Our ypsies don't seem too bad now do they you sanctimonious cunts edition
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I keep seeing christchurch as christcucks
bruhs did you hear a racist Jow Forums strayan went sicko mode on a bunch on ppl from different culture top kek how dank and purely epic
this dude went sicko mode
Guys did you hear the big news?
People only care about terrorism when it's whites on minorities. If these deaths had been the other way round no one would have batted an eyelid
New Zedland as they say in the motherland
New Zealand / Christchurch in global news for something other than an Earthquake - unprecedented
An Australian Jow Forums user (and possibly others idk) being the ones to create said news - simply mental
*googles sanctimonious*
sicko sicko mode
sicko sicko mode
sicko sicko (i'm a)
sicko sicko (i'm a)
I heard he was radicalised by a far-right Swedish youtuber living in Brighton.
>those poor shitskins let me pretend to yo care about them when I make fun of every other massacre under the sun
Give it a rest you petrol sniffing prick
article 50 extension
sucks innit
used to love these bastards when i was in nursery
havent had them in like 16 years
This image will always be linked with a kiwi mass shooting now, never expected that
>Pewdiepie caused a terrorist attack
RIP in pieces his channel
Crazy to think innocent Aussies like pic related who’d never hurt a bloke in their life would preform such a heinous deed.
This monster ranks up there with Josef Fritzle in Australian history
I lose a bet if this happens ffs
It's funny how we live in a world where anyone, pretty much at will can have his name spread around the globe in seconds.
times up cracka, give me the guns.
Imagine being pewdiepie right now
Must be quite odd
#prayforitaly (to veto the extension)
Not ok
it's like the occupy a different world
Memes in old media will never not be funny
Bizarre post but now I feel like a pint
Luckily I’m on the way to the pub
first there was the shot heard around the world
then there was the "subscribe to pewdiepie"
based wops don't let me down
All these goings on made me almost forget it was Friday
On the way to the pub myself post-toil, hope you all have good ones
oh my fucking god
MEME REVIEW bruhs *repeats name of meme ecstatically* this is the epitome of dank, i did the ironey
You too cheers
Thank God It's Friday!
cheers later
Stay safe. Don’t be a hero
what you gonna chinwag about in the boozer
What is it?
The media found the navy seal copypasta in the shooter's manifesto
He did nothing wrong, arguably
Cheers mate, hope you have a great weekend
Will do x
More than likely today’s events cause one of the lads also saw the livestream
Le based and le redpilled.
i read his manifesto, he's a loon
didn't have any qualms about popping a crying women in the head from point blank
Some newsguy reporting how the shooter claimed to be a navy seal who had performed numerous secret raids on al-queada, and had over 300 confirmed kills.
Don't know how to feel now. I was really looking forward to today. I've got free day off and I'm going out with a fit girl I really like and I thought I'd get a shag tonight. Feel conflicted about feeling good when all everyone is talking about is innocent people being killed.
>Memes Jack
did he delete it?
don't look back in anger
Clearly you didn't otherwise you'd see why he believed that. Why would it be a problem?
I’m glad they’re highlighting the manifesto. He explains his main goal is to incite anger and turn Americans against each other.
I feared they’d ignore it and do exactly what he was hoping
he seems like an everyday aussie to me
>Feel conflicted about feeling good when all everyone is talking about is innocent people being killed.
This oughta cheer you up
Wow action it works.
he goes on about emotions and how the bad people don't care about facts, only feelings, so he wishes to counter that with his own feelings of anger and hatred
still, anybody who isn't sociopathic would take pause from executing somebody like that
Wait he put the copy pasta in his manifesto? What a legend.
Poor mad bastard overdosed on redpills.
What do?
oh shut up you big fairy
meet me in Grimsby if you want something to cry about
Memes did nothing wrong. Jack.
If you genuinely believe they’re intrisincally evil, perhaps not
SS in the holocaust and all that, people train their minds to jump through all sorts of hoops
That and the adrenaline
Doing a poo
This man was a memer there is no way he didn't post on Jow Forums.
Can you eat the skin?
In the context of white genocide what he did was basically nothing
Why did you carry out the attack?
To most of all show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homelands are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will NEVER conquer our lands and they will never replace our
people. To take revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of deaths
caused by foreign invaders in European lands throughout history. To take revenge for the enslavement of millions of Europeans taken from
their lands by the Islamic slavers. To take revenge for the thousands of European lives lost to terror attacks
throughout European lands. To take revenge for Ebba Akerlund. To directly reduce immigration rates to European lands by intimidating
and physically removing the invaders themselves. To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to
overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable
backlash as a result.
To incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the European
people and the invaders currently occupying European soil. To avenge those European men and women lost in the constant and never
ending wars of European history who died for their lands, died for their
people only to have their lands given away to any foreign scum that
bother to show up. To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to over extend
their own hand and experience the eventual backlash. To show the effect of direct action, lighting a path forward for those that
wish to follow.A path for those that wish to free their ancestors lands
from the invaders grasp and to be a beacon for those that wish to create a
lasting culture, to tell them they are not alone.
no it's still up lmao
hope he keeps it up desu
they were invaders, mate.
reframe the event.
it's spain, in the 11th century. a lone knight goes into his spanish homeland to take it back from an occupying islamic culture, and slaughters a mosque full of people.
it's not pretty, but you can understand why he did it. and in the long-run, would have been worth it too
Shit I played Spyro 3, am I a terrorist now?
Why do New Zealanders take off their shoes when they lay on the ground?
No but really why are they there?
The whole thing was one giant semi-ironic shitpost
He took the accelerationism pill
Youtube is surprisingly tolerant
oh no
oh nononopffffttt hahaha
Just thanfkul he didn’t mention my beloved Halo in his manifesto under the Fidel games thing
Are they all dead? he didn’t fire that many rounds it seems like
when you're racist and Jow Forums long enough lord kek can choose you as dank enough to be the agent of trololol meme magic
I didn't even notice, she must have been shot out of her shoes.
The BBC News reporting it as a "White supremacist terrorist attack"
Meme jihad
ahah just another classic stitch up
really brings the boys together
Are you kidding? He went through multiple mags but I think he was going pretty rapidly
Confronting imagery
your shoes fall off right before you die
>The fire rises.
For real.
there is no hope for your shithole island
guy wasn't a supremacist though, more of a white nationalist
there is a difference
49 people killed so far
that's not inaccurate
did you watch the 8 minute video, he returned and headshot most of them
Oh deary me