Your Personal Alt-Right Stories

Hi, Tracy Grimshaw from A Current Affair (Channel 9, Australia) here.

Next week we will be doing a report on White Supremacism, specially on the Nazi Frog and its headquarters at Jow Could you help us with some information on your backgrounds and how you became interested in fringe-politics?


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Why do they always get mong heads to host these shows? Do boomers really have such shit taste?

Woah! check out the rack on this milf, am i right bros? haha enjoy the thread fellas

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Yeah, there's much better hostmummies to use.

Report on this... *BRAAAPP*

Im a homo who fantasizes about yhe smell of foreign cocks

You know what would be funny
If someone reported that Jow Forums is a fetish board where gay neo nazis come to fantasize about the smell of big black cocks and talk about killing niggers

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boomers dont know how to work a fucking tv remote half the time. Its no wonder they ruined our countries

I shot 50 niggers in the face and dumped the corpses in the sea

i saw the funny frog on reddit and decided to check in with its creators, /pol, and thats where it all started haha
i learned a lot when i started going their regularly.