Do you ever think we've gone so far in opposing mainstream culture that our vile and bitter metairony has found a way...

Do you ever think we've gone so far in opposing mainstream culture that our vile and bitter metairony has found a way into real life?
Post-postmodernism allows things like this to happen because there are no boudaries anymore.

Ironic becomes serious and nothing is real now.
We have doomed ourselves and must harvest the fruit we have planted.

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i had no reaction watching the video itself, but people unironically supporting him made me think.

still bluepilled

do you unironically think anyone is entitled to kill people he doesn't know?
we shouldn't play god.


i can justify killing if the killer is smart enough. this one was a literal schizoid though.

i like how you're coming close to having a wake up call only to blame the post modernism boogeyman again.

This shit probably would never happen if the mainstream wasn't so hostile against these retards. At the end of the day, it's all cause and effect.

i'm not blaming the postmodernism itself because it's us who created it
doesn't matter what you call it, we built a doomed world with our own hands and are close to passing the point of no return.
(i'm not a tradtard who's scared of muh postmodernism btw)

C'mon Ashot

Last time I checked Albert Camus didn't shoot a lady begging for mercy in the head

We didn't start the war. All we can do now is to fight till death. Maybe our victory will change soemthing for the right.

Oh no, he is smart enough, even though he is delusional. He thinks his killings will give the left enough political ammunition to shut down the opposition, and they will push their views and policies so far down everybody's throats that there will be violent counteraction. And while he may not be fully correct, that kind of thinking is far deeper than of most terrorists'.

>you can't kill people, you're not god

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>Do you ever think we've gone so far in opposing mainstream culture that our vile and bitter metairony has found a way into real life?
I believe the polreddit term for this phenomenon is "meme magic"
Tbh it's nothing new, Internet just made it more effective

i love depressed russian posters

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So, a whole movement should end because some unhinged incel took it one step too far? I think people forget that we live in the most peaceful era of recorded human history. An event like this wouldn’t have stuck out like a sore thumb in the early-to-mid 20th century. Of course, that doesn’t make the event any less disgusting. He was clearly a demented and sad little loser who felt the need to be a part of something and act as some sort of Messiah. If it changes your poltical position though then you clearly weak-willed and will sway whereever the wind blows.

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>Post-postmodernism allows things like this to happen
Nice reification you fucking stupid nigger.

t. tatar

This place is good because you can have flow of ideas unfilteres by morale and mass media. Ican say eu is a masonic plot whitout anyone directly judjing me

>A incel muz blows him up in the middle of nowhere, everyone comes to his defence
>A incel OZ shoots up a mosque and everyone starts to bash themselves
Every single time.


he is no incel

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The video was choreographed for brains that are used to video games.