This week I will put my entire savings into crypto. What should I buy.
Going all in
Either xmr or 0x
jk, its almost over, maybe little more down with one last stab (could be sharp)
also just go for eth, bch and some other big ones, those won't die overnight like the crap biz shills, then also but a portion in medium cap coins, and then a small portion in some small caps to potentially hit the jackpot if they take off
Javascript Embedded Coin, easy 2x or 3x. 10% bonus as long it's an ICO
I am currently thinking about ETH, XLM, EOS, QTUM, NEO.
Already got a bunch of others like ARK and LINK.
I feel really good about this after listening to Novogratz.
buy usd with your crypto, stash it back to the bank and never again make the retarded decision to go all in into an unregulated, manipulated, trade washed market
I am ready to take that risk.
How much $ are we talkin here?
Quite a substantial sum
5 figures? 6 figures?
Unironically, go all-in on China coins, e.g.
20% NEO
20% ONT
20% VEN
20% WTC
10% ELA
10% HPB
You can't lose with China coins. Don't listen to the biz herd.
Honestly they've all dumped so hard by now he'll probably make an easy 2x riding the dead cat bounces on all of them. Same as buying Confido at the bottom.
10% each into the 5 new coinbase coins. Don't bother waiting for a dip because it may not come if the bull wakes up tomorrow. Then 20% BTC, 20% ETH, and 10% LINK. Can't go wrong.
Ok so we will assume mid 5 figures, so $50k. Divide it among the following: Btc, Bch, Eth, Etc, Ltc, Dash, Xmr and Zec. Then Hodl for a year.
CoinEx native token CET - get paid daily dividend and can you participate in their trade-driven mining for an addition 30k or more tokens daily all while you watch the price steadily rise.
80% BTC
15% ETH
5% XMR
The only logical "index" fund
This one is good too. You get a good spread of cypto philosophies
so what u are saying is go all in on Confido?
Save some fiat for a rope
or kneepads depending on your will to live
syscoin gochain aion
Quite accurate. Thank you for your opinion I agree with with your choice. Don't know much about Zec though, I will look into it.
Unironically REQ
already holding bags
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash