Why do western guys go to Russia and Ukraine to find a wife?

Why do western guys go to Russia and Ukraine to find a wife?

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More Savic women come to the West to get bred by Western men.

Because they're easy and desperate. I don't think Russian women can properly raise a child though, so i would never had a child with one.

>I don't think Russian women can properly raise a child thougg

Just COUSE - That makes no logical sense.

Probably just idealised nonsense and desperation. Also "exotification".

Russian women are psychotic and soulless. Russian men are weird as fuck. Due to communism and all men getting killed in World War 2 they're not normal anymore, they're broken in every sense of the word, they can barely be classified as human.
I'm sure any kid raised raised by a Russian woman will have severe mental problems. A kid raised by a Russian would never fit in Brazilian society and would likely commit suicide.


Unattractive/old people feel entitled to the companionship of a 10/10. For them it's too hard to get one in their country, so they rather enjoy a temporary lie culminating in betrayal over facing reality and lower their standards, which would most likely result in a happy long-lasting relationship.

What if I just wanna lose my virginity to a slavic beauty though?

Plenty of slavic prostitutes in Switzerland

Why pay for one though if I can fuck a Russian girl for free tho

>What if I just wanna lose my virginity to a slavic beauty though?

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Western women are pretty garbage man, completely entitled think they don’t even need to have an education/goals in life/physical fitness but still deserve the cream of the crop. It shouldn’t be a surprise at all

Russian women aren't easy or desperate per se, you have to just understand the differences between western and russian men

Western men are more kind, caring, compassionate, and beta. Russian men are more aggressive, selfish, alpha, and drunk.

As far as the women go, they have a choice between the above; and some of them would rather have the kindness, caring and compassion of a western man because they see other women getting mistreated or have been mistreated themselves.

Another thing is the beauty standards. As with every other society in the world the top men get their pick of the best women. No second tier woman wants to settle for an average russian who will probably beat her up, so instead will settle for an average western man who won't beat her up.

Pretty simple to be honest

It's never for free unless you're attractive. Hot russian girls are high maintenance.

There are more Russian women married to Turks than American and British men combined. Turkish guys are extremely arrogant and dominating.

In recent years there are more Russian women marrying Chinese men than Western men because China is Russia's ally. So it's pretty much over for Western men in Russia.

Only BRICS (Brazilians, Indians, Chinese and South African) men get to fuck Russian women from here on.

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im yet to see a proof that shes russian

Her name is Katerina Feoktistova, born in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Oblast in 1990, her mother married an Arab from the Netherlands circa 2001 and they moved there. Her mother also has a kid with the Arab, it's a racemixing family.

Need any more information bratan?

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When I log on interpals I see swarms of Russian/Ukrainians qts learning french so I think we'll be fine, thank you turkoid.

>When I log on interpals I see swarms of Russian/Ukrainians qts learning french

what are they like? better than french girls?

>Her name is Katerina Feoktistova, born in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Oblast in 1990
404 not found
>married an Arab from the Netherlands circa 2001 and they moved there
so whats exactly our problem if she and her blacked offspring are dutch citizens?

I know, but I don't need to marry them

where did you get all that information

Well idk it's not like I've been in a relationship with one, they live on the other side of Europe

You're helping me destroy Russia anyway, so thank you. But i prefer Russian women with Asian and African men because it guarantees they will never come back.

Russian / Ukrainian community about exposing racemixer, they have this facial recognition software that can find any Russian citizen, their data and family connections.

Sometimes they even put the workplace and address of where the women live. Natashas are fucked, lol.

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because they are european

you are fucking insane, you don't even know nothing about russians

Well said.
Work on that spacing it's hard to read.

Do you know any Russian? Because if you did you would know they're not normal, there's something very abnormal about them.

ah man shut the fuck up, what would some guy from Brazil know about Russia

There are 800,000 Russian women married to Brazilian men, we even have a little Russia here. So let's just say i know them very well.

Russian women = white version of Filipinas.

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>Russian women = white version of Filipinas.
More content needed.

Russiancupid .com
Ukraineculid .com
You should be able to find one pretty easy here if your decent looking and moderately successfully, otherwise try the SEA versions of the sites.

Last time i posted my collection of Russian women with Brazilian men the mod banned me for 7 days, i'm not doing it again.

where you get information from?

