Your cunt

>your cunt
>whats your view on Islam?

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Other urls found in this thread:

1. India
2. Based and redpilled.
اللہ اکبر۔

I can't wait for it takes over France for seeing all the French bitches forced to shut their big mouths.

t. Timur Mughali

I'm disturbed that I can read that Arabic

Ban it outside of Eurabia and kill the law breakers

Muhammad (saws) was a mercy upon mankind through whom allah gave us Islam. I love islam and the whole world will be muslim when Jesus (pbuh) comes back to break the cross, kill the swine, and abolish the jizya.

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Ur gay
Same as pic related

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Based. I very much like Muslim Pajeets.

Same way I see christianism and judaism proper: As tools of the jewish world order

The same way I see all religions.
As an obstacle to the advancement of mankind.

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Why are there so many of you with an American flag? Holy shit. This is disgusting

el futuro es islam. no puedes pararlo



There is no God but Allah

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Nice google translate puto

1. El México
2. The last of the Big 3 No-fun-allowed religions i probably the worst

no es google translate. hablo espanyol, negro.

Mátate cuck asqueroso

Sometimes based, sometimes cringe (divorce laws)

Religion and other kind of tribalism as a concept is very very stupid.
But I'm staying in Islam because it's based and redpilled af and make christcucks and hindpoos seething for centuries.

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Se dice cornudo

Hate it. It's oppressive and regressive.

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Let's do away with that religion in a way that can still allow us not to kill 1.3 billion people. We've almost won the fight against christianity, buddhism and judaism so it is possible.

es haraam, tio :^)
>Hemos honrado a los hijos de Adán. Los hemos llevado por tierra y por mar, les hemos proveído de cosas buenas y los hemos preferido marcadamente a muchas otras criaturas. (quran 17:70)

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No tiene el mismo efecto en español desu

If nato just stopped bombing them

Hermano basado

>princess has everything she could hope for in life such as money, beauty and youth.
>starts thinkiing how can she piss off her dad
>fallls in love with a good for nothing poor thief
women all the time

Most of them are bros, they're just a bit sensitive to topics like terrorism but still friends nonetheless
>t. Only christian in school

i think world would be a better place without muslims and blacks

The fact that fun is not allowed makes it even funnier.

It's not positive. Stop building mosques in European countries!

2. its funny because i dont see dead dog, i only eat them

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islam is fake and gay

Let's just say I'm glad Christchurch happened. Any more such incidents will have my full moral support. No I'm not edgy

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With u till last bit.
Only problem is the inbreeding.
Id say the dagestanis are muslims done right.


Dam an they dont do as much damage as whites if u think about it. U only dont like em cuz they dont kiss ur ass like the asians do

Are you the Spanish user?

what's the point of reading THAT book?

He is the B&R user.

"[...] mira cuán estropeado está Mah*ma. Allí va adelante [...] llorando, con la cabeza abierta desde el cráneo hasta la barba, [...] por haber diseminado el escándalo y el cisma en la tierra"

Infierno, Canto XXVIII

Why do you speak of yourself in third person?

a beautiful religion

>THAT book
Aladin isn't a book afaik, it's just folktale that was eventually written down.
the one that wrote in spanish in this thread? yes. I'm not spanish though if that's what you mean.

What are you?


Islam is the one true religion. It's based.


deberias de ir al circo del terror, leer la bilblia satanica y usar la ouija en un cementerio para ver si eres tan machito, puto

it's pretty based tbqhwyf

se te cayó esto

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No entiendo. ¿Cual es tu problema exactamente?

solo ALLAH sabe lo que es en infierno, y allah dice que los profetas (muhammad, jesus adan, moses, etc) son en JANNAH (paraiso))
I'm american. My parents are pakistani.

me caga que la gente cite a Dante, cuando las escrituras tambien hablan de los tormentos del infierno y mucho mas detalladamente

Stop speaking Spanish sandnigger

Que autista

Why do you speak Spanish?

vamos a estar*
no puedes pararme :^)

Calla tu ano. La Comedia es una de las grandes obras de misticismo cristiano

Pero la Biblia no menciona a Mahoma.

claro que no, por que deberia?
si esta buena la neta... solo queria cagarte el palo

jesus dijo que "algo persona va a ir" despues de el que va a decir cosas que la gente que jesus no eran preparado para
adicionalmente hay otras cosas, y en canciones de solomon (no se si "cancionies de solomon es lo que utds. dice pero tu comprendes lo que estoy hablando) hay el llamo "muhammad"

No debería, pero la intención era echar mierda al Islam.


no me gustaria estar blasfemando por que no conozco las escrituras al 100%, pero talvez se refirio a Jesus en su 2da venida, y no a Mahoma

Dudo seriamente que los judíos pudieran predecir el futuro

i don't particularly hate them
they're just not compatible with my country so i don't want them here or any other western country
if they weren't here, 50 people wouldn'tve died this week.

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All religions should unironically be banned but their cultural impact should remain acknowledged.

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allah dio a cada gente profetas. Jesus es una profeta y allah le dijo cosas de el futuro
no, es en tercera persona
>12 Aún tengo muchas cosas que deciros, pero ahora no las podéis sobrellevar.
>13 Pero cuando venga el Espíritu de verdad, él os guiará a toda la verdad; porque no hablará por su propia cuenta, sino que hablará todo lo que oyere, y os hará saber las cosas que habrán de venir.
>14 El me glorificará; porque tomará de lo mío, y os lo hará saber.
Christians dicen que es el "holy spirit"

That's what you think, friend.

>de el futuro
del futuro
>"holy spirit"
espíritu Santo


>their cultural impact should remain acknowledged.
Then there wouldn't be any point in banning them.

Don't care about religion and I judge person individually and not by their religion.

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Just because you ban something doesn't mean it never happened dear Pedro.

"legacy" means that there are still remains of it around. It isn't enough to ban them, one should actively destroy everything that they touched, for "after the Buddha died, his shadow remained darkening the cave" or something similar said Nietzsche.

I love it. The philosophy, the laws, the history, the allah...I love it all. I don’t think there’s a better religion for me than islam. It helped me staying alive and being the best I can be. I am a better person thanks to islam.

in case you're not bushra
why are you in degeneracy the website then
in case you're bushra
go fuck yourself

Simply stopping immigration and keeping two incompatible populations separate never enters the discourse. It's all about managing the situation where the two populations mix, which is presented as inevitable. Islam must be liberalized locally and defeated internationally

Silly death cult that for some reason induces inbreeding.

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That's not how anything works. For example, the armenian genocide and tiananman square massacre still happened even though there have been immeasurable attempts to cencor them. You can't just "destory" something as massive as religion from history, you'll just end up empowering it with martyrs, kinda like the Streisand effect.

A religion of peace.

>degeneracy the website
I don’t browse the filthy whitoid skinned boards. Only blue boards. Even one of the first board I dearly loved, /Ic/, I abandoned because of seeing so many naked bodies.