Every Monday Morning

... I get out of bed at 5:00am and rush to my computer to view the Pivotal Tracker. Eagerly I wait for the morning when they'll finally add it.

New Story: Deploy Mainnet

When will it happen? What will happen when it happens? Will we green-dildo our way to $1? $2? $5? $10? When will the fruits of our diligence and research be realized?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he doesn’t check the pivotal tracker every waking moment of his life

I ate a couple grams of shrooms about an hour ago on an empty stomach. Just bought 350 more link on binance. No faggot washtraders can stop me

godspeed bro. ask the spirits how much time is left until the singularity

now I know how real boomers feel when they buy their lottery tickets

the slightest bit of chance to escape from their wagecuckery

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I sometimes wake up from a nap with a shiver, the hairs on the back of my neck pricking up and I sense the impending financial freedom. It's spooky, bros. It's like I can taste it.

Fucking casuals. I bet he hasn't even sold his car for more link yet.

I will. I can barely type this message. Things are accelerating

I'll just leave this here, don't mind me.

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That's not how it's going to work. There are a number of steps before mainnet that have to be public.
For example, once there is an actual working testnet (as in a testnet of communicating and aggregating nodes, not just the single node we have up now) then node operators will be invited to use it. Test it. Trouble shoot. Try processing jobs. Ensure that the aggregation code is working properly so that node responses are correctly correlated. Ensure that nodes can't view other node responses with the commit/reveal function. etc. etc. etc.
In other words there is a LONG period between the initial code for a fully intercommunicating Chainlink testnet being deployed, and that code being deemed "ready" through enough bugtesting and trials. This part of the process will be far more conspicuous than current development because the Chainlink team will need community feedback from node operators. They will need to fine tune both the back end, and the front end of the node operator portal.
You guys need to chill the fuck out on "when main net". There is a LOT to do between now and then.
And on the "what will happen when it happens?" it depends entirely on whether the market has figured out just how important decentralised oracles are, and just how significant Chainlink is as he leader in this area. Don't get your hopes up.

Chainlink is an excellent buy and hold because, over a 10 year period, it is extremely likely to survive, and extremely likely to have a high upside/returns. It is NOT a good buy as a short term speculative vehicle for the next year or two. The amount of remaining development, no-hype approach and complexity of the problem they're trying to solve is over the heads of most of the market at the moment.

not really, it'll be on the pivotal tracker any day now

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have a good trip fren.
let me check that for you.

Doesn't say "any day now"

he wouldn't have mentioned it if wasn't within the next 6 months

How did we luck into a Russian philosophy major, anons? Someone with the foresight to outmaneuver those other blockchain solutions and their overpriced coins and their over qualified development teams. Lord Paimon truly smiles on us.

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might be a reach fren

Half a year isn't any day now. You're speaking in certainties when you have none.

you retards dont understand that mainnet launch means nothing for the price

common sense and logic tells me he wouldn't have even mentioned it if they weren't close

this isn't any old token where talking about, son.

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You're the one lacking common sense. Stop spouting off. You said any day now, within 6 months & soon in 3 consecutive post. Jun is that you?

The fact that they're working on the website UI is a sign we're close imo

Venezuelan poorfag here. Managed my way to 1k LINK. I either continue to crash to 0 or go to $50 each.


please sell all your LINK, I don't want our coin to be associated with morons like you. thanks

$93 EOY
$498 EOD (2020)
$1000 sometime in 2020

vaya con dios mi hermano

Top kek

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The only real indication we have was a video of Sergey last year stating they wanted to have CL done in a "year or two". That would place it late this year or early to mid next year.

They have said development is going well and there aren't any major issues.

The only other information we have comes from several speculative partners speculating on having a blockchain solution ready by September. Can't remember which ones.

September has been our speculative date for quite some time, but in all reality it may take longer.

If anything, this is an indication that they're nearing a production release (probably a few months out).


You will also notice there are more stories popping up that have to do with user experience and GUI. These generally come near the end of a development life cycle.
They're talking about including licensing information in the builds now which isn't very important unless you're nearing the first release.

It's very difficult to say exactly when their initial production launch will be ready. But it's important to note that chainlink will be developed for quite a long time. Lots of the stories on the tracker will be slated for later releases


>Data Feed API: Want to analyze your DocuSign data using your own Business Intelligence (BI) infrastructure? You can do it with the new Data Feed API within Organization Management. It automates the movement of granular DocuSign data—about envelopes, recipients, accounts, users, groups, templates, and more—into a BI repository. There you can join it to your other enterprise data and analyze it using your BI tool of choice. For those with advanced BI infrastructures, this option is a great addition to DocuSign’s native reporting.

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Appreciate this. I tend to agree, everything is moving in that direction with no clear cut answer. It seems to be picking up steam though.

Anónimo basado

Every morning I feel content with my 20klink stack; without even bothering to check the price, I think about other things, and go about my day. There's roughly a 50% chance that I'll browse Jow Forums any given day, and it is either here -- or in the world outside -- where, some day within the next several years that I shall read or hear someone truthfully exclaim the good news we all await: that the decentralized oracle solution implemented to handle literally quadrillions of dollars worth of financial transactions, mandated by PSD2 international banking regulations, has become the single most important system in big business, causing the value of LINK to climb above a thousand dollars with no sign of ever coming back down. I'll be notified by an alert on my phone when my order to sell 4,000 LINK for 4,000 BTC @ 1:1 goes through automatically on Binance, where fundus are safu. My node, on which I'll be staking 10,000 LINK, will pull in serious profits, and I'll be keeping the remaining 6,000+ LINK in cold storage. In the meantime, I shall live rent-free on a boat (if I get bored of mountain living) or farm (raising tactical canines and running music festival operations on this awesome commune) until ChainLink makes me a millionaire.

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Bulgarian poorfag with 2k link here, I feel you bro.

Sergey unironically already exit scammed. Think about it he tries as hard as possible to keep this project under the radar and away from hype so that nobody says anything when he slips away into the shadows.

Posting previous ShroomAnon's prediction

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you're totally right, pic related does not have to do anything with it.

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Enjoy the atmosphere

Main net won't do shit for price.....what you need to see is actual companies testing and they aren't;..big fucking red flag iyam

Romanian fuckup over here
>15k Link
Bought with not stolen money.