>brazil yesterday
>new zealand today
Who's up next?
Brazil yesterday
Other urls found in this thread:
>Who's up next?
you already know
what happened in brazil?
yes, India is next.
Step aside, kids. It's my turn.
people get mad at this but not the Uighurs in China.
check em
Funny how when it happens somewhere outside of EU/Anglo countries no one gives a shit but once the happening is in some of those countries everyone becomes full OMG THOSE POOR PEOPLE D: PRAY FOR NZ
Westerners are such hypocrites. Everything is fake about you
someone post the "priority victim" map
I forgot about Brazil. What was that about? Just a regular nihilistic shooter? It's a lot more fun when they make a manifesto.
nothing important. op is trying so hard to get some attention. fucking faggot attentionwhoring is a woman thing
I hope here feminists get fucking shot and burned alive, i will not drop a single tear for them.
No. It's only relevant if it happens here (includes NZ). Otherwise it just gets a mention or two, instead of incessant coverage. Not sure about other countries.
Check’d fagit
Do not encourage gores and terrors you savage monkey.
It’s the opposite over here, trust me.
I just thought it was too much of coincidence that they all posted on imageboards. No need to go all vira-lata.
aqueles prints do dogola são falsos
Some of you guys are alright
I can't wait until wh*toids are round up and executed for being savages
>no feminism here
>no aids here
>no drugs here
>no muslims here
>no schoolshooters
>no pride parades until the recent 2 years but even those are limited to 150-180 people in the Capital
>hookers legal
>hs girls legal
>laws block false rape and divorce doesn't brake you at all if you were dumb enough to sign marriage papers in the first place
Only problem is income and occasional administrative chaos.
1 in 25 mil Romanians managed to turn himself into a real tranner.
The rest of them are fine with their gender.
The Americans should keep their degeneracy to themselves.
*checks them*
I wouldn't see that as a positive thing, it's only a matter of time until they force identity politics
Doesn't really work here. You see Romania didn't have Communism but Stalinism, that's a Leftist type of Fascism which means state propaganda 24/7 and regular executions too. People here are immune to it emotionally charged nonsense, but Hungary had a soft Goulash-communism and they aren't so Orbán keeps trolling them with it to get votes. There have been attempts but all NGO's fail beyond saving the dogs and feeding downies.
Some spastic nu-males will try to be edgy and contrarian by adopting the Californication but they are laughed out of the room.
Here ""feminism"" means "girls are all free to do whatever so how much for your pussy". It's 100% legal to give an extra salary under the table to your female employees in exchange of regular sex, it's never rape, it's never extortion, it's always consent. Only time you get in trouble if you do it in military of government office but public sphere is free of any restriction.
Police and Judges only care of real crimes too, not petty shit. On average a Prosecutor, Officer or Judge nullifies 200 dossiers per month these days.
>lemme tell 'yer 'bout 'ye cuntri
t. fucking Plebbit
who cares about the shootings. this is now a romania admiration thread.