based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
Other urls found in this thread:
We preemptively did a referendum updating our constitution to ban same sex marriage.
>hurr I care deeply about the lives and actions of other people which don’t affect me
This, along with widespread public support of vigilante “justice” seems to be a common amongst third world shitholes. It’s proof that “people” from these areas are incapable of thinking rationally like civilized adults, instead resorting entirely to emotional based reactions such as “grug no like? grug SMASH!”
>don't have any problems with gays, think theyre pretty chill
>find lesbians obnoxious, annoying and unbearable
whats wrong with me
why estonia is not nordic? one more redpill.
Nice post, ready for beheading.
CHAD move desu
because theynare baltic, smart one.
Wew definitely, what's wrong with you?
only latvia and lithuania are baltic.
Our politicians didn't expect the referendum to succeed so they tacitly supported it to stay popular with its voting block. Then it passed and they had to spend weeks apologising to the EU how this hateful move could've been allowed.
Lesbianism is gross. Men are so beautiful that it makes sense, women (who are only half of man, made out of man’s side) on the other hand are defective to choose lesbianism.
It does affect you retard.
It affects society as a whole.
You're a kafir gay man, that's what's wrong with you
sorry sweetie but you better prepare for another round of NATO bombing until you balkan monkeys learn to be civilized
>time for le meme aids chart
How, pray tell?
>lives and actions of my nearest neighbors don't affect me
See, not everyone lives in a glorified shopping mall of a country where extremely atomized and sheltered populace of self-absorbed narcissists chock full of anti-depressants try to jew and fuck each other over by any means possible. Some actually care about the well-being of society.
I thought we only bombed Serbia
fake news
My feels exactly. I have no idea why so many other men choose to sleep with women when there are plenty of gays around. Thankfully mroe and more guys are being converted to the gay way every day.
why do germans always act like they have sand down their urethras
At least OP gives a source
USSR strong
social instability
population decline
political implications
opening the gates up to more degeneracy
>less than 10%
>statistically, 1 in 10 people are gay
Correlates almost perfectly with poverty, with Moldova being among the worst. Why are anus inspectors so poor?
same, but not enough people turned up
mainly because it was created and backed by c*mmies
russian gays are based and understand their homofaggotry should not be encouraged
it's because they're women, user
>opening the gates up to more degeneracy
I wouldn't know what it means. Putting things up every orifice is more of 70 IQ shqip subhumans thing.
Based and redpilled post
>le degeneracy meme
Kill yourself
Your neighbor being gay doesn’t make your life worse nor does it affect “society”. You’re just mad because you for some reason think increasing social liberalism is at fault for all your life’s woes.
Why are Albanians always gargling American semen?
>>le degeneracy meme
America is finished.
For one, in principle marriage exists to allow for more protection to the unit creating and raising kids. In principle every couple should have kids, but some can't. Still, those are errors of the physical realm, not higher ideals. So according to those ideals, we let them live in marriage.
However, a gay couple in principle can't have kids. Therefore to call anything they have a "marriage" is newspeak. It's categorically impossible.
>muh fee fees
Also in israel
>A June 2018 survey found that 58% of Israelis were in favour of same-sex marriage
>mainly because it was created and backed by c*mmies
Nah senpai,
People just didn't care enough. Romania is not the right country for that kind of issue, we need to fix other issues first. Hell, people don't even care about the important shit to begin with
Poor countries have worse education. The worse the education, the more likely someone is to think emotionally instead of rationally. And emotional-based politics almost always devolves into “ban things I don’t like”.
Moral degradation is well established and can be experienced every day if you're over the age of 10. There is no slippery slope, commie.
Why are Germans always gargling Syrian semen?
we need to tie up with sweden somehow, unacceptable
Ah yes I sure wish my country was more like the Ukraine, a shining beacon of tradition and prosperity.
Marraige in the US is a legal contract that changes one’s tax status. Denying this to someone based on their sex is in violation of our constitution.
