>Delusional >Genocidal >Ultra-nationalistic >Full of religious fanatics >Imperialist wannabe >Blaming their own failures on external agents >Victim complex >Hating almost every neighbor
For how much Serbs claim to hate the Turks, they sure seem to have taken a lot of lessons from their former overlords
>Full of religious fanatics Our church attendence is way higher than theirs.
Camden Reyes
Their posters are always so butthurt
Leo Jenkins
they based
Ryder Wilson
yours are even more, you take the cake for most butthurt shitposters on the globe
Hudson Green
>>Delusional >>Genocidal >>Ultra-nationalistic >>Full of religious fanatics >>Imperialist wannabe >>Blaming their own failures on external agents >>Victim complex >>Hating almost every neighbor Sounds all pretty based and non-cucked to me
Should they spread pro-US propaganda after your cunt decided to wrongfullybomb their capital without even asking Nato first? Honestly you burgers should stay out of global politics because it's obvious that you lack important knowledge because of your >american education
Charles Diaz
odjebi u ameriku jebem ti mater pedersku
David Reyes
t. Mehmet in Erasmus t. Serbian diaspora
Lucas Lopez
You don't have to be a fanatic only because you attend church regularly.
Brandon Evans
Do Serbs still hate Americans? I’d like to visit Belgrade but I don’t want to be bullied
Justin Reyes
all of the serbs I know are profoundly atheist in practice, whereas all of the poles and muslims I know are not.
source: worked at passport office for 5 years. Met literally thousands of people from eastern europe/middle east
Xavier Morgan
F/A-18 Hornets of the Spanish Air Force were the first NATO planes to bomb Belgrade
That hardly matters when 90% of the attacks where carried out by the US
Brandon Bell
is all this sudden attention/butthurt just because some faggot in NZ listened to a serbian song and wrote some names of serb heroes on his guns? really guys?
Aiden Myers
Doesn't they have a lesbian prime minister?
Brody Green
t. boskniaki muslim
John Torres
The wider world just now realized that song is a meme.
You should see the butthurt it made in Croatia. Everyone's denouncing him as a četnik. When told he did it for the lulze they're saying if it he did it with an ustaša song everyone would blame us so fuck it, you're guilty.
Ryder Morales
The biggest dindus of the balkans
Austin Hughes
t. Marco Cigano
Ryan Rodriguez
Jeremiah Sanders
lmaoing @ serbia acting tough against some badly armed albanians and getting btfo by an actual military
Aiden James
I have been shitting on the Balkans for years so no
Julian Price
Why does everyone here like to romanticize war?
Eli Morris
Why do you wanna go there? To party? For cheap hookers? Go to Mexico instead for that.
Jaxon Cox
>Portugal slayed half of the world for imperialism >shits on a random balkan country Subhuman monkey
Leo Perry
pay no heed they are probably butthurt muslims
Brandon Evans
msot of people who attend church are fags
Andrew Davis
Yes it does. Because you lied.
Josiah Harris
Why is Serbia so dirt poor? They seem almost Paraguay tier.
Levi Morris
lmao, yeah sounds about right actually yea but why the sudden thread about serbia when theres literally never a thread about it, and we mostly keep to /ex-yu/?
Kevin Gray
Communism, Ottoman rule being shittier than Austrian rule and wars basically.
Adrian Flores
shut the fuck up dumb shit, I've visited with friends dozens of times, all of ex-yu is extremely friendly unlike russians. Just don't fuck with the nationalistic ultra types
Joshua Morris
I mean they're still very poor even for former Iron Curtain standards.
Wasnt yugoslavia ok compared to ussr and warsaw pact?
Matthew Johnson
Whatever you say.
Robert Rogers
No that's a meme, they had massive debt and inflation problems.
Elijah Fisher
Jow Forums cycles it's hate. If its Serbia this week, it'll be croatia next week and then bosnia, and then rinse and repeat
Jace Wood
>love the jews >we need separation of powers and democracy >stop violence over women my greatgrandfather wasnt on križni put for this soy shit
Daniel Martin
It was far more effective. There was a 20 year old period where there was only one unsolved murder in Zagreb. Not because we're great people but because the state perfectly knew what everyone was doing. The rest of our "great country" was threatening USSR that we'll sell ourselves to the west if they don't give us money and threatening the west we're gonna go red if they don't give us money. The moment money stopped flowing Yugo collapsed.
