You guys OK?

You guys OK?

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png (1148x574, 36K)

I fucking hate Australians so much...

Attached: 1383538940791.jpg (483x469, 46K)

hey, you're not new zealand!
i wanna see a new zealand flag i'm worried they may never be allowed to post here again

Attached: sad.png (656x755, 42K)

I'm sorry friend, but I really hope the Kiwi's are alright.

Attached: 18hl6.jpg (966x1378, 162K)

nz flag here, yeah we're fine don't worry about us

Of course the kiwis are alright not one New Zealander was killed

Kia Ora friend we'll be sweet as we got our jandals and chilly bins still chur bro.

not fooling me kangaroo jack

I'm here with changed dns. she'll be right.

Their access to social network online shut down.
They are shaking inside of house wearing a gurad vest.