Why bother cashing out and paying taxes when you can trade crypto directly for items or am I missing something?
Why cash out?
In 2022 Bitcoin will be accepted everywhere. Don't trade your precious Bitcoins for fiat paper. Enjoy the ride.
It wont because its based on old tech that cant scale and LN is too complex for normies. Some other crypto might be used though. Probably something like nimiq since it runs in the browser. But not eth based because eth doesnt scale either.
>believing in the meme that you can actually buy stuff with magic internet money
Most people would have more fiat/crypto if they sold at the top and then bought 6 months later. There's nothing wrong with cashing out in this shit manipulated market.
Is there demand for sellers that accept btc? And, if so, why aren't there more? Why convert your gains back to fiat when you can buy a tv with it instead?
I mean...if WE are so convinced that the price is going back up then why aren't WE working for crypto instead of fiat? Are there any whales out there who would actually be willing to pay someone in crypto say...through a smart contract...???
lol even in fucking Australia we can get Bitcoin debit cards, so if our backwards as fuck country can I'm sure it's possible elsewhere as well.
Sure, you're not really "buying" with Bitcoin itself since all transactions are just changed on the fly, but sure as shit beats paying a fuck tonne of income tax.
I have no plan on buying something worth ~100k right now. Not much that I can buy with such money in my country with crypto as well.
>using TCP/IP is too difficult currently, so normies will never use it -- even when it has been abstracted behind the scenes