Balt masterrace
Balt masterrace
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Funny how the more nigger HG you have the less relevant you are. Farmoid genes are essential for ingenuity.
And having niggers and arabs fuck your women and bred you out of existence. Such is life of a farmeroid cuck,
This is even more retarded than OP
Why are Estonians so fucking white?
Just realized this is the same thing as OP kek
Lack of farmer blood.
Can someone explain to me why autists think NFis bad?
because they're arabs
Only good post ITT
Fuck farmeroids. Scandis are WHG AND EHG majority
They're Varg-tier retards who think that European hunter-gatherers were 7 foot tall, 150 IQ gods.
WHG and EHG were based aryan gods. While yamnaya were okay but cringe swarthoids. Farmeroids are the worst of them all
>t. gets cucked by farmer phenotype bvlls on a daily basis
WHG were the only acceptable hunter-gatherers
Farmer power
F*rmeroids truly sicken me. I am glad that we are majorily steppe and hunter gatherer
el Wop australiANO senores
Seething mutt. ENF = non-white trash
Man shut your white ass
Piss off manlet.
I have 0 modern woppoid blood. I simply acknowledge the superiority of the farmer a.k.a. Nordo-Mediterranean race, which can ultimately be traced back to the ENF man.
Just stop being so jealous
I'm prolly taller than ur whiteoid ass
farmoid incel rage against genetically superior specimen
>be german
>be 50% ENF mutt
>claim you are Aryan
>get your farmer women raped by actual Aryan Slavs
>your farmeroid ENF E1b leader commits suicide
People of European descent with non-farmer-derived phenotypes are statistically more likely to be incels
What are farmer phenotypes according to you? Mengele? Dirlewanger?
I will bless the f*rmeroids and spread my genes in Sardinia.
You'll probably be killed by some fat shepherd
You're 1/3 farmeroid on par with me. Anyone who knows how do Swedes look like wouldn't be surprised
Neither are true Nordo-Mediterraneans, but Mengele honestly wasn't that bad looking so I'm not sure why you'd use him as an example
Because he looks like an average farmeroid Germshit lol.
You are a retard that thinks Nordid phenotype comes from ENF, even though Proto Nordid and East Nordid are typically Slavic, not Germanic. You are deluded beyond any reason.
Now post the hapa-tier Polish morph, lmao.
U mad? Kurganoid, Pontid and Nordid are most common Polish phenotypes. Germans are Alpinid and Borreby sons of a whore.
Now post actual Poles, school or college photo
Fuck off Volga spawn.
Yes and? Now post your swarthy face.
Are you hiding something?
Why the fuck would I do that, lol. I have nothing to prove :^)
Yes, your mother in my basement.
Yes you are always the loudest.
I didn't expect that you'd be ashamed to post your people
Just type "polish man" into google images, the results are very interesting :^)
You can just look in the mirror
Well, I'll see Polish criminals from UK or Scandinavia
I want to see Polish class or something
Don't remind me
what a fucking lie tuscans and spanish are overwhelingly yamnaya and so many other bullshit
none of this is correct at all
Take another look at it
Lol fucking whiteoid trash
Because they are Finnics without the influence of sami people. (that swedes and finns raped).
Jow Forums made me hate whites
wogs get out.
You are both probably whiter than most "whites" in this thread
Not healthy to hate yourself.
Stop with your who has a shade whiter skin colour autism. Seriously it's a very dumb American thing to do.
I'll never consider myself in the same group as these racist pieces of shit
Not with their dark skin. You self-hating trash.
how did your white skin help you from germans and russians destroying your pityful country?
Italians talking about military records. Lol
/his/ + Jow Forums is majority wog/ leftypol/intl sweety
What the fuck is this thread about?
Why don't you go whine in /ita/ mafia boy
autism festival
Not at all, haplogroups don't tell your admixture
make me, russian rape baby
Police will get you eventually, crimelord
you can't bribe them forever
tell me about the achievements of the polish masterrace
>he doesn't thank polish plumbers every time after taking a shit
Not having muslims or niggers.
Estonians should be forced to speak an Indo-European language
Americans should be forced to speak a Niger-Congo language
That's Chinese you idiot
We tried
>speaking language that's originated from indians
just puked. At least FInns and Estonians have our own language.
Cringe retard
Go back to Asia
Yeah i think this is true.
This. Finns and Estonians have language originated in Europe but indo-european has originated in asia.
Why no finnish, german (north, south), russian (west, north, east, south) ?
>have language originated in Europe
there is nothing european about you
Back to the Mid East, Italshit
We have the most European admixture, we have the most european language. Sit down bitch.
Tfw colleague looks like James blunt
you're beautiful
can the people that make these threads be perma banned?
holy fuck I was expecting at least 6'1 with that face
>We have the most European admixture
Admixture is not everything, you know
>we have the most european language
Oh no no no...
for the memes
This. 99% of Uralic languages are spoken in European countries. With indo it's about 50% european and 50% asian/indian/middle-east