Why Estonia is such a wonder of a country?

Why Estonia is such a wonder of a country?

Attached: estonian appears in the thread.jpg (1280x1851, 1.13M)

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fuck estonia threads
*tips fedora and puts on suit of armor*

a better question would be: why is azerbaijan so cute?

Attached: azeri 3.png (705x1000, 405K)

reminder that /ss/ is for dicklets

? w-what is /ss/?

straight shota

...ew christ...

>You're not very fond of Japanese urban planning
umm, l don't really want to give you an impression l'm a whiny rambler, but our city plans are infamously said to be such a failure. partly can't be helped though, most of Japanese cities were burnt to ashes like Germany, and people had nothing to connect something new to existing stuff, and couldn't efford to care about harmony because of nos Trente(or Cinquante) Glorieuses... but seems Germany has restored buildings better than Japan did. bah c'est la vie. it's kinda why l'm interested in le Havre, which is designated for its new city plan after total destruction.
Ça m'a donné une tel impression mignonne... mon garçon coquin !
hehe~ tourne ton tête vers mon ventre... oui, vis-a-vis à mon Durandal dur

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ああ見つけた!! Janny is preventing us from fulfilling our love ;-;
I see, it makes sense now. Well as I've told you, Le Havre is far from the most beautiful city in France, but I think the restoration project managed in making it look decent. It's just nice. Average. Walking there is an enjoyable experience, but the sights won't leave a mark on you.
>hehe~ tourne ton tête vers mon ventre... oui, vis-a-vis à mon Durandal dur
じゃあ今度は僕が君を味わう版か... *puts my chin on your hip and starts poking against your Durandal*

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curious, are you guys larping or are you serious about all this ... politics stuff? it seems interesting