>the relationship of two consenting adults makes me uncomfortable, Papa Nicolae please save me!
american indoctrination for 50 years had some unwanted effects
Marriage exists to incentivize natural procreation. Homosexual couples are physiologically incapable of conceiving a child. Gay marriage is nothing but appeasement of irrational feelings to the detriment of societal well being through providing groundless tax exemptions to random pistol polishers and carpet munchers.
>marriage in the US is actually civil partnership
simply epic
>le buzzwords
what did you get out of that pic?
Sexual organs exist to incentivize natural procreation. Masturbation and sex that isn't strictly for procreative purposes is physiologically incapable of producing a child. Legality of masturbation and nonreproductive sex is nothing but appeasement of irrational feelings to the detriment of societal well being.
Our prez is a massive sjw cuck but one thing he’s against is faggotry. I’ll give hime that.
I can't directly dump Aquinas onto the American. Gotta ease him up with modern pop stuff.
>feeling are bad
Yes, every good goy should be efficiency focused meat robot!
Your IQ needs to be in 3 digit range to participate, Joao.
>Mongolian meme baron
>Aquinas in regard to anything to do with modern politics
Joj hrvoje....
I really like it how Brazilian posters are usually the ones dropping heavy truth bombs onto casual faggots around here.
Moral degradation is not a result of there being "more gays", it's a devaluation of moral principles of the society as a whole.
>being socially liberal is now the same as being left-wing
this is why the third party never wins
>ur dumb QQ
Solid post.
>faulty analogy
>proof me rong or btfo
I stand by my previous point, macaco.
other way around
fee fees are good for consumerism
they encourage unnecessary spending
Meme baron did nothing wrong.
>Aquinasin regard to anything to do with modern politics
I believe I was making a point about morality, not politics. If you want to talk politics I'll pick Carl Schmitt.
All I was saying no matter the fags or feminists, the institutions and definitions must stay the same. Otherwise all you get is chaos and fall of civilization. It's factual that gays by definition can't marry. If they're doing it, it's not marriage and calling it marriage like many activists call it is nothing but a liberal larp used to muddle the sanctity and meaning of the actual rite.
I hate christcucks
It's a perfectly valid analogy, actually. Your own logic leads to such a conclusion.
>n-no I want to be able to do sexual things that aren't about reproduction but I want to stop other people from doing certain other sexual things strictly on the grounds that those things aren't about reproduction
This flesh unit disagrees. Masturbation relives stress and thus increases work efficiency of flesh unit that performed the action while the energy cost of the ejaculate is marginal.
lesbians don't actually exist
All our referendum says is that marriage is a heterosexual concept for men and women, faggots can have a registered partnership (civil union) that grants them the same rights as a married couple.(besides adoption)
Masturbation leads to depression, unproductivity, sexual deviancy and screws up your brain chemistry. We're on Jow Forums, you can't use that lame excuse like you can with normies. We know better.
the enlightened choice: lesbians should be allowed, celebrated, and publicly encouraged (only if they are hot and young tho)
gays should be beheaded and thrown off the rooftops and cranes inhallah lalalalah ahmaladulilablahblah
obnoxious, loud, annoying, flamboyant, offend the ear, offend the eye, std rate 20x times the norm, hiv/aids rate 10x the norm, hypersexual, mentally ill
>the child question
children require strong motherly and fatherly figure for proper upbringing, so non child bearing relations = no children, duh
Which is exactly consistent with what I said - marriage is not for fags and that's what our constitution safeguards. I couldn't care less about civil unions. Although they should be reformed to be more about economics of living together and less about being a couple.
>I want to stop other people from doing certain other sexual things
We're talking about marriage and marital status, not banning homosexual intercourse, you colossal baboon. And you have the gall to think you can judge what's valid or invalid while not even understanding the topic at hand. Neck yourself, oligophrenic nigger.
>the institutions and definitions must stay the same. Otherwise all you get is chaos and fall of civilization
Is fall of civilization inherently bad? Most civilizations that have fallen were soon replaced by a better one.
