I have narrowed it down to two cryptos that will make me rich in the future. None of which have released yet

I have narrowed it down to two cryptos that will make me rich in the future. None of which have released yet.
1. Kadena
2. Radix
any other actual legit projects that are in development right now?

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>women in engineering
Best of luck OP you’re gonna need it

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>what are anomalies
These people have already developed their own fucking language specialised for blockchain usage (i.e. step-over logic, and the formal verification meme). I am no expert in distributed consensus algorithms but I am doing programming language theory as my thesis and their language is legit. one of the lead devs was the head of the team that built the hft algo's for goldman.

bump. please share anons. i shared with you :*(

LINK reeeeeeeeeee

Add dfinity. those 3 alongside zilliqa are the future.

these cryptos wont make anyone rich because they are not ponzis

Mommy inspires confidence. And that name... it's like something out of the Foundation Trilogy. Are you trying to get me to sell my car and put it in to this? Because I will, you bastard. I will.

not true, the last good coin was ETH, since then no one really had something good to show, I think this time is different and 70% of the top 10 will be replaced by next year.

How many coins will Radix effectively kill? Going to be glorious

>giving your money to a literal blue haired feminist
kek no thx

brainlet see isnt this going to come out with like a $300 million market cap straight off the bat?

Radix won't even have an ICO? Just go the DEX and buy?

Huh, no fun world when it kills blockchain and replaces it in 2019.

desu im kind of pissed its gone mainstream. i was on their mailing list since 2015 but w/e. i hope it doesnt pump too much on their dex at the start

That's the one thing I'm worried about. Hopefully things will be clarified with the econ paper. Because as I see it there's absolutely no way this won't pump ridiculously upon release


Their goal is price stability tho'. A no fun coin that replaces blockchain technology altogether.

Isn't radix a stable coin? can we expect insane roi or steady guaranteed one?

The goal is to be relatively stable. Considering the scope of the project this can reasonably hit 100billion. The incentive to hold to accrue more coins in the next period will make it so no one will sell at the initial price of $1. Seriously this coin is the first that can potentially compete with fiat

It is fiat, Satan. They hold all the coins and control its value through money supply mechanisms. Nothing to premine. no distributions, no hype. Blockchain killer.

How soes it differ from ether with its gorillion scaling options. Is it just sharding?

Also what is the better blockchain killer? Nkn, holo or radix?


nkn is a chink scam
holo is a bunch of hippies who graduated with cs degrees