
>constantly attacked by governments
>constantly attacked by the MSM
>constantly attacked by other altcoins
>constantly attacked within its own community until the extremely cancerous part of the community decided to break off and create a meme coin who's whole platform is based on attacking bitcoin
>constantly attacked by bears
Literally attacked by everyone, and yet it still continues to thrive. Sorry you couldn't get the internet's and soon to be world reserve currency when it was cheap.

Attached: flashback-1988-get-ready-for-a-world-currency-the-economist-magazine.jpg (960x960, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>constantly attacked by governments
>>constantly attacked by the MSM
Yeah nah...

If we were attacked by the government, they wouldn't even mention bitcoin in the msm EVER.

The government/elite/globalists/whatever LOVES bitcoin and crypto. They're literally on our side on this.

My theory: the NSA (controlled by jews) created bitcoin and have been accumulated non-stop since its creation. They plan on crashing all fiat currencies to 0 and introduce a one world order crypto backed by bitcoin, just like how the dollar used to be backed by gold.

Just listen to this top jew, he's literally saying that fiat money is completely useless and bitcoin is the future. This is literally it, to chip us with a NWO money for the whole world to use that is traceable. ???NWO crypto backed by bitcoin.

OP is a faggot
get back to fringe and stay there

Take your meds

I forgot to mention, this whole "dude anti government lol" that bitcoin fanatics are pushing is controlled opposition, just how Trump is controlled opposition and wont change shit.

would make sense that the satanic elite created BTC and plans to use it to enslave us in the New World order this year or so

Bitcoin was nowhere in the msm for most of its existence lmao, it wasn’t until it pumped that it got attention and it was negative attention which in fact ended up stopping the run and causing some serious dump after Goldman Sachs fud “the value of bitcoin is 0”, then China fud etc.

You would be hard pressed to find any positive comments on bitcoin from the msm.
Also you’re forgetting that media outlets are actually business, yes there is massive manipulation but they will talk about ANYTHING that gets clicks and views, I can confirm worked for a conglomerate in straya.
None comes in and says “talk about this”
It’s mors like, what’s trending?

Bancor you dufus.
>Bought out at ICO by a bunch of israeli banks.
>Created by the architect of the Euro.
>Has (((Larry Summers))) as an adviser. >Named after a literal world currency.

unironically, this. they are using greed to bootstrap the transition to the new system. if you got in early, you will be the new elite; but you have to accept a tracking chip that contains all your BTC, in order to be a part of the new system.

this user gets it.
it's completely obvious to those who see