it was just banter
>i'll just watch it before going to sleep
now cant sleep obviously
how can you sleep with all those native israelis you slaughtered?
wow almost as if Jow Forumstards are israel-loving retards
deport australians
What would you do if someone came to shoot up your mosque?
>His manifesto mentions Jews ONCE to say that he's not an anti-semite
>Mentions Muslims 8 times
bet he was a virgin
all virgins over 18 should be in prison to be honest.
why? (also are you machinejew)
get over it already you woman
never had a gf
t. Rafi Ahmed, the true blue kiwi. Loves his cricket and is a proud supporter of multiculturalism
I'm Canadian you bastard
Born in the 'ronto
false flag by /ourguy/ big winnie peters to justify deporting australians from nz
BASED and dare i say it redpilled
Whoms't will be genocided next
adios half soldier
Looks like they got the guy
indians hopefully
cheers m8 i will, good night
'kin 'ell lads she's doing it
Scream Allahu-Akbar over and over again as is traditional in such situations.
those two are mutually exclusive
nuke toronto (america-lite)
it looks like the only exits were at the ends of a single corridor. horrible to escape from. it seems there were some side rooms which he didn't look in. i'd either try to go out of a window or hide in a closet.
what nation shall i play as in eu4 first reply pls good one
guy who got sent to jail for years just for saying one guy was an Israeli spy, says shit like white nationalism and all that crap is just to distract you from a belt and road initiative involving Israel, Russia, and China
he says shooting mosques is part of it. said a bunch of redpilled shit but he took his youtube channel down
take over england
Is this the first livestreamed terrorist attack?
The UK has become an utter dump
how does shooting 20+ random people in mosque help anyone?
lads i have an important announcement to make
there was that black guy who went around shooting randoms but i guess thats not really terorrism
speak for yourself povvo.
Where the fuck you from my mans
It helps the left and the Muslims.
It also gave this guy a high while carrying out his soon-to-be fulfilled deathwish.
none of your business actually
Castile...easy for a beginner. Plus you can colonize early
What causes mass shootings
This man is a hero
muslims aren't a monolith, the left maybe
>what an odd country for an attack
He'd have had to use a lee-enfield in australia, gun-control works.
Bet you're from the Prairies
his motivation was that even in corners of the world isn't safe for white people
Violence is the only possibly solution.
how mad are kiwis gonna be now, a literal australian came to stir shit in their country
was in new zealand 3 months ago would have been less than a mile away bloody hell lads!
yeah and so? still more canadian than you ever will be
e-town is basically halifax west anyways, not even from the prairies if you actually think of it
you thick yank shit
ah yes cant wait for all the anti-white propaganda after this
his proportions are so fucked
t. knife seller
Gandhi freed India from the bankers albeit temporarily
Are there lots of muslims in New Zealand?
50k apparently
slightly less now
interviewing guy in mosque
probably not
Khameini freed Iran from the bankers and I believe they're the only remaining country that doesn't play nice with international bankers
>This is great ammo for the left
From his manifesto:
>Why did you choose to use firearms?
>I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the politics of United states and thereby the political situation of the world. The US is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.
With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty.
This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines.
>Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights from Whites in the United states?
>Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, well soon will come the time.
His Twitter has been taken down now too
this is why the jews hate them
Cringe cringe cringe
Stop trying to LARP so hard
>still more canadian than you ever will be
Tell yourself that as you roll coal in your lifted Ford F150 while blasting country music and wearing a cowboy hat
Heard he played Initial D songs when driving away from the scene. Which song was it?
gas gas gas
shows how much you know about alberta
only s**throns do such things
Beatles is responsible for this
they said happiness is a warm gun
this iirc
9/11 was if you really think about it
Funding yank obsessed dickhead
What about our fucking gun-rights, as it's not like we'll be fighting a civil war over them
business idea: 9/11 2
Also interesting to read about Mao's relationship with the international banking establishment.
lol haha
Love that song desu
That's not Initial D you silly goose
Albertans are literally just Americans not even American-lite
They are LITERALLY just Americans
The world revolves around USA
still more canadian than a torontonian
and nothing you post will ever change that
why are N-words such crybabies?
this is gonna bring the chon such heat lmfao
Was there a second shooter? I heard multiple mosques were attacked
the manifesto up online anywhere?
>muh second shooter
every single time
I think things will just escalate going forward as the anti-white rhetoric and policies continue and intensify.
Jow Forumstard with a 74 page manifesto.
Mentions jews once (1 time)
Is a bit odd t b h
I guess this is the right way to punish Hiro for all the fuckeries he has done to this website
Everything is too far gone. Violence is going to happen more and more as we go on. Hoping it doesnt happen here. We've had our share of violence.
This is the one being circulated
Indian rorkes will love him
His Twitter was made 2 days ago and apparently his Facebook name is a known alias.
thank god it wasn't lachlan
I don't know what I would have done
its not punishing hiro, he will comply with orders and hand over data, while this whole debacle will bring in more traffic and more revenue to pol
the shooter is the real victim suffering PTSD from too much mudshit immigration