Is there any work being done, at all...

Is there any work being done, at all, on maxing this usable without downloading the whole blockchain but not trusting some remote node? I'm not sure it will ever take off without something like SPV.

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is spv actually possible? why hasnt it been done yet?

Talking about Monero in 2018. Kek.

I dunno. That's why I ask. Trusting a remote node seems dumb as fuck for a privacy coin, however SYNCING (not downloading, sorry) takes too fucking long for the average person to put up with it.

I still don't know about Monero. It's hard to discover bugs on it. Use when needed for privacy but I wouldn't hold a bunch of it.

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What should we be talking about instead?

>if it was featured in a bizonacci video you can fuck off

I don't see what the big deal is. You do it once if you're paranoid and want to validate the entire blockchain yourself or you use a trusted node if you can't be bothered. To date I don't think a single person has been fucked using a remote node.

Eventually they'll figure out a trustless method to complete syncing quickly. Maybe it will involve a sidechain or something like Tari, but if it's asked for it'll eventually happen. Monero's privacy comes at a premium.

Don’t buy Monero

Good point.

You dont get to be the king of privacy without making some sacrifices

>talking about the best coin in 2018
why not?

Ask in one of the Monero channels. Jow Forums doesn't understand what you are talking about.

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Isn’t moneroju or whatever the android client is called a light client? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t sync the blockchain.

It uses a remote node to speed up the process which apparently OP has a huge problem with.

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You can use remote nodes and still stay private.

It’s doomed anyways, going to be replaced by STARKs and MW.

I think you might be overestimating the risks actually involved with using a remote node. I still probably wouldn't if I was doing something illegal, but for the average privacy-loving individual it's not bad.
Or maybe everyone using Monero is using it for illegal purposes, idk.

Monero has way too much momentum to confidently say that it's "doomed" because there are more advanced privacy technologies out there. zk-snarks are already "better" than ring signatures but you don't see privacy enthusiasts flocking to Zcash because of that coin's background. Same shit could happen with starkscoin or grin if their devs take the project in shitty directions.

the only thing that exposes you when using a remote node is your ip and they are fixing that with kovri.

>It’s doomed anyways, going to be replaced by STARKs and MW.
spoken like a true pleb

how is what he said wrong?

Monero is such a stinky piece of SHIT OMG

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There is this thing called the Monero Research Lab, something that your little scam coins don't have. They are continuously looking into implementing new technology in Monero. If STARKs is deemed feasible and useful they will implement it.

>Monero Research Lab
oh you mean like four nerds idly chatting about a new paper they read after playing video games in 8-hour stints?