Pewdiepie using this fucking 30 yrs old boomer meme, what have you done Jow Forums

Pewdiepie using this fucking 30 yrs old boomer meme, what have you done Jow Forums...

Attached: ss+(2018-07-15+at+10.55.06).jpg (1130x801, 151K)

PDP is an user. He posts our memes the second they are posted on here.

Fuck off Felix.

Is boomer a biz meme? Saw it on sp too

Also pdp selling sminem merch

What a theiving nigger

>tfw if you post OC on Jow Forums you’re involuntarily lining pewdiepies pockets

lol i remember the day this meme was created on biz.


it wasn't created on Jow Forums fuckwit

Jow Forums

i dont understand