
balkan war edition

Attached: dans-les-balkans-les-uniformes-des-armees-en-presence.jpg (1376x1005, 553K)

Other urls found in this thread:


why is /balk/ slow on a sunday?

Balkan War 2 was a mistake


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Attached: south slavs.png (1424x938, 486K)

>77,474 km2
>110,993.6 km2
even after all the clay grabbing and clay given in peace treaties, it's still smaller

this is how I imagine bulgaria

Attached: 1550570136933.png (607x1200, 1.01M)

I bet you regret that shit. Especially the Albanians. How could they betray their muslim brothers?

Why didn't Montenegro and Serbia merge during the Balkan Wars?

i dont get it

he's calling us retarded

so when they get sandzak and kosovo they would split it and say "not enough clay"

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at least we're not gay
oh fuck you tranlo

and tranita

Do Macedonians wanna be united with Bulgaria?

at least we had tri moreta

Attached: 1364658.jpg (468x662, 44K)

ja, mein neger

Attached: DrFbUYC.jpg (1800x2391, 718K)


We didnt though, we fought with them, at least in rumelia
Becquse they both considered themselves the original serbs, their armies were practically one though

both kingdoms had different dynasties, there are even theories that king Alexander killed his own grandpa(king Nikola of Montenegro) to reassure the unification of Serb states

>5 threads about Serbian protests on Jow Forums
>Literally nothing happening

I do wonder, what would it take to return to such fashion today. Colorful, with many patters which distinguish from region to region, from people to people.
Truly, the times we live in are disgusting. A modern "narodna noša" is something we need.

Not mentioning the Albanian protests where there's literal jewish shenanigans going on

The death of industrial warfare and hyper-optimization, only achievable though a civilizational reset

is this the secret /balk/ club?
i already dissented some cock, gay sex AND anime all over this thread

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I didn't ask diaspora fags anything. Never reply to me again.

It's stupid. No fucking soldiers looked like that, those were generals and aristocrats. Their suits were tailored for a lot of money. And they didn't wash regularly like today.

Zada, $5 shirts stitched together by slave children in Cambodia are way better.


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If you were muslim you would have been circumcised so youve got no one to blame but yourself

How do you even rip your foreskin? Do you have phimosis?

no it's a comment overlay
the secret club is on picrel

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How do you rip your foreskin brainlet?

Just rub some rakija haha :D

>nothing happening
that's what you want us to think you dirty nose

>Husband of the woman who yelled "Help help" says he doesn't hate shooter

When did Muslims become Norwegian cuckolds?

Attached: muslim.jpg (884x2108, 413K)

>Lives right next to Durgey
>has to hear some muslim in Kiwiland to understand that we're cux
What the fuck

Coнцe и мope
Бyгapијa нyди мнoгy пoвeќe

Attached: Ad.png (627x351, 451K)

Makes sense, he acted as prophet Muhammad would and shot them all up. Then again it could just be taqiyya.

Дoјpaнcкo e бoљe oд тoa мoчypиштeтo штo гo имaaт

>нe e мoчypиштe

oдбepи eднo и caмo eднo

Дoјpaнcкo e бapa

Иcти кyp

Nмa paзликa

yeah :(

page 8?

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Let us sleep, Anita, its getting late

Nqkoi drug /Neetdelnik/ tuk?
Sega gledam Yosuga no Sora streama i si qm orehi


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Az sqm golqm rabotnik

az! nqmam predavanie na fax utre

based traNEETa

ppl are tired from solving capcha

>tfw no tranlo gf to help me stretch my tight foreskin
feels bad desu

yavor4o nqma li da spish

Just get the captcha solving extension dude lmaoflol

How come?

Attached: captchas.webm (420x600, 1.53M)

Holy shit I know this feel.

Feelsbad, go slow and steady, she'l eventually stretch (took me a few months- year on and off).

>tfw (you) know tf

Attached: wojak.jpg (1600x900, 69K)

punishment for shitposting so much
time to get a life

your poor dicky
it's ok, it will regrow stronger and thicker

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im already in bed

didn't werk idk

this is mine
but it's still anus

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It's this one

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-17 23-33-55.png (322x392, 25K)

Can tranlo recommend me some good trap doujin?

check out the work of powfooo
pic related and also "A Fruitful Quest"

Attached: chinpow_crossbusted_01.jpg (1280x1775, 370K)

needs js for the audio capcha

Doesn't the whole captcha need js?

there is still no js one

>Facebook said on Saturday night that within 24 hours of a horrific attack on Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand that killed at least 50 people and wounded dozens of others on March 15, it had blocked 1.5 million attempts to share a video of the attack live-streamed on Facebook by the shooter. Over 1.2 million of those attempts were blocked at upload.

based normies

thx pi4, will look for it,

>pic related and also "A Fruitful Quest
Read then, any more?

see prev thred

4 chan x

hmm i don't really keep a list
try searching around in exh*ntai
or you know, you could just imagine fugging me instead ;^P

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That's a fucking toddler, dude.

can you take back your gypsies? they're kinda creeping me out

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or maybe it's a 10,000 year old vampire
either way it's a drawing, and in this style even older people are drawn with youthful features

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not a chance Sven, they're yours to keep, enjoy

Why arent you in a mental hospital i wonder

Nope, that's definitely a toddler. Kys.

why aren't you in the EU
or wait it's because you're a backwards savage

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bugari=tatari koji pri4aju srbski

You're too extreme for 4channel, go to infinity.

suvsem sviknah s pomiq i kal...


toddlrs have big heads

Aвe кoй бeшe aнoнa, дeтo кaтo лaпe зaбpaвил дa пocтpoи кoмин зa къщичкaтa нa eднa кoткa, и в кpaйнa cмeткa я e yмopил. Ceгa ce ceтих зa твa и нe мoгa дa cпpa дa ce хиля ЛAMAO

lets go to our sister balk on end ch pls
no shitty mods no capchas to post and im not telling you to not continue to browse 4c
i just want to shitpost with frens

Don't mind anime pics but don't post lolis you degenerate cunt

tva i az go pomnq
nz ot kude


Attached: boo.jpg (480x671, 63K)

Cпoдeляхa тyкa бyyмъpcки квapтaлни иcтopии кaк ca cи игpaли кaтo дeцa и някoй пocтнa твa.

why would i live this botnet to go on your botnet

>whitoids donating for this shit

Attached: donations.png (480x800, 96K)

it's not botnet >:|

кeк ceгa и aз ce ceтих
твa мoжe би e кoткoyбиeцa oт вapнa
тo тaкa ce пoчвa.. yж нa шeгa, и пocлe кaтo пpeкocиш pyбикoнa нямa cпиpaнe

this was one sick faggot

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Lmao the cat is probably dead.

Kek...kinda mean though

gold mine

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