I just woke up, can someone tl;dr this whole PewDiPie/shooting/NZ being banned off of this site situation
I just woke up, can someone tl;dr this whole PewDiPie/shooting/NZ being banned off of this site situation
>Aussie shoots up Mosque while spouting a bunch of Jow Forums memes
>also told people to subscribe to Pewdiepie
Pew funded an NZ polfag to carry a shooting against muslims
some Jow Forumstard streamed himself on a killing spree and said subscribe to pewdiepie
some Australian shitpost shot up mosque and recorded it. In the video he said to subscribe to PewDiePie.
Global rule 2, kids
Short, ugly, wyte incel livestreamed himself on facebook shoot up innocent people praying in a mosque while spouting cringy zoom zoom memes-including "subscribe to pewdz".
damn that guy tried to tackle him
pretty brave
Not underage.
I have been watching him on and off since 2012 when I was 13yo, now 20.