoidable that normal posters are suffered by bad posters.
This is a defect of anonymous bulletin board.