Hitler was right.
Hitler was right
Other urls found in this thread:
boards.Jow Forums.org/pol
is here dumb fag
we know
>He doesn't know how to cross board link without a straight up copy paste of the board HTTP link in question
Holy shit everyone laugh at this newfaggot retard lmao.
it's made that way so I can hack you by IP when you click on it
>now go away boomer
Shoo shoo back to pol with you.
Low iq poltards
Fuck off. We're full.
Reddit leave.
we know hitler was right
Trump won and hes gonna win again :)
He wanted the best for his nation. Can you blame him for that?
kill yourself so᠌yboy faggot reddit your not welcome here
Fuck off, Jow Forums.
posts fucking furies
Fuck off, Jow Forums.