Just say you hate gay people and orphans and move along
No matter how hard you try, conservatism will never be “intellectual”. “Things I don’t like should be banned and there should be a king/dictator to tell me what to do” isn’t an ideology. It is the primitive thoughts of an uneducated, uncivilied man.
>We're talking about marriage and marital status, not banning homosexual intercourse
Again, the single point you made was about how marriage is supposed to be about reproduction, which is a sexual thing.
Personal morality and integrity is tied to what you do, not what you don't do. We must do our best. Apathy or destruction change you inside and make you slightly more evil. One day you wake up feeling an evil man and are okay with.
How many homosexuals are there in an average group of a population of 1000 men?
>Moral degradation is well established
Indeed. It can be experienced everytime some catoliban trash opens his filthy whore mouth.
Just wait a few decades
real map
Proud to be one.
Kara boga, we'll team up with arabs Germany sends here and behead all of you cucks.
And that point still stands, while your autism is still irrelevant. Visit an evening school instead of shitposting here, maybe you'll grasp first order logic at least on the level of a child then.
>the institutions and definitions must stay the same.
science is not religion and has no dogmas therefore all definitions are prone to change, and what exactly do you mean by "institutions"?
>Otherwise all you get is chaos and fall of civilization.
[citation needed]
>It's factual that gays by definition can't marry. If they're doing it, it's not marriage and calling it marriage like many activists call it is nothing but a liberal larp used to muddle the sanctity and meaning of the actual rite.
From a religious standpoint, the Church can with 100% right deny them right to marry, while marriage in a bureaucratical way is a whole another set of issues. Civil unions that get the same economical benefits are fine with me.
god I wish I were a big dick SLAV BULL
Now you're just running in circles after I refuted your point. You made an argument that was strictly based on sexual grounds and then tried to sneak your way out of the logical consequences by pretending it's not about sex in yet now you return two steps back and claim your already refuted point still stands. You are really bad at logical consistency and argumentation in general.
Science has nothing to do with this. Definitions and institutions are based on language, philosophy and tradition.
You didn't refute my point in any way whatsoever. You didn't even touch upon it. Are you legitimately clinically retarded?
He absolutely destroyed you.
>lemme tell ya bout ur cuntri
>Definitions and institutions are based on language, philosophy and tradition.
what does this mean? if you can't even come up with a proper argument don't bother trying
from i can see you are watching the world events and the "fall of the western civilization" happening through your browser. look out of the window, nothing's special is happening. everyone has been indulging in depravity in whatever way they enjoyed (gambling, sex, homosex, drinking, fighting...) since the ancient times, just not in plain sight.
>inb4 that's what they want you to think
I'm sorry but what century are you living in? Last time I checked, the sovereign is above the church. The religious meaning behind the word "marriage" has absolutely nothing to do with its context within civil law.
Thanks for weighing in.
It means that state institutions have nothing to do with science. They're based on what works, what's considered true and how the legal frameworks interpret things. I think you're completely lost in this topic. Bringing in science into the definitions of state institutions is absolute nonsense because the two have nothing with one another.
Rest of your post is whatever. I assure you, me and my catholiban friends regularly go out are do a lot to destroy everything you hold dear.
Yes it does. Legally, the definition of marriage come from the church. If you want to have any consistency whatsoever, you'll have to recognize that. If you want gay people to have an economic unit, there's a civil union. Just like in Croatia. America is fucking retarded.
nobody giving a fuck does not equal people being pro gay marriage
Low IQ
High IQ
Hmmm, really makes you think...
>what's considered true
this is what i'm interested in, you seem to be avoiding the definition of the very things that are the "definitions"
>I assure you, me and my catholiban friends regularly go out are do a lot to destroy everything you hold dear.
What do you do, listen to doom metal and cry together?
I can easily push 500 ecstasy pills in a month. What do you think does more harm to your very valuable society, if we're coming down to this?