Does the way Hitler spoke sound unique to a German, or is this just the way Germans sound when they are shouting?
Does the way Hitler spoke sound unique to a German, or is this just the way Germans sound when they are shouting?
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He put on a show, it's weird plus about a hundred years old now
a hundred years old now because it's become an outdated sounding accent?
or a hundred years old now because you're trying to distance yourself from him?
A hundred years because he didn't just pick up contemporary German in the 1940s you know. He was also Austrian, so it's odd anyway.
Syntax. Normal German is straighline and dry but he put on twists like you can do in French or Hungarian.
He is very hard to understand but that might have to do with the old recordings and his constant shouting. Its very destinct and doesn't really sound like a typical austrian accent to me. I bet most germans could do a Hitler impression with a lot of shouting, growling and some weird inflections and everyone would know what its supposed to be.
Bullshit. He is easy to understand. The constant shouting is a bit of a meme, hed did it often but there are enough speeches where its more calm.
I don't know what to tell you, his more famous speeches (which are very shouty) are hard to understand with just a single hearing and no transcript. Maybe thats just me.
>Maybe thats just me.
I've heard that his accent was very rural and gruff?
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