wooooow juicy
White cocks are so ugly
fuck off, Tyrone
Oh fuck thats big
Very nice cock
Let me guess, a true 22 cm
better than black turds.
I hate you!!!!
I never believe such huge dick exists on this earth.
Try somalis
Are you the 15cm dick user? Your hands are really small bro
Cute n juicy :) is that you, Hunk-Aryan user?
Based Turanic man
No need to call him dickhead
Too big desu
manlytears holding a 2 inch penis.jpg
If you have that big of a cock I dont think you can be gay or you'll kill some boy by impaling him in the stomach.
probably a manlet that's why it looks so big
Have you ever heard of the chronicles of 21cm and thick
He's a gaycel though so maybe you're right
I didn't heard this name in a long time
>tfw no big dicked, tall, strong boyfriend.
Why live?