James Gonzalez
It was a popular tourist destination in the 80s. My dad had visited USSR and yugoslavia and yugoslavia was at least more "western" Maybe the prosperity was paid by denbts
Nathaniel Cook
I unironically feel bad for Serbs when a Turk starts arguing with them because it is always one sides no matter how hard the serb tries otherwise I dont givea a fuck about them
Landon Murphy
croatia and bosnia? ive never seen anyone hate on them, im guessing its cause this board is infested with literal stormfags from Jow Forums
David Watson
t. opportunist
In good and bad, not when optics suit you. You're a woman if this shit makes you compromise with the truth. If a bad priest bothers you that hard find a better church.
David Wright
I want to visit Belgrade soon, Armenians and Serbs are chill with each other cause we both hate Turks right?
Camden Moore
>the only two countries in the world are Russia and America
This is why everyone thinks of the swiss as retarded mountain gremlins. You can't even begin mouthing off about education when that is the extent of your geopolitical nuance
>You're a woman if this shit makes you compromise with the truth >the truth AHAHAHAHAH real funny mr "God wished for religious pluralism" >If a bad priest bothers you doctrine bothers me, my priest was awesome, Church is total pozz these days
>The rest of our "great country" was threatening USSR that we'll sell ourselves to the west if they don't give us money and threatening the west we're gonna go red if they don't give us money. Lmaoo... sounds familiar
Benjamin Reyes
ikr, how could he forgot about the 3rd one that is China
John Watson
Tito and Kekkonen, brothers in geopolitical jewry.
Lucas Moore
Based Arkan poster
Christian Turner
you will probably call be a serb for even daring to post this, but people like that exist all over the balkans. To be honest, as an american, I cannot distinguish you guys at all
Kekkonen was the worst opportunist ever. He used to be anti-commie thinking about greater finland and was in charge of executions during civil war. But after WW2 he was commies best friend. Awful person who still has some kind of cult of personality and above any critisicm
Alexander Baker
I'm glad the other American was around to shut your stupid shit down while I was in the shower.
>muh education and >"without asking first" Seems to be European projection.
Logan Young
>infested with stormfags m8 how new are you? Jow Forums tries to not be Jow Forums apart from the obvious shit like muzzies being muzzies and niggers being niggers. Just remember we created the wh*toid meme
Xavier Mitchell
>based Church >sure, it peddles condoms in africa, pushes for sex education in india, shills for UN, not like it matters >sure it abandoned 90% of theology to suit mdoern times big deal kys
Sebastian Garcia
>pics Is that your Mexican sister?
>To be honest, as an american, I cannot distinguish you guys at all
To be honest I couldn't give less of a shit.
Kevin Wood
If the church is true, it's still salvageable . If it's not, it was never the true religion.
You, however, are just crying about it now and boycotting. That's fucking weak.
Kayden Adams
Everyone in the Balkans is super friendly, don't listen to the bullshit people will tell you and the cherry picked example of some foreigners being retards and deserving it.
Kayden Ramirez
I'm distrustful of anyone who stays in power that long.
>condoms in africa >sex education >abandoned my medieval IQ 80 nonsense
Oh my god, how horrible...
Ian Perry
pathetic. At least makes/bosnians/bulgarians/serbs can banter. All I see from your flag is always constant butthurt and pissbabying.
Ayden Watson
this what contemporary church teaches isnt the true religion even if they are legitimate leaders of it its pure pozz
Samuel Cook
there's nothing wrong with this
Ian Thompson
thank you for writing this now i can showcase you for what catholics are like today thank you so much
Chase Adams
>muh /bosnians/bulgarians/serbs bros
What do you even want from me, Go to balkans thread
Henry Williams
Nikola Tesla
Jaxon Bailey
>if you don't vote for me soviet union will invade. He me "scandals" with the KGB that he went to resolve. No one else could've resolve them. In the end they broke the constitution and elected him without an election. In his last years he was a senile but still the president
Tyler Morales
>i can showcase you for what catholics are
I'm not religous and I don't go to church, you however are a case for mental hospital.
William Ward
>He me Made
Jeremiah Butler
It's not dirt poor you monkey
Ryder Adams
I never said they were "bros." You're being a typical strawman faggot. >what do you want from me you have nothing to give me. Your flag contribute nothing to this board aside from massive butthurt. Why is it that your neighbors can post hateful shit and be funny about it, yet you are german tier in your assblastedness? Fuck off
Jackson Lee
he sounds based i'm still avoiding bosnia thats not so based