
Mustafa Kemalas Ataturkauskavičius edition

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first for ausnz

aus, formerly ausnz*

Starting taking care of my skin made me realize my skin is overly sensitive and parts of it are dehydrated. The bottom barrel priced products are not sufficient, I need to go towards more expensive stuff and try out more different products before settling down.

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drop that shit
follow the hackstonian instead and play meme rap on grocery store loudspeakers


you sold your country for washing powder and skin care products

gunchad was a sleeper shill for the beauty care companies all along

Post more Kranklis


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phoning erdogan

kebab :D

Hi Estonians! Apparently you have a native breed of chickens that lays greenish eggs?

So that's how the Danish royal family came into existence.


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You're gonna have to leave. or convert to Christianity, Estonia wont triffle with the likes of you


Your grave? sure

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You're catching on, jack, but you're not catching up

We have chickens but they came from T-rex, so they might have green eggs.

Thought you died when the feds raided TA's compound, tbqh.

Not sure what kind of tree you're barkin' up, doc

>I use a name

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they are people of the forest, not people of jewish magician man

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pls Liteuva. Christianity is dead or trying to import more muslims and blacks into Europe. Keep the Catholic / pagan traditions and remove Christ.

Would rather you not besmirch the Forest Brothers with your ameriLARP, tbqh.

No disrespect to Forest Brothers. will you attend Latvian rally tomorrow?

there's this girl who always corrects her hair when she sees me, stares at me and gets shaky hands when I speak to her
should I ask her out or nah?

No, I'll drink and play videogames.

you have nothing to lose if she isn't in your social circle

jump on that pussy lad

Correcting hair means she likes you, so say "hey cutie, want sum fuck?"

Your ways elude me, you sexy beast

>delfi comments praising (((him))) have more upvotes than downvotes
really makes me think

You mean the aussie accelerationist?

Same here as well. delfi commenters are based

praising who

Halfway through the bottle, lads.




Don't divorce your body

Even Johnny Cash didn't trust women

>is actually 1:58 AM

>is actually 1:59 AM


I saw a girl french kiss a random shithead who happened to sell shit at a festival, since then I hate all women.

you sound like an excited 12 year old who just experienced his first time staying up this late

>tfw ate kebab for dinner and now lying in bed feeling like a god

Now you just made me ponder on those 13 years I've wasted and made me sad.

thank us for bringing you kebab now

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so you are 13 years old?

I wish.

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you're welcome

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Yeah we all eat kebab. It's a nice dish. But we will eat kebabs, as in turks themselves, soon. Deus vult

doubtful lad
good luck anyways

How's life in Turkey? I've never visited, but had acquaintances that were in Antalya on Erasmus a few years ago. Said it was beautiful, but a bit unrestful.

shite, tf you expect lad
our currency is worthless and the political situation isn't that good either
but not too bad, still better than most of mena cunts

antalya is literally the most peaceful place in the entire country, no idea how they found it unrestful.
Holiday paradise, young population, tourists everywhere. No syrians, no kurds.

>tf you expect lad
That it's better than here, at least.
They probably saw some news report about troubles in the east, and maybe a few more police officers than usual.

>captcha: tractors

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its another world altogether at the east, thank god the mountains seperate us
Its like hopping onto a time machine and going from 2019 to 1900 to 1400 if you go from west, central and east

One day, I will visit and eat a true, genuine kebab.
Breathing or not.

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come to ankara and holler at me lad, I'll take you to a few nice places

visit adana, they make the ingredients by hand there.
If not go to a kebo in ankara or istanbul (but honestly why would any non-turk would visit ankara is beyond me, its really boring there just a bunch of bureucratic buildings)

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no offense, you know i love you bby
its just REALLY boring there, i just visit for the food every year or so
Thinking about going to trabzon to visit the monasteries there this year, might hop on to ankara to visit my favorite irish bar there desu
The bar is meh at best but the food is great and cheap

watch your head bro, lest you lose it to the islamists there
the east is dangerous territory

people in trabzon might be dumb and aggressive and armed with ak47's

and i have no idea how to spin the rest of this sentence into a positive ending

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My goal for retirement for the last few years was going on a drug binge in Las Vegas, then renting a car and dying somewhere in the middle of the Mojave, but now I think I'll just go on a kebab tour through Turkey, tbqh.
Thanks, friends.

kebab is only one of the many fast/street foods we have in turkey, its not even that big outside of istanbul/ankara and the south east.
Eat local foods, istanbul has the best delights, bursa has nice iskender, in ankara they eat goat heads the fucking maniacs etc etc

no problem lad, have fun
don't forget to drink rakı

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Im gonna say it...

I think rakı tastes like shit and is overrated

It's literally THE street food over here. I grew up with, live with, and will die with it in my hands.

its the only street food the anatoldogs bring to europe cause thats the only shit they are capable of making.

They cant even make it well mind you, the photos of the kebabs sold in germany makes me barf a little into my mouth

if you drink it watered down like a pussy then yeah
I drink it with minimal water, none at times
also meze and the banter makes the rakı

You're just making me wanna go on my death-tour earlier.

im also quite baffled at how most turks appareantly open pizzerias in europe. Like pizza isnt even a big thing here noone eats it there are way better alternatives.

Its like a brazilian opening some kenyan food restaurant in america

I mean, the principle in kebab and pizza is the same, right? Weekly leftovers on a dough. Though I don't think I've ever visited a Turkish pizzeria before.

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the ingredients are way different, so is the dough.
Then again, knowing the gargle they sell to you in urp they might not even be different.
I dont even want to think about it

jesus christ, what have you been eating

Haven't seen a stray cat in Kaunas for ages.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

>I dont even want to think about it
Probably for the best. We don't ever get the good stuff.

Kaj si stopram rekel o mene pizdek jeden balavi? Da si znal, završil sam škole za grozdja brati vendi v Oroslavju! Berem grozdje i prek v Slovenije i prošlo leto sam svojimi rukami pobral prek 300 veder. Tučem se z sakojačkim jopcima i najbolši sam če treba nekaj brzo spiti. Ti si hohštapler, niko i ništo. Te zgazim kak črva, vrak ti mater jebal na strnišču da još i denes jafče. Misliš da moreš tak nekaj pripoviedati na kompjuteru kak se setiš!? Božja strela vu te pukla! Jebate bik pa čul sam se z babami v Bočakima kaj prate se do Lobora! Saki čas te budem našel pa buš videl koji je cajt! Više te nebu prcknedlin! Z bicikljinom morem biti de god oču i kad god oču. Natambural bum te da buš zube pobiral ko jagode posle branja! Primem te za gege i hitim te v mađarske brege! I to samo z rukami! Čkomi smrdljivec! Kad se setim zemem od deda botu, baltu i kosturu... Spikal bum te! Da si znal kaj bum ti složil bi se delal bedast! Posral bum ti se v bunar i pofundal te. Crkel buš!

To turks
You can live in peace in your own lands, and may no harm come to you.
On the east side of the Bosphorus.
But if you attempt to live in European lands, anywhere west of the
Bosphorus.We will kill you and drive you roaches from our lands.
We are coming for Constantinople and we will destroy every mosque and
minaret in the city.
The Hagia Sophia will be free of minarets and Constantinople will be
rightfully christian owned once more.

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I'm hungry