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We should have kept Constantinople and made it the capital of our new med Empire.

Attached: Don'tMindUs.jpg (1500x983, 466K)

Why didn’t you?

They lost 200 000 trying to.

They already did once. And we helped the Anglos win.

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When was that?

Anglo Turkish War 1808

the ottomans killed a 100,000 british soldiers in a single battle

You're forgetting Crimea. And the first world war

I know they were 200 000 actually? And Churchill was leading them. Bulgarians lended huge aid to the ottomans aswell which is why Churchill ended up hating us. Correct me if im wrong.

Wut? The United Kingdom occupied Constantinople in 1918, several years after the battle your referencing.

dont remember bulgarian help in gallipoli

The British aided Turks against Russia in Crimea though.

And then what happened?

There was. I watched an academic historian just confirm it on TV. Apparently it was kept in hidden archives. First time I heard about it too.

>dont remember bulgarian help in gallipoli
Neither do the British about Indians’ ;__;

The allies/Turks signed a peace treaty which technically created the modern nation of Turkey and everyone went home.

indians were surely in the gallipoli war.

They were. Just saying not a lot of Brits or Indians themselves know about it. Indian involvement in world wars before independence is omitted from history books in school. I only found out by looking into it myself since my grandfather and his father were both enlisted soldiers for the Raj.

>pic related Indian troops hanging out with the ANZACS who were a bunch of criminal convicts.

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UK and Germany already fought

I side with Turkey the homeland of my far fathers


they tried but it destroyed their whole empire