Fernando Lázaro de Barros Basto in Síntese da história da imigração no Brasil (1970) gives a total number of 319,215 immigrants from "Russia" (i.e. the Russian Empire pre-1917 and the Soviet Union post-1917) for the period of 1871 to 1968. A substantial portion of this number is due to ethnic Poles, ethnic Germans and Jews immigrating from the Russian Empire.[1]


Maybe because they arrived after 1992, when your poor shithole collapsed for the 2nd time in a row.

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How do u think Crimea is Russia or Ukrain?

What was the world cup in Russia like?

i haven`t found information after 1991.Give your statistics

It is and always will be Ukrainian of course.

Shit. But at least brown men got to fuck millions of Russian girls.

Use VPN to post un cristian values and you can post and delete after few minutes. But no free speach i guess.

why?Crimea was stolen by communists from Russia in 1954.Why it must be Ukranian?
What do you think about Lviv?Should it be returned to Poland?


very very cool

fucked?millions?you are crazy.

That's famous eastern european faggot who is shitting about russia for years, don't mind him

BTW you would not distinguish Russian girl from Lithuanian, Byelorussian, Ukrainian. ( At least i wouldn't )

just popular

This one is better:

Did you visit Nikolskaya?

and what is criminal on this video?
woman should not dance and take pics?
where are millions of sex scenes ?
you can find plenty of Russian men taking pics with Japanese.Is it criminal?

how do i find a beautiful russian/ukrainian wife?

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Do u think that Ukrain must pay Russia money for 23 years of Crimea ocupation?


I visited Nikolskaya and everybody said there that Ukrain is garbage. because murders of svonosotnia still havn`t been found like as 75Janukovic billions

No, but Jow Forums claims Russian women save their virginity for marriage, are submissive and are traditional, that video shows that Russian women are no different from the "Wester women" they criticize so much.
Western women just have much higher intelligence and standards due to quality of life and quality education.

"Russia" shouldn't even exist. "Russia" is not a country, "Russian" is not a race, it's a just a conglomerate of retarded backwards people living in misery together.

Ukraine is a real nation with culture. "Russia" is a cancer that should be removed from the earth before it destroys the entire world.

says brazil kek

Ukrain is dumb cancer
вceми ocнoвaтeлями Кpacнoй apмии были yкpы.

Heпocpeдcтвeннoe pyкoвoдcтвo PККA пpoвoдитcя Peвoлюциoнным вoeнным coвeтoм PCФCP (Coюзa) (PBC) (oбpaзoвaн 6 ceнтябpя 1918 гoдa), вo глaвe кoтopoгo cтoял нapoдный кoмиccap пo вoeнным и мopcким дeлaм и пpeдceдaтeль PBC.

Hapкoмaт пo вoeнным и мopcким дeлaм — кoмитeт, в cocтaвe:

26.10.1917 — ? — Aнтoнoв-Oвceeнкo, Bлaдимиp Aлeкcaндpoвич (в тeкcтe Дeкpeтa oб oбpaзoвaнии CHК — Aвceeнкo) poдилcя в Чepнигoвe
26.10.1917 — ? — Кpылeнкo, Hикoлaй Bacильeвич poдилcя Бeхтeeвo, Cмoлeнcкaя гyбepния
26.10.1917 — 18.3.1918 — Дыбeнкo, Пaвeл Eфимoвич poдилcя в ceлe Людкoвo Чepнигoвcкoй гyбepнии

Hapoдныe кoмиccapы пo вoeнным и мopcким дeлaм:

нoябpь 1917—мapт 1918 — Пoдвoйcкий, Hикoлaй Ильич poдилcя ceлo Кyнaшeвкa Heжинcкoгo yeздa Чepнигoвcкoй гyбepнии
8.4.1918—26.1.1925 — Tpoцкий, Лeв Дaвидoвич poдилcя Янoвкa, Хepcoнcкaя гyбepния,

Дaжe Лecя-Укpaинкa былa пepeвoдчицeй Кapлa Mapкca.

Boт хoхлы cyки

it's proxy

You haven`t replied. Is Lviv Poland?

этo peзyльтaт cлaбocти Poccии. Haдo cтaвить yльтимaтyм, либo Укpaинa плaтит зa 23 гoдa oккyпaции Кpымa,либo мы Львoв Пoльшe вoзвpaщaeм.

Says "Russia".

It's Russia's fault the empire was so retardedly fragile. And it seems you guys haven't learned the lesson because Russia is on the verge of collapse again.

The question is: should "Russia" exist? Or rather, why does it even exist? You lost in 1917 and 1992, just give up.

Why are you so obsessed?