This is how the "white" and "germanic" north italians look

this is how the "white" and "germanic" north italians look

Attached: tyrolean.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

Low sample

that's how austrians look, altoatesini aren't italians

this is how the "white" and "germanic" south germans look

Attached: x1qxSycWDOc.jpg (1200x815, 277K)

no one considers southern germans white

in pic rel some of them look like literal gypsies

Attached: 'white' german kids.jpg (1247x880, 254K)

southern germans are the best germans

do you say that because you are similar to each other?

they are though, North and East germans have no culture, no food, they're poorer and their regions are horrible

bottom mid looks really really jewish

What does it take to be white then?

blonde hair

so, not italians?

Why, hello there my huwhite friend

Attached: albino.jpg (320x400, 17K)

That’s literally how half the German people look like lol

hamburg is pretty wealthy

Jesus, why are they all so ugly

Only Venetians are white

To be a white human you need to be a human in the first place.

The obsession this board has with whiteness is inane

he's whiter than you, Putin

they have nothing else

>mfw sarte

Attached: horses.jpg (1280x853, 127K)

You take that back, Muhammad

Maybe he is technically whiter (as in colour), but he is still not a human. There are many things that are whiter than me: chalk, milk, polar bears.

Attached: nazis 2.jpg (1247x880, 425K)

why did you circle that kid in the middle?

I just picked up imo the funny faces.