800 years
800 years
>th-they weren't the majority, I swear w-we never mixed w-with them
Why do spaniards deny their North African ancestors?
nobody denies it
only northoids care about whiteness
why are brazilians and mexicans so obsessed with mocking the countries that founded them?
i never could get why there weren't crusades to Spain. It's kinda closer than Israel.
We make fun of brits tbf
Well, 500 for some of us.
Because the crusaders knew they couldn’t win in Iberia
>whiter than u macaque
>muh 800 gazillion years
Anyone who has studied the reconquista knows that the Muzzles were basically mopped up within 200 years, the remnants were the tribute whores of the Christian kingdoms.
speaking of this reconquista stuff, ive heard that the entire idea of royalty having "blue blood" stems from christian kings in spain who would brag about not being mixed with the moors by showing off how their skin was pale, so that you could easily see the blue-ish veins
is this true or just bullshit
>Hundreds of thousands of North Africans in Spain
No, we never sucked that moorish cock senior!
>A few thousand Romans and Germans
We wuz viking n Romanos n sheeeetttt
Yep. And all that thanks to Almohad Autism
kek this shows the insecure mind of a Jow Forumsack. I didn't even mention race. Kara boga bless
How come? Franks beat muslims many times. So christians knew clearly that muslims were pretty weak in Spain.
What’s more embarrassing? That it took Gothic-Hispanics 800 years to reclaim their land, or that the entire might of the Spanish caliphate couldn’t even crush the tiny kingdom of Asturias and eventually were defeated by them?
Can brown people not see their blue veins?
you're thinking the muzzies were united, which is very wrong
they vere extremely disunited and fought between each other as well
goths were long gone by then
So did the Christians, so we are right back at square one, Madhammoud.
So did the goths and hispanics, neither side was always united.
The kings of Asturias were Visigoths
They obviously in a stronger position by being in their own territory, duh
This was perfect
>800 years
Only for Granada.
Half of it done by us, the other half was almost irrelevant, and Lisbon was taken mostly with the help of crusaders. You welcome.
At the first stage the franks were not interested into expanding down south nor fighting for iberia, they just put the "marca hispanica" as buffer zone. A couple of century later, the Christian kingdoms of Iberia didn't care about crusaders, since they got "parias" from the muslims cities, they also forbade the crusaders from pillage jews and muslims for that same reason (the only relevant action crusaders made in Iberia was the siege of Lisbon)